
[On the surface of the moon, the laser eye lay for a full hour before it straightened up.] 】

[At this moment, he only felt that the bones in his body seemed to be about to shatter......]

"How could this little girl be so strong? "】

[Struggles to stand up, Laser Eye ...... Suddenly, a terrible thought flashed through me. 】

[If anything, Hope is the real phoenix host. 】

[Possibly...... She is the "destined master" of the power of the phoenix!]

"No! it's just because I'm too weak. "】

[Shaking his head violently, laser eyes, all these distracting thoughts were thrown out of his mind.] 】

[This time, he did fail. 】

And in order to be able to win, he must have more strength. 】

[In other words, he needs the White Queen Emma Furster!]

Watching the laser eye on the screen turn into a golden light and fly from the moon to the earth again, the chat group is also lively.

Hermione Granger: It turns out that the girl named Hope is the real protagonist!

Charles Xavier: The girl chosen by the Phoenix? Speaking of which...... It also makes sense.

Charles Xavier: If Iron Man hadn't shattered the Phoenix's body, it would have been possible for the Phoenix to possess Hope.

Tony Stark: But...... With that little girl's ability, it is impossible for her to control the phoenix.

Rocky Odinson: Haha, are you defending your "variant" stabbing Lou Zi?

Tony Stark: Ahem, I'm just stating the facts.

Ida Wang: It's really bad......

King Ada: If this laser eye is allowed to devour the power of the phoenix on the White Queen, will there be anyone on earth who can deal with him?

Hermione Granger: Huh? What are you talking about? Devouring? (⊙o⊙)

King Ada: That's right, half the power of the phoenix is no longer enough for him.

Ada: If you want to get the full power of the phoenix, the only obstacle is that woman.

Big bones boiled into soup: Uh, the two of them seem to be in a relationship, how can it be......

Rampage Lori Jinx: Haha, look at the way you look, you've never been hungry in your life, right?

Rampage Lori Jinx: In this world, I don't know how many people will kill people for a piece of bread!

Rampage Lori Jinx: What is it to betray a girlfriend in order to rule the world?

Charles Xavier: ............ (⊙_⊙)

Seeing everyone's discussion, Professor X only felt a chill in his heart.

From the previous video, he already knew that Cyclops was the first batch of students of "himself", and it can be said that "he" saw the big one since he was a child.

But now it seems that the man on the screen is just a madman who is hungry for profit and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals!

So many years...... Only such a character is educated!

Will there be a problem with your own education style?

Wanda Maximov: Damn! Except for "me", even the dragon failed!

Wanda Maximov: Why is the power of the phoenix so strong?

Stephen Strange: It seems that we still have to follow the old path of Wu Fengji hundreds of years ago, and let the "Iron Fist", which is fused with the power of the dragon, subdue the phoenix!

Dr. Manhattan: The power of the phoenix?

Dr. Demonized Strange: Oh? You can speak, don't you...... Got an interest in this force?

Dr. Manhattan: The phoenix is a convergence of life forces in the multiverse, and it is impossible to destroy.

Dr. Manhattan: Even if I were to destroy "it", it would only throw the multiverse out of balance and create another ...... The new Phoenix.

Dr. Manhattan: I'm just lamenting what a terrible thing humans would do for the sake of this power......

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[A calm narration sounds.] 】

["Back then, the Scarlet Witch manipulated chaos magic and uttered the phrase "No more mutants."] "】

But for unknown reasons, "Phoenix" wants more mutants to appear on Earth. "】

["So, while mutants are on the verge of extinction, the phoenix has spawned a new host on Earth. "】

["That's the first and last mutant baby in years: Hope".]

"She is the Messiah of mutants! Destined to bring more mutants to this earth. "】

["Chaos magic and the power of the phoenix, like yin and yang, are mutually exclusive but entangled with each other. "】

["These two ultimate forces appear on two women on the earth at the same time, it is not a coincidence, but a predestined inevitability!"]

["To defeat both Scarlet Witch and Hope's team, Cyclops needs another Phoenix Apostle."] "】

["That's his lover...... White Queen!"]


[Looking at the laser eye that appeared in front of her, the white queen's body ignited with a golden phoenix flame, and she laughed at the same time:]

["I read your thoughts, you want to kill me!Burn me!And then monopolize all the power of the phoenix!"]

"I know what you're thinking. "】

[Cyclops says in a cold voice:]

["You want to use the power of the phoenix to purify the entire earth, and then create new life!"]

[These two phoenix hosts have been devoured by the power in their bodies. 】

[Their personality and will are already on the verge of collapse......]

[The current Cyclops and the White Queen are no longer superheroes, but two blackened madmen!]

[Just when the two of them were tense and seemed to be about to make a move, another voice suddenly came into Laser Eye's brain. 】

"Scott, let's stop here. "】

"You need to stop, and I'm willing to help you. "】


[Cyclops unfolded its spatial teleportation ability and instantly traveled to a beach.] 】

[Here, he looked at Professor X in front of him and scolded loudly:]

["Get out of my head!"]

[But the laser eye that lost his mind didn't realize that it was all a trap!]


[Powerful magic, mixed with Professor X's mental ability, forcibly restrained Cyclopyo!]

[Right behind him, Doctor Strange, Wolverine Hulk, Thor, Magneto, ......]

[All the superheroes on the planet are gathered on this beach. 】

[And there are only two of their enemies, and that is the remaining two Phoenix Apostles!]

["Charles, you are a man who betrayed you, and you have taken refuge in the human race!"]

[In extreme rage, Cyclops unleashed all of the power of the phoenix and forcibly broke free from Doctor Strange's shackles. 】

["Scott, you've gone mad, I have to stop you!"]

[Looking at the almost crazy lover in front of him, Professor X unleashed all his mental abilities and forcibly suppressed Cyclops' brain!]

[And the rest of the superheroes also took the opportunity to launch a full-scale attack on him!]


[Just when Cyclops was outnumbered, the White Queen also descended on this beach through space. 】

[But as soon as she arrived, she fell under siege by the Scarlet Witch and the Hulk and others!]

["Boom, boom!"]

[On the entire beach, all kinds of energy light waves poured wildly, evaporating a part of the sea!]


[Suppressed by Professor X's brainwaves, Laser Eye only felt as if he was tied up by a rope, and there was nowhere to use his strength!]

[In extreme anger and despair, he suddenly made a decision. 】


[Cyclops unleashed a full blow and hit the White Queen from behind!]


[For his lover's back, the White Queen fell from the sky and fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the phoenix flame on her body was almost extinguished!]

["Scott, you ......"]

[Under the serious injury, the White Queen became a little more sensible. 】

[But when she saw the laser eyes rushing towards her, her eyes were full of disbelief.] 】

[In order to gain stronger strength, this man finally made that step!]


[With an earth-shattering explosion, the laser eye turned into a huge firebird and slammed into the white queen's body!]

[Seeing the cannibalism of the two Phoenix Apostles, the superheroes were all stunned. 】

["What is he doing?"]

["The White Queen was about to be killed by him. "】

[Professor X's face becomes extremely ugly:]

["He's robbing the other half of the phoenix's power!"]


[The flames on her body were completely extinguished, blood flowed from the corners of the White Queen's mouth, her eyes rolled white, and she fainted to the ground. 】

[And beside her, all the golden flames converged on one person. 】

【Laser Eye...... Scott Summers!]

[Now he has obtained all the power of the phoenix!]

[Seeing the amazing scene in front of him, Professor X shouted with all his might:]

["Scott, my child, I beg you to stop!"]

["You are not my father......"]

[Cyclops slowly said a word:]

["This power is!"]

[Then, a flame poured out of him and completely devoured Professor X!]


[With a terrible scream, Charles Xavier fell under the flames.] Never got up again. 】

Charles Xavier: What? I...... I'm dead!

Seeing that he actually died at the hands of his disciple, Professor X was like being struck by lightning, and he was completely stunned!

And the other person in the chat group was also shocked.

Star-Swallowing Daughter Ganata: Oh no! The complete power of the phoenix is simply not something that ordinary people can control.

Star-Swallowing Daughter Ganata: This man will become a dark phoenix!

Wolverine: Damn! Looks like the only way to kill him is for me!

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