Tian Xiaoban: To be honest, this is really weird.

Tian Xiaoban: Thor, the god of thunder, why did he forget the revenge of killing his father so simply? and instead recognized that Lau Fei as his father? (⊙o⊙)

Thor: No!

Thor: If it were really me, I would definitely fight Laufey to the death and avenge Odin.

Loki Odinson: Stupid, don't you even believe the image in front of you?

Rocky Odinson: That variant of yours is just a kid!

Rocky Odinson: In the hands of Laufey, he was raised as a son for hundreds of years...... If you don't treat him as a father, that's not normal.

Thor: Loki, you......

Loki Odinson: But this idiot has forgotten what his mother looks like, and he really deserves death!o(▼Dish▼;) o

Seeing that "Jotunheimtor" actually killed the queen of heaven Frigga by mistake, Loki's anger suddenly rushed to the top of his head!

Laufey doesn't die, he doesn't care at all, but Frigga is really like Loki's mother!

Loki couldn't figure out how Thor, no matter how stupid he was, how could he not remember his mother's face?

Torrecchia: Hee-hee, I see that, too.

Torrecchia: The "brothers" swapped parents and then killed each other...... Own biological parents!

Torrecchia: It's the first time I've seen such a wonderful story. ^_^

Hermione Granger: "It's really bad, why is this happening?" (⊙o⊙)

Dr. Strange: All I can say is...... It's a trick of fate.

Looking at the unfortunate pair of "brothers" on the screen, Dr. Demonization also remembered his past.

He wants to save his sweetheart at all costs.

But in the end, the entire universe was lost.

The story on the screen is similar.

Loki wants to join Frigga in his quest for freedom, but ends up having to kill his own father in order to save his life.

Thor sees Laufey as his father and wants to avenge him, but instead kills his real mother.

By mistake, this pair of brothers has become the "big filial son" who killed his father and killed his mother!

Just as everyone sighed, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[Image continues.] 】

["You! It's all your fault!"]

[Looking at the corpses of "father" Laufey and mother Friggia, Thor's eyes shot thunder and lightning, and his body released a terrifying murderous aura. 】

[Losing both of his parents at the same time in a matter of minutes, such a blow even he can't bear. 】

[And there is only one outlet for this sadness and anger, and that is Loki in front of him!]


[In a fit of rage, Thor raised the "Icebreaking" Divine Hammer in his right hand and released a fierce "Frost Thunder"!]

[As long as any creature is hit by this thunder, its body will turn to frost and then fall apart!]

[Just like Frigga just now.] 】


[In an instant, frost and thunder passed through Loki's body, but nothing happened.] 】

["Hmph! is it another illusion?"]

[Thor snorts coldly and slams a hammer into the air!]

["After so many years, you really haven't grown at all. "】


[Loki appeared in the air in some embarrassment, narrowly dodging Thor's hammer!]


[Seeing that his illusion had been seen through, Loki did not retreat and advanced, using the ice blade that killed his father Laufey...... Slashed at Thor's body. 】


[Hit by Loki's knife, blue blood flowed out of Thor's skin. 】

[Hundreds of years in Jotunheim, plus the magic of the Icebreaker Hammer......]

[Thor is no longer an Asgardian now!]

[Even by blood, he has become an ice giant!]

["Dare to melee with me, you are dizzy."] "】

[In a fit of rage, Thor didn't even use a hammer, just threw a punch and knocked the weak Loki to the ground.] 】

["We were supposed to be brothers' ......"]

[Thor raised the Icebreaker Hammer high, but couldn't swing it.] 】

[For so many years, he has long regarded Laufey as his father, and Loki ...... It's a younger brother!]

[Now, Laufey and Frigga are dead, and Loki is his only relative. 】

["Let's go, no matter where you want to go, don't come back......"]

[Putting away the Icebreaker Hammer, Thor turns his face away, a sad look on his face. 】

[Loki stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge.] 】

[But just before he left Asgard, he still offered Thor an invitation:]

"Come with me to the atrium."] "】

"There, there is no Asgard, no ice giants, we can live together. "】

"Impossible. "】

[Thor shook his head without hesitation:]

"My people need my protection. "】

"Only then, fire demons, dark elves, and trolls...... so as not to hurt them. "】

[Now Thor, who has completely regarded himself as the king of the ice giants!]

[He is responsible for his subjects!]

["I have my mission,"

[Looking at Loki, who disappeared on the rainbow bridge, Thor muttered:]

["Let's find your mission......]

[Although he said very imposing words, in the empty ruins, Thor only felt his knees weaken, and slowly fell to his knees. 】

Today, he has lost all his loved ones. 】

From now on, he will be alone. 】

[Thor's and Loki's haven't seen each other since.] 】

[After arriving in the atrium, Loki married a human and gave birth to two children. 】

[It's just that he has never forgotten his brother......]

At this point, the screen gradually dimmed.

["What if: Thor was adopted by the Frost Giant" ends.] 】

Asgardian Basilica.


After watching this video, Thor's face turned blue, his expression was difficult to see, and his head was even lowered, and he didn't dare to look up at Odin at all.

And Loki still looks like a tsundere, just standing in place with his hands on his chest, not saying a word.


Looking at his two sons who were like living treasures, Odin on the throne secretly sighed.

Fortunately, thanks to the big cock of Tolan, Hela's problem has been solved.

Otherwise, Odin is suspicious...... I will be so angry with these two sons that I will die!

And at this moment, the voice of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Selected: Thanos Thanos]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to: "Marvel Ending"!]

[This live broadcast will start in a minute!]

Cosmic Starry Sky, Temple No. 2.

"What does that mean?"

Thanos, on the throne, opened his eyes,

He looked at the screen in front of him, and his eyes lit up.

The previous images were not worth mentioning to Thanos at all, and he didn't even bother to look at them.

But what does the current "end" mean?

Could it be like the previous "Emperor Thanos"......

In some universe, does its own variant wipe out everyone?

Just under Thanos' curious gaze, a new image appeared on the screen.

"No, nothing. "】

[In the darkness of nothingness, Thanos fell to his knees with a look of despair on his face. 】

[As if talking to himself, Thanos uttered a horrific statement :]

"Yes, I did destroy the entire universe, and all reality was ended. "】

["This is all done by me Thanos alone, and I am fully responsible for it!"]

["But the reason for my destruction of the universe, you would never have imagined. "】

[Thanos' face was full of sorrow and pain, as if he had lost all hope, and his whole person had become the walking dead :]

["Not long ago, I controlled everything, ruled everything, and even surpassed everything!"]

"But then I found out that all my accomplishments ...... It's just a joke, though. "】

[Thanos' eyes showed a look of memory. 】

["When I first saw the goddess of death, I decided that I would destroy everything for her sake. "】

["But...... I destroyed the universe not because of her. "】

[In Thanos' self-talk, he mentions an artifact, as well as an ancient ruler on Earth.] 】

[This artifact is called "Heart of the Universe"!]

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