[Hit by Obadai's sonic weapon, Tony is paralyzed.] 】

[In addition, the Ark reactor has been removed, and the shrapnel in the body no longer has a magnetic counterbalance, and it may flow down the blood vessels into the heart at any time!]

[Faced with the crisis of dying, Tony finally forced out the last bit of potential in his life. 】


[Staggered out of the elevator.] Tony's expression was almost as ugly as that of a dead man, and his clothes were wet with cold sweat. 】

[But in order to survive, he still held on to his still somewhat paralyzed body, and desperately rushed to his underground studio. 】

[Originally, Tony once asked Pepper to take out the original version of the Ark reactor for himself and replace it with a new one. 】

[But instead of throwing away the original version as he said, Pepper put it in a box as a gift and gave it to Tony.] 】

[This reactor, which could only be regarded as a souvenir, has now become Tony's only lifeline. 】

"Damn! I'm going to get to this point!"

Look at yourself crawling on the screen, desperately reaching for the Ark reactor on the desk. Tony only felt his heart twitch.

[Fortunately, in the end, with the help of Tony's artificial intelligence robotic arm, he still got the original version of the reactor.] 】

[On the other side, Obadai put the miniature ark reactor he stole from Tony and put it in front of the Iron Overlord armor he created based on Mark I. 】

See here. It's not just Tony himself who breathes a sigh of relief. The others in the live broadcast room were also surprised.

Peter Parker's eyes widened and he asked with a look of surprise:

"Mr. Starck, is that robotic arm artificial intelligence?"

On the screen just now, Tony fell to the ground due to physical exhaustion, almost waiting for death.

But in this mortal situation, the mechanical arm automatically picked up the Ark reactor from the table and handed it to Tony.

This kind of behavior is almost the same as that of intelligent creatures.

Tony took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and then said:

"This is a by-product of my research on Jarvis, and I didn't expect it to save my life at a critical time. "

At this moment, Tony strengthened his determination to develop artificial intelligence in his heart!

One day, he will build intelligent robots with independent personalities like Megatron!

After all...... Humans will betray, but robots won't!


[Moments later, Colonel Rhodes breaks into Tony's underground lab.] 】

[Seeing Tony lying on the ground, his face as white as paper, the colonel was shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him up. 】

["Where's Pepper?"

[Grabbing the Colonel's hand, Tony asks repeatedly.] 】

["She's fine, he's on his way to capture Obadiah with 5 agents. "】

Tony's expression immediately changed. 】

["5 agents, that's not enough!"]

[With the help of the Colonel, Tony walked to the middle of the workshop and put on the Mark III suit with the help of the mechanical arm.] 】

"It's the coolest thing I've ever seen. "】

[The Colonel stands aside and looks at Tony's suit.] Amazed. 】

"It's not bad. "】

[Tony blasts a broken car in the underground parking lot with a blaster.] 】

[Seeing that he was about to leave, the colonel asked, "Is there anything I can help with?"]

"Keep the air clear for me. "】

[After leaving these words, the jet engine of the steel suit starts.] Iron Man rushed out of the hole above the underground parking lot and flew straight into the sky in an instant!]


[Watching Iron Man disappear in an instant, Colonel Rhodes glanced back at another prototype of the suit in the workshop, and his eyes showed irrepressible amazement and envy. 】

[The camera turns.] 】

[Pepper leads 5 suit-clad agents into Obadi's underground laboratory.] 】

[And the leader of these agents is the familiar bald middle-aged man...... Colson. 】

Looking at Coulson's appearance, little Wanda screamed again.

"Isn't this guy the agent from Thor's image?

"S.H.I.E.L.D., hehe......"

Tony sneered, and gave Black Widow one last unkind look.

"I didn't know that there were so many spies running around in our country!"

Stephen Strange looked at him and spoke.

"I remembered that when Loki was first captured at the Time Authority, Morbius had shown him a series of images. "

Among them...... Footage of Loki stabbing this Coulson to death with a knife in the back!"


Upon hearing this, Natasha in the live broadcast room and the boiled eggs in the S.H.I.E.L.D. office were all taken aback.

"You killed Coulson?. "

Natasha frowned at Loki, her eyes already showing a hint of wariness.

"Woman, what do you mean by staring at me like that?"

As if sensing the hostility in Natasha's eyes, Loki suddenly grinned and smiled mysteriously.

"By now, you should know that the images shown here are all from another parallel universe, and they have nothing to do with me. "

Looking at the god of trickery with a wicked smile on her face in front of her, Natasha suddenly exhaled, and her face returned to calm:

"That's right, after all, Coulson is alive and well. "

"But...... If you really do that kind of thing in the future. "

"What if I did?"

Loki's face changed suddenly, and a cold light shot out of his eyes.

"Do even human beings dare to point fingers at God?"

Just when the atmosphere in the live broadcast room instantly became heavy, the image on the screen also happened to reach Gao Chao.

[Faced with the approaching agents, Obadai sat in the Iron Overlord and activated the terrifying machine. 】

[At the same time, although Iron Man arrived as fast as he could, he was told by Jarvis who was connected to the system on the way that because the Ark reactor used was the most primitive version, this suit could not be used for long-term combat at all. 】

Seeing Natasha step aside and stop talking, Loki glanced at the screen and laughed softly.

"Although I don't know much about the backward technology of your human race, the energy source used by that big guy ...... It should be the latest, right?"

"And you ......"

Loki glanced at Tony.

"It's an outdated energy source. And the size of the armor is still so far away, no matter how you look at it, you can't win, right?"

In the face of Loki's taunt, Tony frowned slightly, but surprisingly did not say anything to refute it.

As a scientist, he doesn't like to talk nonsense in this kind of technology-related field.

"Unless there's a lot of ...... in this suit That kind of high-explosive missile that is enough to blow up a heavy tank! Otherwise, I am afraid that this battle will really be lost. "

Thinking of this, Tony's expression suddenly froze, and his eyes immediately became serious.

Even if the odds are low, the other party is the Obadiah who wants to kill him!

And Pepper is still there.

[Video continued]

[Pepper is calling Tony, who knew that the Iron Overlord actually rushed out of the ground.] 】

[At the last moment, Iron Man felt that he had once again knocked the Iron Overlord into the ground, and then broke through the wall and flew all the way to the street. 】

[In the face of the incomparably sturdy Iron Overlord, Tony condensed all his energy into the chest of his suit and fired the most powerful chest blaster. 】

[Even the strongest attack he tried his best to only knock the Iron Overlord away. Not even to inflict fatal wounds. 】

[Energy reduced to 19%.] 】

Hearing the system warning sound coming from the screen, Loki shrugged his shoulders and smiled faintly:

"It looks like unless there is a miracle, the big picture is decided. "

Tony's expression had also become a little ugly at this time.

He saw very clearly that until now, Iron Man still hasn't used that kind of anti-tank missile.

Maybe there was only one shot of this weapon, and after he ran out last time, he didn't have time to replenish it.

"Hell yes. Isn't it true that I don't have the vigilance to be vigilant in times of peace?"

Cursing in his heart, Tony unconsciously clenched his fists.

[The battle is getting worse and worse. 】

[Due to insufficient energy. Iron Man was repeatedly beaten away by the Iron Overlord, and was even caught and smashed to the ground. 】

"For 30 years, I have been assisting you. "】

[Obadai was in the body of the Iron Overlord, loudly venting the anger in his heart. 】

[The Iron Overlord lifted Iron Man up, and then slammed it to the ground.] 】

"I built this company, but in the end I didn't get anything. "】

[The Iron Overlord raised his big foot and stepped on Iron Man's body fiercely, and suddenly made a squeaking sound. 】

"It's so bad I can't even stand it. "

Little Wanda let out a low scream and couldn't help but cover her eyes with her hands.

Although Tony's expression was also ugly, when he heard little Wanda's words, there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

It seems that the girl has finally let go of her hatred for herself.

Or rather...... She realizes that the real culprit is someone else.

At this time, the picture in the live broadcast room instantly froze, and then the emotionless voice of the system sounded.

[Individual questioning begins.] 】

[Since this broadcast is a one-player on-demand, the answerer is limited to Tony Stark.] 】

[Question: How can Iron Man defeat the Iron Overlord?]

[Answer A: Use yourself as bait to lure the Iron Overlord into the sky, and then freeze it with the low temperature in the sky.] 】

[Answer B: Find a way to detonate the Iron Overlord's arsenal and destroy it with his own weapons.] 】

[Answer C: Lead the Iron Overlord to the location of the large Ark reactor, and then have Pepper overload the reactor and destroy it.] 】

[Answer D: Choose to expose yourself to the steel suit and die with the Iron Overlord. 】

[Since there is only one answerer, Tony Starck only has one chance to answer.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty!]

Seeing this new solo question, Loki's eyes suddenly became a little annoyed.

"What the hell, why is it his turn to ask questions alone, last time I was asked by multiple people because of the overtime on demand. "

"That's unfair, isn't it? "

Tony didn't care about Loki's ugly expression at the moment, looking at the four new options on the screen, he also fell into deep thought for a while.

At the first moment, he ruled out option D.

That's not to say he's that afraid of death.

But Tony knew in his heart that the original version of the Ark reactor would not have much power even if it was exposed. There is no way to die with the Iron Overlord.

"Option A, that sounds like some reason. "

Tony immediately remembered that in the previous video, he wanted to risk trying the limits of the suit, so he flew all the way to the high altitude in the atmosphere.

As a result, the entire suit froze and even the jet engine stopped. Almost fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

"However, the last time I was about to hit the ground was thawed. "

"Maybe that's what happened to the Iron Overlord. "

After thinking about it, Tony still set his sights on option C.

"Lead the Iron Overlord to the location of the large Ark reactor and have Pepper overload the reactor?"

Considering this option carefully, a wry smile appeared on Tony's lips.

If that's the right answer, who is the one who defeats the Iron Overlord in the end?

Is it me? or Pepper?

At this time, little Wanda's laughter suddenly rang out again.


I saw little Wanda stretching out his hand and pointing at the screen, Gege smiled:

"If that C is the correct answer, that's interesting. "

"The dignified Iron Man finally needs a woman to save him in order to escape with his life. "

"What's funnier than that......?"

Looking at little Wanda, who was smiling, Tony had some black lines on his head.

It seems that this girl may not hate herself very much, but he still likes to laugh at herself.

After thinking about it for a long time, Tony finally let out a long breath, as if to muster up courage, and looked up in reply.

"I choose C. Lead the Iron Overlord to the location of the large Ark reactor, then have Pepper overload the reactor and destroy it!"

If there was a choice, Tony was actually reluctant to choose this one...... An option that slightly detracts from his dignity.

But come to think of it. This option is the most reasonable.

The reason is simple, judging from the screen, the hardness of that Iron Overlord's body is simply beyond imagination.

With ordinary weapons, it is simply impossible to inflict fatal injuries on them.

Based on Tony's engineering knowledge, it didn't take long for him to determine that detonating the large Ark reactor might be the most effective way to actually destroy the monster.

"It's just that this seems to be a bit dangerous for Pepper. "

As soon as the thought crossed Tony's mind, the system's voice rang out again.

[Ding! Tony Starck finishes answering, and the Q&A system begins to determine ......]

Tony Stark answered correctly. 】

Hear a prompt for the correct answer. Tony's face didn't show any joy.

It seems that if he wants to make a suit in the future, he must strengthen the destructive and lethal power as much as possible!

Otherwise, if he faces that purple potato monster again in the future, Tony doesn't want to fight with all his might, but he can only let the other party bleed!

[Tony Starck gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to on-demand the past and future related to himself]

[Tony Starck gets a random reward...... A ton of dark alloy!]

"Dark alloy?"

Before Tony could react, a series of messages flooded into his brain.

["Dark Alloy" is a magical alloy from another universe, and "Dark Iron" is infiltrated into it.] 】

[The armor made of "dark alloy" is not only extremely strong, but also cannot be located by technical means of any lower civilization. 】

"It's so hard!

Feeling these two messages in his head, Tony's pupils instantly contracted, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

Isn't this the most suitable metal material for making suits?

And...... If the enemy can't locate it by any means, isn't it close to permanent invisibility?

But in addition to the excitement, the word "low civilization" mentioned in the system information still caused a lot of stimulation to Tony.

"Inferior civilization? Is that our human civilization?"

Tony frowned slightly, a hint of unconvincing in his eyes.

[One ton of dark alloy has been deposited in Tony Stark's exclusive dark plane.] 】

[As long as Tony Starck leaves the live broadcast space, he can be removed at any time using the micro-wormhole handling technology.] 】

At the same time as the system sound sounded, the still picture on the screen began to play again.

[Sure enough, Iron Man also tried to lure the Iron Overlord to the sky, but the Iron Overlord still thawed automatically. 】

[Just when he was on the verge of despair, Iron Man finally came up with one last trick, which was to let Pepper overload the large Ark reactor for him. 】

[Iron Man uses himself as bait to lure the Iron Overlord above the large Ark reactor. 】

[With the overload of the reactor, the terrifying electricity turned into a pillar of thunder light, hitting the Iron Overlord, all the way to the sky. 】

[When the lightning faded, Obadai lost consciousness completely.] Fell into the large Ark reactor with the Iron Tyrene. 】

[With a violent explosion, everything calms down.] 】

"Hmph, a superhero saved by a woman? "

Loki said coldly beside him, his words full of sour taste.

It seems that Tony has just passed the solo quiz and has monopolized a new reward, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Glancing at Loki, Tony didn't choose to fight back at this time.

In fact, after seeing the image in front of him, he also realized that his steel suit needed more firepower.

[Video continued]

[Tony held a press conference at the request of S.H.I.E.L.D. to prepare for a clarification on last night's Iron Man vs. Iron Overlord.] 】

[But no one expected that standing on the podium, Tony suddenly threw away the speech in his hand and said calmly:]

"I am Iron Man. "】

[The audience was in an uproar.] 】

"Mr. Stark, are you serious?"

Seeing this scene, Peter Parker was stunned.

In the previous images of the transcendent Spider-Man, he saw very clearly that although he had obtained superpowers, in order to avoid being targeted by evil forces, he still chose to use the identity of Spider-Man to act chivalrous.

And Tony Stark, how can he ...... So bold?

Isn't he afraid of causing trouble?

"Hahaha, it's me. "

Looking at his undisguised public identity on the screen, Tony also smirked, and seemed to appreciate this move very much.

Sure enough, a character like him was born to stand in the spotlight and accept the attention of tens of thousands of people!

The means of using a mask to cover himself may be suitable for Peter Parker, but definitely not for him Tony Stark!

"Hmph, the vanity of mortal boredom. "

Loki stood aside and continued to whine sourly, but no one responded to him.

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, the boiled egg looked at the scene in the video and secretly shook his head.

This Tony Duck is not only arrogant, but also has a strong desire to perform, and does not obey management at all.

Obviously, Keersen gave him a speech, but he decided to disclose his identity on a whim.

Let such a person gain the power of Iron Man, and it seems that he will have a lot of work in the future.

And just when the boiled egg frowned and thought about how to deal with Tony in the future, the picture on the screen changed again.

[After revealing his identity, Tony returns to his mansion.] 】

[As soon as he entered, he found a bald black man waiting for him in the hall.] 】

["I'm Iron Man, do you think you're the only superhero in the world?"]

The black man turned coldly. 】

"Mr. Stark, you are in an infinite universe, and we know very little about it. "】

[Looking at the uninvited guest in front of him, Tony asked with an unhappy face:]

["Who are you?"]

[The black man slowly walks out of the shadows.] He replied calmly. 】

["I'm Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.. "】

As soon as he saw this bald black man, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

"Nick Fury!"

Tony was the first to shout in the chat.

Tony Stark: It's you! Damn!Hurry up and hand over the cosmic Rubik's Cube!!! (▼Dish▼#)

PS: Iron Man 1 is over, and the next thing is Iron Man 2 serial! ^_^

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