In the last easter egg of Thor's image, everyone already knows that the Cosmic Cube turned out to have fallen into the hands of a one-eyed black man.

But in that easter egg, the one-eyed black man didn't report his name at all, so no one knew who he was.

It wasn't until now that everyone was surprised to find that the person who controlled the Rubik's Cube of the universe was actually the Nick Fury who had been lurking in the guest audience!

Not to mention Tony this time, even Loki and even Strange, and even Odin of Asgard have set their sights on the live chat group!

After all, this is a cosmic Rubik's Cube...... Or rather, the Space Gem!

If Odin didn't care too much about the cosmic cube left on the earth before, but now his mentality is completely different!

And the ancient one who was located in Kama Taj also looked slightly condensed at this time.

The Eye of Agomoto, which hung on his chest, began to glow again, but it quickly faded.

Gu Yi exhaled softly.

"Sure enough, I have no way to predict the future at all, who will end up with this cosmic Rubik's Cube...... It's really intriguing. "

At this time, it was already lively in the chat group.

Loki Odinson: Wow, @尼克 Fury, you've been hiding in the group for so long!

Loki Odinson: The crime of fooling the gods is very serious, are you ready to pay for it?

Stephen Strange: I still remember that Natasha...... Call this Nick the director, and then think of Natasha's confession before, this mysterious spy organization should be S.H.I.E.L.D! And this black man is the director of s.h.i.e.l.d.!

Tony Stark: Well, what are you director? Hurry up and hand over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, or Uncle Ben will go straight to the door and get it.

After seeing the terrifying scene of "Thanos snapping his fingers and turning everything to ashes", Tony and others' obsession with the Infinity Stones can be said to have reached a terrifying level.

It's a simple truth.

As long as he can ensure that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, that is, the Space Gem, does not fall into the hands of Thanos, then there is no way for him to collect all six gems. There's no way to snap that horrible finger.

And seeing that everyone in the chat group was full of voices, and they looked like they would not give up if they didn't seize the Universe Rubik's Cube, the boiled egg also frowned.

Although he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and holds a lot of power, he is essentially an ordinary person.

And now he is facing a mysterious magician and a terrifying otherworldly god!

If you offend them, God knows how serious the consequences will be.

Just thinking that the god of Asgard behind Loki might come to Earth because of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the boiled egg felt his scalp tingle, and the cold hairs on his body stood up.

Thinking of this, the boiled egg, who had been a little hesitant, finally made up his mind.

He pulled open the drawer in his office, pulled out the somewhat outdated pager, and pressed it down at once.

"Drip ......"

A white star pattern appeared on the pager, and at the same time there was a soft sound.

Seeing that the pager had been successfully activated, the boiled egg gently leaned back on the chair.

Just now, he has summoned the strongest superhero on earth, Captain Marvel!

As long as Captain Marvel can descend on Earth, whether it is a magician or some otherworldly god, there should be nothing to fear!

Although he thought so, the mood of the boiled egg was not much calmer.

After all, no one knows where Captain Marvel is right now, and how long it will take to get the news!

What if these magicians or gods of Asgard had already been killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. before Captain Marvel returned to Earth?

As the king of agents, Boiled Egg not only has a first-class IQ, but also has a good hand at all kinds of intrigues.

At the moment, he was just one-eyed. Immediately take it into account.

Nick Fury: Hehe, as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I'm responsible for the peace and tranquility of the entire planet. Since you attach so much importance to this cosmic Rubik's Cube, it is not impossible for me to hand it over.

Seeing that the boiled eggs softened as soon as they came up, everyone was relieved.

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, count you as a human being. Hurry up and report your location. After leaving this live broadcast room, Benshen reluctantly went to the atrium and brought the Rubik's Cube back.

Mage Mordo: What are you kidding, how can the Rubik's Cube be handed over to you, the god of trickery?

Mage Mordo: Besides, in another universe, Thanos snatched the Rubik's Cube from you Asgardians. Who knows if history will repeat itself?

Loki Odinson: Shut up, mage, what are you talking nonsense? My father is still reigning, Thanos how dare he come?

Wanda Maximov: Aren't you ashamed that you've lived for more than 1,000 years, and you still keep your mouth shut?

Rocky Odinson: Imp! You're looking for death!!

Nick Fury: Ahem, I'm sorry, I said I'd hand over the Rubik's Cube, but I didn't say I would give it to Loki.

Rocky Odinson: What...... You!!!

Nick Fury: Tony Stark, I was going to take out the Cosmic Cube for people to study, and since you have this interest, it's not impossible for me to give it to you.

Nick Fury: Still, I'd like you to become our official advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D., so ......

Tony Stark: Without talking nonsense, you're just going to give me the Rubik's Cube so Loki and they won't come to you, right?

Nick Fury: ............

Tony Stark: If you want to use me as a shield and want to negotiate terms with me?

Tony Stark: Deliver the Rubik's Cube! Otherwise, I'll go to S.H.I.E.L.D. with Loki and Strange to find you! Take you down first, and then the three of us will fight again to see who gets the Rubik's Cube!

was suddenly countered by Tony, and the brows furrowed.

"This Huahua boy is even more difficult than he imagined. "

The original plan of the boiled egg was to cause trouble and let Rocky Tony and them fight each other.

But Tony's words drove him into a corner!

Seeing that there was nothing to be done, and Captain Marvel still didn't know where to go, the boiled egg had to take another step back.

Nick Fury: Well, since Tony said that, I won't force you to be a consultant, and I'll send someone to give you the Rubik's Cube when you leave the studio in a while.

Loki Odinson: Damn, you humans !! (╬ ̄ ̄)

Now Loki is really angry and anxious, and he secretly hates it in his heart.

When he leaves the live broadcast room, he must go to the atrium!

In addition to seizing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Loki also wanted to take a look at the current situation of that Tie Hanhan brother. And...... He also wanted to see if he could lift Thor's hammer!

Seeing that Nick Fury simply admitted defeat and handed over the Rubik's Cube, a trace of joy rose in everyone's hearts.

No one expected that 6 Infinite Rough Stones would be able to get one so quickly!

If this gem can be saved, Thanos will not be able to snap his fingers!

And at the thought that after leaving the live broadcast room, he would be able to get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube immediately, Tony was even more excited.

You know, he's got an Infinity Gauntlet!

As long as he can take the space gem from the cosmic cube and embed it in the Infinity Gauntlet, maybe he Tony Stark...... You can also get the power of Thanos' level!

Looking at Tony's triumphant appearance, little Wanda couldn't help but want to hit him again.

"I think you'd better be careful, or ...... If someone like Obadai plots again, and snatches the Rubik's Cube by the way, it will be troublesome. "

"This ......"

Hearing little Wanda mention his black history, a black line appeared on Tony's head again.

He soon remembered the horrific scene in the video where Obadai infiltrated his mansion alone and paralyzed himself with a special sonic instrument!

"Hmph, now I've been reborn, not only Megatron, but also the Void Engine and all kinds of otherworldly technologies!"

"You say Obadi, and the god of trickery, Loki, if he dares to come...... See if I don't give him a little color. "

Thinking of this, Tony looked at Loki a little unkindly, and saw that he looked uncomfortable.

And looking at Tony in the "picture-in-picture" on the screen, he looked invincible, and the boiled egg also snorted coldly.

"I'll just let you be proud for a while. "

"When Captain Marvel returns, ...... Let's see if you can laugh!"

Then. The system's voice suddenly sounded.

[Ding! Tony Stark's 100 live points have been exhausted this round, do you need to continue playing?]

[If so, you'll need to add live streaming credits.] 】

was already in a good mood, but Tony, the big tyrant, waved his hand directly, and said with a look of entrenchment:

"Plus, my Tony has a live stream!"

Seeing Tony's arrogant appearance, Loki's eyelids jumped again, but he was helpless for a while.

After all, out of all the people in the live room, Tony answered the question the most correctly!

In addition to various rewards, the live broadcast points he has accumulated are also the first among everyone!

Soon, the sound of the system sounded again!

[Ding!Tony Stark consumes 200 live points!!] 】

[Ding! Start playing "Iron Man 2"]

[A new screen appears on the screen.] 】

[A small, dilapidated room with a dying old man lying inside.] 】

[A middle-aged man with long hair and a shawl walked up to the old man and sat down, while the news about Tony Stark was playing on the TV next to him.] 】

[The old man opened his mouth and said in Russian:]

"This glory is yours. "】

[Then the old man closed his eyes and stopped breathing.] 】

[The middle-aged Ivan Vanko was grief-stricken, and then his grief quickly turned into anger. 】

[Immediately after the screen turns, I see Ivan Vanke starting to build something in the workshop.] 】

At first, everyone in the live broadcast room was still a little confused, but soon everyone's eyes, including Tony, widened.

"No, this guy built ......?"

Looking at the round object in the man's hand on the screen, Peter Parker's mouth opened in disbelief.

"How is this possible??? this is the Ark reactor?"

Just as the Ark reactor in Ivan Vanko's hand began to operate, Tonydak's pupils also contracted instantly, and even his heart twitched.

Are you kidding?

The Ark reactor was an invention of his father, Howard Starck, and then passed on to him.

Where did this Russian come out of nowhere?

What's even more incredible is that this Ivan Vanke's studio is extremely rudimentary, almost not much better than the cave where Tony stayed before.

But this guy was able to successfully build an Ark reactor in such a place, which shows that his talent in mechanical engineering, if not as good as Tony, is not too far behind.

"Tony, depending on the situation, this Russian seems to hate you very much. "

Strange groaned for a moment and continued:

"He built the Ark Reactor, probably ready to take revenge on you. "

"Hmph, if you want to come, there are many people who hate me!"

Tony snorted coldly, his words full of disdain.

But contrary to his tone, his gaze was quite solemn at this time!

[Immediately after, the screen turns.] 】

[I saw Tony jump off the plane in a steel suit and land on a huge stage.] 】

[In the background, a group of beautiful women are dancing, and Tony unloads his suit with the help of a robotic manipulator and raises his right hand in front of the cheering crowd.] 】

[At this moment, the atmosphere reached its peak. 】

[It turned out that this was the opening ceremony of the Starkey Fair.] 】

[After appearing, Tony plays a video of his father, Howard Stark, on stage.] 】

[At the same time, he walked backstage alone and checked his own blood. 】

[As a result, the blood toxin content was 19%. 】

[Looking at the results on the detector, Tony looked helpless, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes. 】

"Toxin !!"

Seeing this, Tony's expression also changed slightly.

When was he poisoned?

What kind of poison is it?

[Image continues.] 】

[After leaving the prom, Tony just got in the car when he received a summons. 】

[It turned out that a group of senators coveted his steel suit and wanted Tony to hand it over to the U.S. government.] 】

[On the second day, at the hearing, Tony taunted the senators severely. 】

[Together, he also humiliated Justin Hammer, who was approached by the senator to deal with him. 】

["If you want me to say, it will take at least 5~10 years for most countries to catch up with my level"]

["As for Hammer Industries, it will take at least 20 years!"]

[In front of a group of senators, Tony shouted with a haughty face:]

["You want my property, but there is no door!"]

["I don't have time to waste on you clowns!"]

looked at himself on the screen and arrogant, making the parliamentarians angry, but there was nothing to be done. Tony touched his chin and nodded approvingly.

"Yes, you can't deal with these politicians in the face! "

[Although the political dilemma is solved. Tony still has to deal with his poisoning. 】

[Back in the mansion's underground studio, Tony began to test the palladium content again, and the results were already 24%!]

[Jarvis's voice rings in Tony's ears.] 】

["It seems that continued use of the Iron Man suit will exacerbate your symptoms."] "】

["Sir, I've simulated every known element. But none can be used to replace the palladium core. "】

"Unfortunately, the equipment that sustains your life is also killing you. "】

[Looking at the fierce mouth full of green tendons in the display screen in front of him, Tony Stark's face was gloomy. His brow furrowed tightly. 】

[Those cyan blood vessels are the result of palladium contamination.] 】

[If he can't find a new element, he will die soon.] 】

"Original...... Is it palladium poisoning?"

Seeing this, Tony's pupils shrank, and a sense of urgency instantly surged into his heart.

Although he has mastered various alien technologies, for Tony, the steel suit or the Ark reactor is the foundation of his life.

Although unlike himself on the screen, Tony is not injured now, and he does not need to install the Ark reactor in his body.

So for him, the possibility of palladium leaking out and seeping into the bloodstream is very low.

But...... Putting this kind of toxic reactor on a battle suit still makes people feel hairy.

At that moment, a thought flashed through Tony's mind, and his eyes widened.

Originally, at the same time that he obtained the Void Engine, the system also gave Tony the ability to "define primary matter".

According to the introduction of the system, relying on the modification ability of the Void Engine, he was even able to redefine matter at the molecular level!

If this is true, can Tony use the Void Engine and Matter Definition to remove the toxicity of palladium and recreate a new element that is non-toxic?

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