"Hope Star or something, you're exaggerating. "

Hearing Bruce Wayne's compliments on him, Clark reached out and grabbed the back of his head, a simple smile on his face.

Looking at this honest expression, Young Master Wayne sighed secretly in his heart.

Such a smile...... It should be insulated from yourself.

Only such a sunny person can be called a superhero who brings hope to the world.

Yourself is only suitable for living in the dark......

"Will Superman eventually become Superman no matter where he lands?"

On the other side, Tony Suck groaned slightly.

He's also seen footage from Flashpoint, where Superman's spaceship doesn't land in Kansas, it falls to Metropolis instead of that twisted world!

As a result, Superman, who was still a baby, was captured by the U.S. government and locked up in a basement full of red sunlight, never seeing the light of day for the rest of his life.

But...... Even after encountering such a tragic life, that "Flashpoint Superman" did not turn black, and finally embarked on the road of heroism!

It seems that the sunshine and justice in this man's heart ...... Probably really born.

At that moment, the system's voice rang out again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Selected Object: Godzilla]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to: "Godzilla: The Ultimate Battle"]

[This live broadcast will start in a minute!]

Hearing the voice of the system, the chat group was also lively.

Deadpool: The final battle, is Godzilla going to die? This is his last battle?

Godzilla: ............

John Constantine: What kind of monster can defeat Godzilla?

Reed Richards: Perhaps, it's not a monster, it's a technological creation created by humans!

Reid Richards: It's like Mechagodzilla!

King Ada: What exactly do you mean by "Godzilla"? Like Frieza, are they aliens?

Wanda Maksimov: Hahaha! Godzilla is not an alien, but a giant monster 100 meters tall!

Wanda Maximov: It can also breathe atomic breath out of its mouth, which can destroy a city with a single blow!

King Ada: Great Monster ??? ( ̄△ ̄;)

Darkseid: Oh, such an interesting creature, it's worthy of my collection......

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[A quiet narration sounds.] 】

[On Earth in a parallel universe, a non-stop war broke out between human beings. 】

[In the end, human beings even braved the world's condemnation and began to attack each other with nuclear weapons. 】

[The terrifying energy of the nuclear explosion directly leads to ...... The awakening of a prehistoric beast that has been sleeping for countless years!]

[These terrible beasts began to wreak havoc all over the world. 】

[The strongest and most terrifying of them...... It's Godzilla!]

[Under the ravages of Godzilla and the major ancient beasts, humanity is on the verge of extinction!]

[In the face of such a terrible crisis, the countries of the world also stopped their internal fighting and began to concentrate their forces to attack these monsters. 】

[The most feared by humans...... There is no one more than Godzilla, the king of monsters!]

[After uniting, humanity has established the so-called Earth Defense Army, ready to encircle and suppress all the monsters on Earth!]

[In order to strengthen their own strength, humans also screened out some "mutants" with M genes. With them, they formed a "M Agency" that specializes in fighting monsters. 】

[After several years of fighting, the Earth Defense Force's "Bombardment" battleship has launched a decisive battle with Godzilla in Antarctica!]


[During the decisive battle, an earthquake suddenly occurred in Antarctica, and the ice cracked, causing Godzilla to fall into the ice crevices. 】

[The battleship Bombardment seized the opportunity and launched all the missiles, blowing up the nearby glaciers!]

["Boom ......"]

[Countless tons of ice and snow poured down, completely burying Godzilla.] 】

[After Godzilla disappeared, the activity of monsters around the world gradually weakened, and humans began to gain the upper hand. 】

[On this day, humans dug up a monster fossil from the ground. 】

[According to experts, this fossil has been buried in the ground...... Twelve thousand years ago. 】

[But what is incredible is that such an ancient monster turned out to be a combination of machinery and biology. 】

[Faced with this strange sight, scientists have judged that this "mechanical monster" may have been created by aliens.] 】

[Moreover, scientists have also extracted the M gene from the body of this mechanical monster from the "mutant"!]

[After learning all this, a female scientist was taken aback. 】

["Do you say...... Those mutants didn't arise naturally, did they have anything to do with this monster?"]

[After research and investigation, scientists found that in an ancient ruins called Baby Island, there have long been murals of this mechanical monster. 】

[At this moment, the scientists suddenly heard the little girl's voice:]

["The monster you found is named 'Gai Gang'!"

[In the next moment, a mysterious force actually brought scientists and others to an underground cave. 】

[It turns out that this is the ruins of Baby Island!]

[The one who brought them here was the little beauty of Baby Island. 】

[Two Little Beauties tell scientists that in ancient times, Gai Gang once wanted to destroy the earth!]

[In the end, it was Mothra who defeated it and saved the world.] 】

[After finishing speaking, the little beauty sent out a talisman, and then teleported everyone back. 】

[At the same time, the plane on which the Secretary-General of the United Nations was flying happened to fly over New York. 】


[Just by passing from the plane, this strange bird will ...... the plane the Secretary-General is flying on Shattered to pieces!]

[After destroying the plane, the strange bird didn't even look back, it landed on the ground in New York City.] 】

[At this time, the headquarters of the Earth Defense Force was also alerted.] 】

["It's Raton!"]

["Ratton, the strange bird, ruined the car of the UN Secretary-General! and is still wreaking havoc in New York!"]

["And Kamageras!"]

["Monsters have appeared everywhere in the world!"]

[In the face of countless monsters, the Earth Defense Force had no choice but to use warships to fight them. 】

[But halfway through the fight, with a bright light, all the monsters around the world disappeared.] 】

["Buzzing ......"]

[With a loud noise, an alien spaceship lands above the headquarters of the Earth Defense Forces.] 】

[Soon, a ray of light shot out from the spaceship and landed on the roof of the headquarters.] 】

[From the light, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Daigo appeared!]

[According to Secretary-General Daigo, the "X-star man" in the alien spaceship not only saved him, but also used super technology to destroy all the monsters. 】

[The reason why the X-star people came to Earth was to prevent a certain planet in their calculation from crashing into the Earth. 】

[This planet is also named "Demon Star Glass" by the X-star people.] 】

[In other words, these aliens, who look indistinguishable from earthlings, have traveled countless light-years...... It's just to save the earthlings!]

[Next, the Secretary-General of the United Nations informed all the people in the world of the intentions of the X-star people. 】

[Under the encouragement of the Secretary-General, all mankind has accepted the arrival of these powerful and friendly aliens. 】

[There are even people who have a crazy worship for this alien race!]

[But in this crazy atmosphere of the whole people, someone noticed something unusual:]

[Since being rescued by aliens, the UN Secretary-General has never blinked again!]

[This guy ...... Is it still human?]

[During an assassination attempt, a female scientist took the opportunity to obtain a blood sample from the Secretary-General.] 】

[After testing, scientists found that this secretary general is not a human at all! 】

[A Defence Force officer, ready to report to his superiors.] 】

[But as soon as he saw his boss's face, he immediately found out...... The female boss won't even blink!]

[X-star people, it turns out that they have already infiltrated the upper echelons of the human race!]

[Next, the people in the Earth Defense Force...... A "clean-up operation" was launched! The X-star people who had infiltrated human society were all wiped out. 】

[Seeing that the conspiracy was exposed, the X-star people on the spaceship became angry and released all the monsters hidden in the spaceship!]

[It turns out that the X-star people didn't destroy the monsters at all, but stored them in the spaceship, ready to be used as weapons!]

["Boom ......"]

[In the face of the two-sided attack of the X-star and the monster, the Earth Defense Force was immediately defeated!]

[The whole world is also on the verge of extinction. 】

[In the face of this desperate situation, the captain of the Bombardment made an astonishing decision:]

[He is going to drive the Bombardment to the South Pole and wake up Godzilla buried under the iceberg!]

[Until now, only Godzilla's power can destroy these monsters!]

[This operation was named "The Final Battle"!]

[Discovering that the Bombardment was leaving, the commander of the X-star people immediately ordered the mechanical monster "Gai Gang" to chase after it. 】

["Boom ......"]

[Just over the South Pole, Gai Gang successfully shot down the Boom!]

["Whoosh ......"]

[In the process of falling, the Bombardment used the last chance to launch a missile!]


[With an earth-shattering explosion, a cyan blue beam of light suddenly shot out from under the ice, hitting the mechanical monster Gai Gang!]


[Although most of his body is mechanical, Gai Gang was still screamed by this blow!]

[At this time, on the Bombardment, everyone in the Earth Defense Force was stunned when they saw this scene, and their eyes were full of surprise. 】

[It's atomic breath!]

[The King of Monsters, Godzilla, has woken up!]


[Looking at the awakened Godzilla, the mechanical monster Gaigang was fearless, and as soon as he came up, he released the mechanical chain and wrapped it around Godzilla's neck!]


[In the face of this mechanical monster who didn't know whether to live or die, Godzilla just opened his mouth, and his body was immediately lit up with a strong blue light!]


[The terrifying atomic breath shot out at close range, hitting Gai Gang's head right now!]


[In an instant, Gai Gang's mechanical head was shattered by atomic breath and died tragically on the spot!]

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