[In Jotunheim, Thor and Loki grew up. 】

[But as they get older, the gap between these two children becomes more and more obvious. 】

[Compared to the delicate, thin and short Loki, Thor is getting stronger every day!]

[Even among the warriors of the Ice Giant, there are fewer and fewer who can beat him. 】

[One day, while hunting a certain frost beast, Loki was so confident in his magic that he was almost eaten by a monster!]

["Filthy brute, don't hurt my brother!"]

[Seeing that his brother was in trouble, the young Thor immediately rushed forward!]

[And although he was young and weak at this time, he made an unbelievable move heroically. 】


[Young Thor actually took the initiative to rush into the throat of the frost monster, and then jumped all the way into its stomach.] 】


[In the next moment, an incomparably strong thunderbolt actually came out of the monster's stomach...... Spread throughout its body!]


[With the interweaving of thunder and lightning, the screams of the monsters suddenly resounded in the sky!]

[The fur of this frost monster is extremely tough, and it is difficult to penetrate no matter what kind of lightning or weapon. 】

[But no matter how strong a monster is, the stomach lining is always fragile.] 】


[After the monster completely fell, the young Thor used the weapon in his hand to open a hole in the monster's belly, and he was grandiose...... Walked out of the monster's body!]

["Monster, I'm not your prey, I'm your prey!"]

[Although covered in the blood of monsters, the young Thor has gained the respectful gaze of countless frost giants at this moment. 】

[This child, who is less than their knee height, killed that terrifying frost monster!]

[Looking at Thor's performance, Laufey, the king of frost giants, also laughed with satisfaction. 】

[But when he saw standing beside Thor...... Loki, who was cowering, immediately sank his face. 】

"Thor, you shouldn't have saved this kid. "】

[Lau Fei said coldly:]

"Loki's lies and tricks have always brought me to shame. "】

["If he dies under the claws of the monster today, it is also because he is not strong enough and he can't complain. "】

[As he spoke, Laufey crouched down and placed the ice hammer that killed Odin in his hand in front of Thor:]

["By contrast, Thor, your heroic actions have made us all proud!"]

["Maybe one day, you will raise this 'Icebreaker Hammer' and become the king of the Frost Giants!"]

【“............ (⊙_⊙)"】

[Looking at his biological father, disdainful of himself, but looking at Thor differently, Loki lowered his head, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. 】

[And hearing Laufey's words, a frost giant general was also taken aback:]

["My king, this child is an Asgardian, how can you ......"]

"Watch your words. "】

[Lau Fei turned his head and said indifferently:]

"In the future you may have to kneel before this child and bow down to him. "】

[Ostracized by his biological father and his people, young Loki was left alone with Thor. 】

[But looking at Thor like the stars holding the moon, Loki's heart ...... Strange thoughts also arise. 】

Driven by this emotion, he avoided all his people, even Thor, and went to the dungeon of Jotunheim alone. 】

[In this dungeon, there is a woman imprisoned, that is, Odin's widow, the queen of heaven, Friggia. 】

[The lonely Loki came to Friggya's cell and began to talk to her, telling all the depression and distress in his heart. 】

[These two lonely people came together in a cold prison. 】

[In Loki's eyes, Frigga is like a mother.] 】

[In this prison, he can be found, by the side of his relatives...... There is no family affection that can be found at all. 】

[In addition to chatting, Frigga also taught Loki the Asgardian magic she had mastered. 】

【Time flies ......】

[Hundreds of years have passed in a blink of an eye. 】

[Thor has become one of the best warriors in the Frost Giant Realm, and no one is his opponent except Laufey.] 】

[Very satisfied with his adopted son, Lau Fei finally passed on his "Icebreaker Hammer" to him. 】

And he did it...... It's almost the same as passing the position!]

[Soon, Thor will no longer be the prince of Asgard, but the king of all the ice giants of Jotunheim!]

After living in Jotunheim for hundreds of years, Thor has completely forgotten about Asgard. 】

[Just like the "wolf child", he has been assimilated into a ...... Jotunheim through and through!]

[For Thor now, Laufey is no longer his father's killer, but his father!]

[After passing the hammer and Thor, Laufey has made a new decision!]

[He will lead Thor and all the warriors of the Ice Giants to Muspelheim!]

[Odin is dead. 】

[As long as you defeat Surtr and conquer Muspelheim, there will be no one in the Nine Realms who can compare with Laufey, the king of ice giants!]

[He will become the new King of the Nine Realms!]

[But Loki was shocked when he heard the news.] 】

[His constitution is too weak, and Muspelheim's terrible heat and flames are ...... It's going to roast him to death!]

[Tired of this cold and snowy ghost place for a long time, Loki immediately came to Jotunheim's dungeon after learning the information. 】

[He rescued Frigga like a mother and prepared to leave with her!]

["Let's go, Friggia, let's go to Asgard first!"]

"Then using the rainbow bridge there, we can go to the atrium. "】

[Loki's eyes are full of yearning for the future:]

"Although everyone is mortal, it is said to be a very lively and interesting place, and we can live well there. "】

[But unfortunately, the two of them have just arrived at the ruins of Asgard, and the pursuers have also arrived.] 】


[Just before the ruins of the Rainbow Bridge, Laufi looked at Loki and roared:]

["You damn bastard, you dare to be in the company of our enemies, and you want to flee with her!"]

[Laufey's eyes were full of hatred, and as soon as he reached out, he grabbed Loki's neck, and seemed to screw it off the next moment. 】

["Father, don't!"]

[Thor was shocked to the side and quickly shouted.] 】

["Whatever he says, he is also your son, please spare his life."] "】

["Shut up, I don't have such a son!"]

[Holding Loki's neck, Laufey moved his head in front of him and said coldly:]

["For so long, you think I really didn't find out...... Are you doing those tricks?"]


[Loki breathed hard, raised his hand above his head, and said intermittently:]

"I thought...... You're looking at people all the time!"]

[When the last word was spoken, Loki's voice suddenly became extremely cold. 】

["So...... You always think I'm weak!"]

[In the next moment, his right hand ...... Suddenly, a magic blade appeared, and then it stabbed into Laufey's eyes, and even straight into his brain!]


[I didn't expect this weak son to have this hand, and Lau Fei only had time to let out a scream, and then fell to the ground and never moved again. 】


[Seeing the tragic death of 'Father', Thor's eyes immediately turned red!]

["Loki! you did such a thing, I must kill you today."] "】


[I saw Thor violently swing the Icebreaker Hammer in his hand! The strong frost power was even mixed with the divine power of thunder!]

"Thor! "】

[Seeing the brother in front of him, he seemed to be really angry, and Loki hurriedly exclaimed:]

["Have you forgotten what you said to me when you were a child?"]

["You promised not to kill me!"]

["Shut up, you traitor! you killed your king! you killed my father too!"]

[Angry Thor struck hard!]


[Intense frost, wrapped in thunder...... Rush at Loki with a fierce charge :]

["My child, be careful!"]

[At the last moment, Frigga suddenly rushed out from the side and pushed Loki away!]

[In the years of getting along, she has regarded Loki as her own and as her own child!]


[Thor's "Thunder Frost Beam" shot out and hit Frigga fiercely!]

["Thor...... You ......"]

[Looking at the unrecognizable biological son in front of her, Frigga only had time to call out Thor's name, and then turned into countless ice fragments on the spot and scattered them all over the ground. 】

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Tian Xiaoban: Oh my God, what is this? What do I see?( ̄△ ̄;)

Wanda Maximov: Loki killed his own father and Thor killed his mother! (⊙o⊙)

Thor: No! It can't be! This must be fake! !

Loki Odinson: Thor, you're still that stupid in any world...... →_→

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