"Dress up as a bat, this ...... Probably not. "

Clark Kent shook his head slightly, but his tone was full of uncertainty.

Until now, he wasn't sure...... Is this Bruce Wayne on the screen a variant of himself, or a variant of Bruce?

It's too weird to post a bunch of photos of the murder scene in the secret room and go in every day to enjoy it, right?

Clark asked himself if he could have done such a thing.

But...... That little imp is indeed an orphan of Krypton!

"Is this blackened?"

Dr. Strange muttered under his breath, then shut up.

Hearing this, Clark and Bruce's expressions were a little unsightly.

But if you look closely, you will find that Brusway Ann, although he looks unhappy, seems to be slightly relaxed.

Before, Master Wayne had been worried about the Bruce from this Krypton...... Maybe in the alley, kill that thug with your superpowers!

Then, completely degenerate and blacken, and become "Nightmare Batman"!

At that point, it is equivalent to saying that Superman and Batman are added together, and they are "blackened" at the same time!

Who in the whole world can stop it?

Thankfully, this "Super Blues" was well educated by the Wayne family. Keep your righteous heart!

In the end, though, he was because of the bats...... Turned into Batman.

"Bat...... Wayne...... Carriage. "

Remembering what the dark dragon Barbatos said in the previous video, the corners of Master Wayne's mouth ...... A wry smile was revealed.

Perhaps, no matter in which parallel universe, Bruce Wayne and the bat...... It's destined to be entangled!

Can never be separated.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[That night, the police station in Gotham City encountered a dangerous enemy. 】

[It was an anti-social psychopath, and he had a lot of heavy weapons in his hands.] 】

["Come on, watch me kill you all!......hahaha"]

["Da Da Da ......"]

[Just as this madman was shooting frantically on the roof of the building, a man dressed as a bat suddenly appeared behind him. 】


[The man was slightly startled, turned his head sharply, and raised the gun in his hand...... Shoot wildly behind you. 】

["Dangdang Dang!"

[I saw a ...... fall from the sky The man in the bat tights!And the bullets fired by the crazy man all bounced off the bat man's body!]

["Hmph! you think you're great in body armor, watch me blow you up!"]

[The crazy man roars, suddenly takes out a grenade from his arms, pulls out the fuse, and throws it at the batman.] 】


[The bat man did not hesitate, and as soon as he stretched out his hands, he held the grenade in his hand. 】

[Then I only heard a "bang"...... The grenade exploded in the palm of his hand. 】

[However, there are no shock waves and shrapnel, and even the sound of the explosion is very small, like a broken balloon!]

["What the hell are you?"]

[The crazy man was so frightened that his face was pale, and he retreated again and again, and accidentally fell off the roof. 】

[But the "Batman" quickly catches him in the air and throws him into the hands of the police.] 】

[From this night onwards, the whole of Gotham City will know:]

【In the City...... There's one more superpowered person in a bat bodysuit!]

[And on the 2nd day, another amazing event shook the entire Gotham City again:]

[Bruce Wayne, who has never appeared in public since he was 9 years old, came to the building of the Wayne Group!]

[Originally, Wayne Group was going to sign an agreement with Lex Luthor today to hire him as the group's CEO. 】

[But when Bruce Wayne appeared, he immediately threw the agreement aside, and fired all the top executives of the group who had colluded with Lex Luthor.] 】

["I deeply regret the explosion of your chemical plant, Mr. Luther. "】

[Bruce Wayne said categorically:]

["But this group ...... It won't be handed over to you. "】

["Hmph! you wait for me. "】

[Seeing the business conspiracy exposed, Lex Luthor left in a rage.] 】

[The moment he turned around, Luther's eyes showed a hint of madness. 】

[Bruce Wayne, who broke the seclusion, did another thing. 】

[He bought the daily newspaper Planet and became the new owner of the newspaper.] 】

[In the process of visiting this newspaper, Bruce also met a woman who caught his heart:]

[Female journalist, Louis Lane.] 】

[Originally, Louis felt that this super-rich man who had lived in seclusion for more than ten years should be a moody and withdrawn man. 】

[But in reality, Bruce Wayne is an unsociable and even somewhat shy person.] 】

[Therefore, after secretly liking Louis, he did not take the initiative to show his love, but secretly protected her as Batman. 】

[Once, because he offended Lex Luthor, Louis was thrown into a crime-ridden neighborhood and surrounded by a group of thugs. 】

[Sensing that his sweetheart is in crisis, Batman immediately fell from the sky and beat those gangsters to the ground. 】

[In the real world, Bruce Wayne also used his true identity to start a relationship with Louis. 】

[But the world is impermanent, and a new crisis has befallen this woman,]

[One day, chubby Luthor broke into the daily planet. 】

"Dear Louise, do you know what? The explosion at the chemical plant...... Let me be a different person!"]

["And now...... I'll show you my true colors!hahaha!"]

[In the midst of crazy laughter, Lex Luthor tore off his "skin", revealing the miserable white skin underneath!]

[It turned out that Lex Luthor was contaminated with chemicals in the explosion of the chemical plant, and his skin has completely turned white, and his personality has become crazy!]

[This guy has become...... Joker!]


["Luthor the Clown", shoots Bruce Wayne with a gun hidden in an umbrella, causing him to fall out of the window of the building.] 】

[Then, "Luthor the Clown" snatched Louis again!]

[Like a gorilla in a movie, Luthor the Clown ...... Louise Taken to the top of the tallest building in Gotham City. 】

[It's a pity that in the next moment, "Super Batman" appeared in front of him. 】

["Hahaha! Bat monster, you can't stop me."] "】

[Just as Luthor the Clown is laughing wildly, explosions and exclamations can be heard all over Gotham City.] 】


["Wow wow! Help!"]

[It turns out that Luther's subordinates are attacking various areas of the city!]

[In order to cause maximum destruction, they even used chariots and bombs!]

["You damn madman, how dare you ......"]

[With your own super vision and super hearing. Batman quickly senses everything that is happening in the city.

["I heard countless people screaming, and the whole city is suffering because of you trash!"]

"I'm going to kill you. "】

[Hearing the exclamations and cries for help from the citizens, Batman was furious, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he threw Luthor the Clown out of the air. 】


[Seeing this scene, Louis Lane on the ground exclaimed.] 】

[In any case, she doesn't want to see this powerful Batman turn into a murderer!]

["Not good!"]

[Through superpowers, hearing Louise's exclamation, Batman was like a cold water doer, and he immediately came to his senses. 】


[Seeing that Luthor the Clown was about to hit the ground, Batman immediately rushed down as fast as he could, pulling him up:]

["Bastard, you're going to jail!"]

"And I...... will save the city from your hands!"

[After handing over Luthor the Clown to the police, Super Batman immediately began to purge the city of criminals with his "super speed". 】


[Although Luthor's subordinates have chariots and heavy weapons, in front of the Kryptonians, all this is just a toy. 】

["Boom Boom Boom ......"]

[It only took a few minutes for Super Batman to take down all the "mad criminals" in the city. 】

[A terrible storm disappeared invisibly. 】

[After solving the crisis, Batman appears in front of Louis again.] 】

[Looking at the masked super strong man in front of him, Louis said without fear:]

"You're tonight. It's different from before, you can do a lot more than hatred and fear!"]

"You don't have to ...... yourself Reduced to the same level as criminals. "】

["On the contrary, you can be a sign of hope and an example to everyone!"]

[Hearing Louis's exciting encouragement, Batman was finally touched.] 】

[He slowly removed the bat hood from his head, revealing Bruce Wayne's true face.] 】

[On this night, this pair of men and women ...... Passionate kisses together. 】

[From this day on, Gotham City has changed. 】

[With the funding of the Wayne Group, all the destroyed buildings have been rebuilt.] 】

[That terrible "Super Batman" gradually disappeared from people's vision, and no one saw him again.] 】

[Other than that, the biggest change is ......]

[From that day on, people in Gotham City could see the man wearing a red cape, a symbol of hope, as long as they looked up...... Fly through the air!]

[That's not a bird, it's not a plane, it's Superman from Gotham City!]

[At this point, the screen gradually dims.] 】

[The broadcast of "Superman: Speed Bullet" ends.] 】

In the live broadcast room, everyone did not speak and fell into silence.

After a while, I saw Bruce Wayne exhale heavily, and suddenly put his hand on Clark's body.

"Clark, I envy you. "

Young Master Wayne's face showed a real sigh.

"Only a man like you can be a star of hope who leads others upward!"

"And I'...... It can't be done. "

PS: Tomorrow will start playing the final Godzilla! ^_^

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