Hearing Wolverine, claiming to be going to kill Cyclops, many newcomers in the group were a little surprised.

King Ada: You, you can kill such a horrible superpower?

Wolverine: My variant...... Killed a Dark Phoenix once! Naturally, he can kill a second one!

Big bones boiled into soup: Ah, you can defeat such a terrible monster, so you are so powerful!(⊙o⊙)

Wolverine: ......

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! This old wolf isn't good at all.

Loki Odinson: In another alternate universe, its variant can kill the Dark Phoenix because of ...... The woman herself didn't want to live anymore.

Hermione Granger: Don't want to live anymore? What's going on?

Robert Killiman: This terrifying phoenix power should corrupt the human spirit!

Robert Killiman: So, the people who possessed it ended up all going mad and crazy!

Robert Killiman: The woman you mentioned probably just didn't want to live this life, so she wanted to find a solution!

Charles Xavier: Great, you guessed it right.

Hearing this analysis, Charles was also extremely emotional.

Even the "self" who raised him can get his hands on it, this laser eye, I'm afraid it's hopeless.


This madman has the power of a complete phoenix, and Charles doesn't see it...... Cyclops have a tendency to self-destruct!

Wolverine alone...... Can you kill him?

Just when Professor X was nervous, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】


["Crazy! This guy is completely crazy."] "】

[Looking at the "killer" tragedy in front of them, the avengers were all stunned. 】

[Wolverine gritted his teeth violently and said to the Hulk beside him:]

["Big man, hurry up and throw me over!"]

[He wants to seize the last chance to kill Cyclops and never suffer from it!]


[Hulk grabs Wolverine's body like a baseball and throws it at Cyclops.] 】


[However, Cyclops didn't even lift his head!Wolverine was only a few meters close to him before being charred by the invisible flames!]

["Charles, why do you have to be on their side?"]

[Looking down at Professor X's corpse, tears streaming down his eyes with laser eyes.] 】


[In the next moment, with a wild roar, the flames of the phoenix burst from him. 】

["This...... What's going on?"]

Peter Parker shuddered slightly and asked in disbelief. 】

["The Beast" Hank McCoy bowed his head heavily:]

"Our deepest nightmare has become a reality. "】

["He...... Turned into a dark phoenix. "】


[With a wild laugh, the laser eye floats in the air, and two flame wings grow from its back!

["I am the embodiment of fire and life!"]

["From this day on...... Until eternity, I am a phoenix!"]

[At the same time as Cyclops makes a declaration, the terrifying power is incomparable...... Shake the planets!]

[Earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, and all kinds of natural disasters have swept the entire earth!]

[Half of the world's volcanoes are erupting, and the hot magma rushes into the sky, and then turns into a rain of fire and rains!]

[Tormented by the guilt of killing Professor X with his own hands, Cyclops enters a complete "rage mode"!]

[In a rage, he began to unleash his phoenix power uncontrollably!]

[If this continues, the entire planet will be torn apart by him!]


[The superheroes present are almost all on bet, but in front of the "complete body phoenix", their attacks ...... Vulnerable as an ant! easily shattered by Cyclopyo!

["The Avengers...... Assemble ......"]


[Looking at the desperately struggling heroes in front of him, Cyclops didn't even bother to raise his eyelids, but just said to himself:]

"Your actions...... It's like throwing a stone at the sun to stop it from rising!"

["And my strength is not comparable to solar energy at all!"]


[The terrifying golden flames erupted again, knocking all the Avengers away!]

[At this moment of despair, the two women suddenly stood together. 】

[That's Scarlet Witch and Hope.] 】

["This is it!"]

[Seeing this, Iron Man's heart suddenly beat faster!]

[Before this final battle began, he had predicted that although the power of the phoenix and the magic of chaos restrained each other, it was also possible to merge with each other!]

[It's like "Yin and Yang"!]

[These two multiverse-level terrifying forces, if they can be fused together, will become some kind of ...... A more powerful being!]

[If you want to defeat the "Dark Phoenix Cyclophalo", this is the only hope!]

["Scott, you madman!

[These two most powerful women on the planet gathered the energy in their bodies into their fists and launched a crazy attack on Cyclopyox!]

[This is Kunlun's way of fighting!]

【Iron Fist's Fighting Style!】


[In the face of the "Iron Fist Attack" of Chaos Magic and the power of the Phoenix, the "Dark Phoenix Laser Eye" even let out a scream!]

[His "complete body phoenix power" seems to have really met a nemesis!]

["No...... No way, I'm the strongest ...... in the world"]

[Punched in the face by Hope.] Cyclops was bleeding from his nose. 】

[In this embarrassing situation, in front of his eyes. There was a vision. 】

[It was a red-haired woman. 】

[His long-dead girlfriend: the previous phoenix host: Jean Grey, ]

[Jean Grey in the illusion whispered a sentence:]

["Scott, let it go, it's time now......"]

["Don't ...... Don't! I ...... Wow!"]

[With a wild roar, a huge firebird flew out of Cyclope's body!]

[That's the body of the power of the phoenix!]


[The power of the phoenix flew to Hope's body and merged with her. 】

[Sure enough, she is the host of the phoenix's destiny!]


[After obtaining the power of the phoenix, Hope did not hesitate for a second and immediately flew out. 】

[She flew around the world and relied on her own power to repair the damage caused by the "Dark Phoenix Laser Eye". 】

[After fixing everything, Hope returns to the skies over the beach again.] 】

[At this time, she was white, and her whole body was releasing endless coercion!]

[Unlike Cyclops, Hope did not become a dark phoenix, she became a white phoenix.] 】

[Looking at the white phoenix Hope, the scarlet witch Wanda slowly stepped forward. 】

[She told Hope that she was abusing her power...... What a terrible consequence. 】

[So, Wanda doesn't want Hope to repeat her mistakes.] 】

"Come on, let's end this. "】

[Scarlet Witch takes Hope's hand, and the two women say a word at the same time.] 】

["From now on, there will be no more flames, no more strife, no more human beings pretending to be gods......"]

["No more...... Phoenix!"]


[Powerful phoenix flames, soaring into the sky from Hope!]


[The phoenix completely exploded in the air, turning into countless flames and sweeping in all directions!]

[The powerful power of the phoenix spreads from the earth to all corners of the universe. 】

[At this moment, millions of new mutants have also appeared on Earth!]

[Scarlet Witch used her own efforts to make up for the mistakes she made in the beginning.] 】

[And Hope also took the initiative to give up the power of the phoenix, this kind of ...... A power that mortals can't control at all!]

Seeing this, the screen gradually dimmed.

["Avengers vs. X-Men" has ended.] 】

Wanda Maximov: No, did they destroy the Phoenix? (⊙o⊙)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Just like Thanos...... Snap your fingers and destroy 6 Infinity Stones?

Star Swallower Ganata: Impossible! The power of the phoenix is a multiverse-level power, representing a part of the multiverse!

Demonic Doctor Strange: I think ...... They must have scattered the power of the phoenix.

Demonic Doctor Strange: In this case, even if the phoenix is reorganized, the earth will at least be able to settle down for a while.

Starlight: Whew...... The problem has finally been solved.

Carol Danvers: It's not quite fixed, Charles Xavier is dead.

Charles Xavier: ............

Magneto: Charles, if you're really going to be a teacher, you're going to have to change the way you teach.

Magneto: Also, that little girl named Jean Grey is better educated by the two of us.

Magneto: I don't want to take the risk of teaching him to be the second Dark Phoenix.

Charles Xavier: Eric, you're going too far. (▼ヘ▼)

Magneto: In Universe 616, the two Dark Phoenix before and after are your students, do you think it's a coincidence?

Charles Xavier: Ah, this...... (⊙_⊙)

Hearing Magneto's questioning, Charles Xavier couldn't cry or laugh for a while, and almost doubted his life.

Could it be ...... He's just a failed educator and shouldn't be in this business at all?

Just then, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

【Selected: Morty】

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast was decided to: "Rick and Morty"!]

[This live broadcast will start in a minute!]

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