Seeing that the image of "Iron Emperor" gradually dimmed, the chat group also became lively.

Wonder Woman Diana: That Iron Man, who ruled the world alone, is this man so powerful?

Nick Fury: Luck.

Nick Fury: In the war with mutants, a lot of superheroes died, and the rest ...... They all saw him as a savior.

Magneto: Hmph, how could a man in steel armor defeat me?

Magneto: I'm the king of magnetism!

Tony Stark: What?

Tony Stark: I didn't want to say anything, but you wouldn't really think ...... I'm only going to make a suit out of metal, right?

Magneto: !!

Carol Danvers: If you don't use metal, what do you use? Do you use plastic?

Tony Stark: Hehe, this is a corporate secret, and it can't be divulged.

Captain Mi Guo: You are worthy of being cursed by knowledge, your scientific research level is still so impressive.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, little Wanda glanced at Tony with some confusion, but didn't say anything.

For all this time, Tony stayed with her, staying in Kama Taj to study magic.

I haven't heard of him making any "anti-Magneto suits".

Sensing little Wanda's eyes, Tony smiled secretly and didn't explain.

Just now, what he said about the "non-metallic suit" was actually scaring Magneto.

But even if he really faces this magnetic king, Tony has a good chance of winning!

You know, he's got two Infinity Stones in his hands!

There are even ...... that can modify everything Realistic Gems!

With such power, how can a mere mutant be put in Tony's eyes?

At that moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[On this day, on New York City's National Day, a team of superheroes is standing on a float and parading through the city. 】

[Countless people cheered at them, all cheering on both sides of the streets, paying homage to their heroes and rulers. 】

["Oh oh oh! Iron Man is so handsome!"]

["It's not Iron Man anymore, you should call him Iron Patriot now."] "】

["Hey, you're all wrong, right...... It should be Your Excellency the President!"]

[That's right!]

[Now standing on the top of the float, the man in the new steel suit is the new president of the United States of America, the "Iron Patriot...... Tony Stark!]

[And standing next to Tony are "Captain Marvel" Carol Danvers, "Thor" Thor Odinson, "Steel Spider" Natasha Romanoff, and "Ascetic" Robbie Baldwin. 】

[These few people form the strongest superhero team in the world...... Avengers!]

[However, looking at the majestic appearance of the "Iron President", not everyone is happy. 】

[In a high-security prison, several men wearing confinement collars around their necks are looking at the TV screen in front of them with dejected faces. 】

[These people are the defeated generals in the previous "Superhero Civil War". 】

["Former Captain America" Steve Rogers, "Spider-Man" Peter Parker, "The Invisible Woman" Susan, and "The Punisher" Frank Custer.] 】

[After Iron Man ascended to the presidency, all these thorns in his side were thrown into prison by him. 】

[The worst thing is that Thunder General Ross also recruited these "former superheroes" into the "Thunder Agent Team". 】

[The "explosive collar" around the neck of the American team and others is the symbol of this "suicide squad". 】

[Once they disobey the order, the higher-ups can blow up the heads of the American team by simply pressing the button!]

[In prison, Captain America suddenly sighed softly and said with a bitter face:]

["I'm not one who can't afford to lose, I knew from the beginning... Tony could win!"]

["But...... Why did we lose so badly?"]

["That man seems to have all the luck in the world!"]

[Just when the American team was doubting their lives, the picture on the TV suddenly appeared abnormal!]


[With a strange blue light, a portal opens in front of the float of the "Iron President".] 】

[Out of it came a green giant covered in armor and full of white hair!]

["Impossible!How can it be the Hulk!"]

[Looking at the green monster in front of him, Captain Marvel Carol Danvers shouted in disbelief:]

["We've put the Hulk ...... Banished to the deep space of the universe, he can't return it!]

["Your Excellency, leave this guy to me!"]

[Wearing the spider suit made by Tony himself, Natasha Romanoff rushed forward for the first time!]

[She wants to use her agility to subdue the old Hulk in front of her. 】


[In an instant, the old Hulk knocked the steel spider to the ground with just one punch!

["Hulk! Look at my Myornir power!"]

[Thor roared and threw the hammer of Thor in his hand violently. 】


[The old Hulk sneered and caught Thor's hammer with one hand!]


[The next moment, this old guy gently stretched out his hand and dismantled Thor's hammer in half, revealing the mechanical circuit inside. 】

["Haha, it's a fake hammer!"]

[Looking at Thor, the old hulk said coldly:]

["Looks like you're a fake, too."] "】

["That's right!"]

[Thor's eyes glowed with a strange red light, but he still said confidently:]

["I am indeed a clone of the true Thor, but I still have his divine powers!"]

[At this moment, Iron President Stark roared violently:]

["Don't talk nonsense with this Hulk, let's shoot together!"]


["Even the real Hulk can't stop all of us!"]


[Clone Thor, Iron Man, Dervish and others concentrated all their strength, and the strongest attack was sent out like this "old Hulk" in front of them. 】

["Hahaha, you are really strong, and you are qualified to enter my Dou Realm!"]

[The old Hulk laughed, and a strong blue-white light suddenly exploded, enveloping the entire Avengers.] 】


[After the light dissipated, the Iron President and the others all disappeared cleanly, as if they had never appeared.] 】

[The next moment, they appeared in the universe, a mysterious place. 】

[Here, the Iron President also saw superheroes from other parallel universes!]

[Originally, the "old Hulk" they saw before coming was nicknamed "Master Hulk", also known as "Battle Honor". 】

[Master Hulk comes from a catastrophic future!]

[And the most terrifying thing is that he has both the wisdom of Bruce Banner and the power of the Hulk!]

[By chance, Master Hulk has obtained a mysterious orb and has mastered enough power to traverse the multiverse!]

[With such amazing power, Master Hulk has traveled across the multiverse and kidnapped a large number of superheroes!]

[He gathered these superheroes in a new fighting world, and let them fight each other for watching and having fun.] 】

[In this melee between heroes, Iron President Tony meets Susan, an invisible woman from another universe. 】


[Susan used her invisible force field to defeat Iron Man's suit head-on and knock him back several steps. 】

[But in the next moment, something amazing happened.] 】


[All the fragments of the steel suit automatically gathered together, and in front of everyone, they were reassembled into a new suit, as if they had never been destroyed!]

[Seeing this scene, the invisible woman Susan was suddenly shocked:]

["I know what!"]

["Infinity Stones, this is the power of the Reality Stones!"]

[Upon hearing this, all the superheroes were shocked. 】

["What, Iron Man's suit has a reality gem?"]

["Now...... Who else can beat him?"]

["Where did he get the Infinity Stones?"]

[Looking at the stunned heroes, Iron President Stark did not continue to act, but said everything without concealment. 】

[It turns out that on the "TRN619 Earth" where the Iron President is located, Iron Man and Charles Xavier, Doctor Strange and others formed a Illuminati. 】

[Since the "Infinity Gauntlet" incident, the Illuminati have decided to collect all six Infinity Stones so as not to fall into the hands of Thanos again and cause a cosmic catastrophe. 】

[There are exactly 6 members of the Illuminati Society, so each of them shoulders the ...... The responsibility to take care of a gemstone. 】

[When distributing gems, all 6 members swore that they would never use gems for their own desires. 】

[However, the explosion caused by Robbie Baldwin "Fast Ball" changed everything. 】

[The Superhero Registration Act, and the ensuing "Hero Civil War" forced Iron Man to use the gem in his hand, which is the Reality Gem!]

[Relying on the power of the Reality Gem to modify reality, he easily defeated Captain America.] 】

[Moreover, Tony also manipulated the election results to make himself ...... Elected as the legitimate president of the United States!]

[After saying all this, the Iron President smiled triumphantly:]

["You know what? Hiding these secrets is really stressful. "】

["Now, I can finally tell them all!"]

["It's a pity ......"]

[Looking at the stunned superheroes in front of him, the Iron President said leisurely:]

"You don't have a chance to divulge this secret, because...... Soon you won't remember anything......]


[In the next moment, the reality gem on the chest of the Iron President's suit bloomed with a brilliant light, and it seemed to be about to ...... all superheroes It's all shrouded in it!]

[He wants to use the power of gems to modify reality and make everyone forget all this!]

[But after a few seconds, nothing happened.] 】


[Iron President Stark was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on his face completely stiffened. 】

["Why? My Reality Gem...... How come?"]


[In the next second, Master Hulk's thunderous voice sounded behind the Iron President!]

["Because you're in my dimension now!"]

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