See here. The chat group is also lively.

Wanda Maximov: Wow! Really beat that Ghidorah into space!(⊙o⊙)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Red Lotus Mode! Look at Godzilla's whole body on fire, this is definitely Red Lotus Mode!

Bruce Banner: What a hot ray! Concentrate the energy of the Red Lotus Pattern and then erupt in one breath?

Holy Keisha: The power of this heat ray is truly staggering, almost ...... I was able to compare it to the previous "planet Godzilla".

Big bones boiled into soup: Wait. This scene looks a bit like Super Saiyan Bardock, the move that killed Zilde!

Tian Xiaoban: Super Saiyan?Godzilla, can you already compare to Super Saiyan?

Big bones boiled into soup: Ah...... I don't think so.

Big bones boiled into soup: Super Saiyan, but he can explode stars.

Wanda Maximov: Hey, there's so much of a multiverse, maybe it's in some parallel universe...... There is the "Exploding Star Godzilla"!

Big bones boiled into soup: A star-popping monster? It's terrifying! Even Tiga can't defeat this kind of monster. ( ̄△ ̄;)

Beria: Hmph! It's just a star, what's the big deal.

Beria: As long as I can get out of prison, get back the battle instrument, and get back to my full state, watch me blow one up for you!

Torrecchia: What a rhetoric, worthy of the most evil Ultraman of Darkness. ^_^

Ghost Rider: Miss, you should be able to ......

Ganata, the Daughter of the Swallowing Stars: I don't do anything boring like exploding stars, I just eat. (╯_╰)

King Ada: Eat, what to eat? (⊙o⊙)

Alice: Of course it's eating the planet, what do you think you eat?

King Ada: Eat the Planet!!

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: After getting the Manhattan energy, my hunger is much better now than before, and I don't eat the planet casually......

Ida King: ...... ( ̄口 ̄)!! !

Alice: King Ada, I seem to be ...... I've heard your name somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

Tian Xiaoban: Trembling...... It turns out that there are so many bigwigs in the group who can explode stars?

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: Little Super Saiyan, you should be able to explode stars, why envy us?

Tian Xiaoban: Ah, this ...... (⊙_⊙)

Clark Kent: He must have just gained too much power, so he hasn't adjusted his mindset yet.

Clark Kent: Trust me, I've been through it too......

And at this moment, the voice of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Selected Object: Tony Stark]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast was decided to: "The Worst Iron Man"]

[This live broadcast will start in a minute!]

in the live broadcast room.

"The worst Iron Man?"

Hearing the system's voice, Tony Stark's pupils contracted, and his face showed an uncontrollable look of surprise.

Previously, the system used to broadcast "Ultimate Iron Man".

That "self" seems to be due to the influence of some superpowers, and his personality has been "reversed" into evil!

After the reversal, "Ultimate Iron Man" did all kinds of bad things that broke through the bottom line, and ran wild all the way on the road of blackening!

In the end, he even cleared out the "backup personality" he left behind.

"This time, what an evil 'me' will appear again. "

Thinking of this, Tony was a little apprehensive.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

A calm narration sounded in everyone's ears.

[This is Earth-42777.] 】

[In this parallel universe, Iron Man Tony Stark, with amazing skills and science and technology, secretly expands his Starkey company. 】

[It hasn't been many years since Stark Corporation has been secretly manipulating the global economy, and all this is still hidden under the surface of the water, hidden from the world. 】

[And Stark really stood on the world stage, and he had to wait until the outbreak of the "Mutant Wars". 】

[After being ostracized, discriminated against, and even attacked by humans for a long time, the mutant race finally can't bear it!]

[Under the leadership of Magneto, mutants from all over the world have gathered and launched a war against humanity!]

[Iron Man Tony Stark, with the "Anti-Magneto Suit" he created, is at the forefront of this war! 】

[In this war that has swept the world, countless superheroes have been killed, including Captain America.] 】

[At the end of the mutant war, Iron Man was alone and killed the mutant leader Magneto, completely ending the war!]

[But the real disaster is still to come. 】

[Due to the long-term superpower war, the natural environment of the world has suffered a terrible blow, and various famines and disasters have followed. 】

[Countless people on the earth are struggling on the lifeline, watching the second global crisis...... It's about to explode!]

[At this moment, Tony Starck showed another side other than "Iron Man". 】

[He invented countless high-tech technologies to solve famine and environmental problems on a global scale. 】

[As a weapons manufacturer and engineer, Tony even showed ...... Biologically talented!]

[He created a new vaccine to eliminate various diseases that have plagued mankind for hundreds of years. 】

[Yes, it can be said that Tony saved the whole world by himself!]

[The result is also conceivable. 】

[It didn't take long for the vast majority of people on the earth to regard Tony Suck as their savior!...... Someone who is qualified to "rule the whole world"!]

[No one knows, under the glamorous surface, Iron Man still has a ruthless side. 】

[All the supervillains and superheroes who opposed him and questioned him were all killed by him.] 】

[Just...... Such a massacre also brought a terrible sequelae to Tony. 】

[During the fight against Dr. Doom, Iron Man's helmet was eroded by the "high-intensity energy cannon" released by Doom. 】

[This xenomorph energy directly corroded Tony Dark's head, making him even uglier than Deadpool!]

[With the latest plastic surgery technology and 3D imaging capabilities, Tony faked a face for himself and looked ...... It's the same as he used to be. 】

[But after the disfigurement, Iron Man's personality also became more distorted, or completely blackened.] 】

[Tony, who has been unrecognizable from the inside out, has successfully seized the domination of the world by means of conspiracy and ruthless killing. 】

[After a rigged global election, he was successfully elected and became the "Emperor, of, thePlanet" for life!]

[The other superheroes were either killed or thrown into the Iron Emperor's command and became his lackeys.] 】

[In this case, it seems that there is no one who can stop this crazy Iron Man. 】

[But in the end, there is still a glimmer of hope. 】

[This hope...... It's "Inhumans"!]

[Inhumans and Iron Man originally had no holiday, but Black Bolt, the king of Inhumans, married a superhero wife. 】

[That's the invisible woman of one of the former Fantastic Four...... Susan Stone. 】

[Her ex-boyfriend, Reed Richards, has been killed by Iron Man himself, and the stone man "Ben" has been subordinated to Tony Stark. 】

[Even after all this, Susan Stone still doesn't intend to give in to Iron Man.] 】

[The same goes for Black Bolt King.] 】

[Soon, the Iron Emperor Tony led the remaining superheroes on Earth and the Inhumans under the rule of Black Bolt...... The final battle has begun!]

[In this terrible war, both sides are defeated, and both superheroes and Inhumans are almost wiped out. 】


[Iron Man, who was seriously wounded in the battle, landed on the ground.] 】

[Due to the heavy damage of the suit, his "3D imaging plastic surgery system" is no longer functional.] 】

[Tony's ugly, mud-like face is exposed again.] 】

["Black Bolt King, bastard, he leads his subordinates...... He who came to perish with us. "】

[Tony grits his teeth and activates the communication device.] 】

[He had already guessed that before the Black Bolt King launched a suicide attack, he must have hidden the women and children of the Inhumans in some hidden place. 】

[These people are the seeds of the Inhumans!]

[If you don't kill them all, they will definitely take root in the future!]

[In the next moment, an invisible blade pierced Iron Man's neck from behind!]


[Blood spurts out of his throat, and Iron Man desperately wants to call for help, but he can't speak.] 】

["Bastard! You're right, but you're going to die now!"]

[A woman removes her invisibility and reveals her true body behind Iron Man.] 】

[Invisible Woman Susan.] 】

[Before the war, the Black Bolt King handed over the 300 last Inhumans to Susan's command, and hoped that they would be able to hide and live!]

[But the invisible woman, she couldn't suppress the hatred in her heart, she still rushed out!]

[With her own stealth ability, the Invisible Girl successfully seized the opportunity and inflicted this final fatal blow on the seriously injured "Iron Emperor"!]

[Soon, the Iron Emperor's guards also rushed over. 】

["Your Majesty! "】

"Shoot! Kill this woman."] "】

[Seeing their majesty lying in a pool of blood, these guards angrily aimed at the invisible woman...... Pulled the trigger!]



[The invisible woman who has taken revenge did not activate her superpowers, so she faced the laser beam and fell to the ground, and the Iron Emperor Tony Stark ...... Died together. 】

[This is the Iron Tyrant who has succeeded in dominating the world...... Tony Stark's ending. 】

in the live broadcast room.

"I'll ......"

Tony's face was full of bitterness, and the urge to hold his forehead rose for a moment.

Became a tyrant and was eventually killed by the rebels.

This kind of thing...... He barely took it.

But the worst thing is, why did this Tony become so ugly?

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