The table was overturned with great force, and the nails holding the legs of the main table were pulled out from the floor.

The representatives from various countries are not ordinary people, they are all superpowers.

"Spiritual Skill: Metal Cutting!"

"Spiritual Skill: Water Curtain!"

Several metal chain saws suddenly appeared and cut the wooden table into several pieces before being blocked by a wall of water.

The Eagle Country representative pointed at Ye Xiaoshu and cursed:

"You are provoking confrontation between countries!"

"If something happens to us, can China withstand the wrath of the Federation?"

Ye Xiaoshu patted the sawdust on his hand and said with a smile:

"Anger? I'm so scared~"

"I wonder if you have ever seen... China's heavenly punishment!"

When he said this, his eyes turned cold, making everyone scared for a while.

The representative of the Garden Kingdom plucked up the courage and shouted with a trembling voice:

"You...don't be arrogant! International treaties clearly state that the use of nuclear weapons is prohibited!"

Ye Xiaoshu pretended not to hear and pressed his ears, then flicked his fingers and shrugged:

"Indeed, there is such a regulation."

"But I'm talking about space-based weapons. What does it have to do with nuclear weapons?"

[Negative sentiment value from representatives from various countries +7000]

"Let me make things clear to you!"

"Now that China has a huge reserve of Forbidden Spirit Iron, it doesn't have to worry about expenses in the past few months."

"Let me just tell you that if the agreement is not signed, purchasing spiritual cores in China in the future will cost five times more money than the countries that signed the agreement."

"By then, a black iron-level spiritual core will be equal to a gold-level spiritual core at the current market price. You must be mentally prepared."

Ye Xiaoshu's words made representatives from various countries hesitate.

Are the words of the young man in front of me a bluff or are they true?

In fact, they don't know whether China is short of money or not, they can only rely on guessing.

This is a game.

As long as one party falls into a disadvantage, it will be swallowed up by the other party.

The representative of the Garden Kingdom picked up the documents on the ground and read them carefully, then cursed sternly:

"No! I won't sign!"

"It also says that every year fifty tons of gold, twenty tons of wheat, ten tons of soybeans, etc. will be given to China free of charge."

"Isn't this treaty turning us into a vassal state of China?"

"What a beautiful idea you have to ask the federation to provide annual contributions to China!"

"In short, I will not sign a traitorous treaty!"

[Negative emotion value from Abner +1000]

In an instant, a giant sword flew out from Ye Xiaoshu's side, and with a "dong" sound, the sword was inserted into the side of Abner's face.

Some of his brown hair was chopped off by the sword.

Although the giant tower is extremely heavy, it is still very sharp.

After all, it is a holy weapon, and it still has the ability to blow and break hair.

[Negative emotion value from Abner +1000]

He was just a hair away from meeting God.

Ye Xiaoshu had already explored the strength of the people present when he entered the venue. With his [world-class observation skills], he could not hide the strength of these people at all.

Except for the representative of the Eagle Nation, who is at the platinum level, everyone else is at the gold level.

Not to mention seven people, even twice as many would not be enough for Ye Xiaoshu.

Ye Xiaoshu sneered and said while walking in their direction:

"What we in China have always advocated is convincing people with reason."

"But when it comes to talking to stubborn people, it's better to have something in your hand."

"I'm not asking for your consent, I'm giving you an ultimatum."

"You have no choice."

After saying that, Taotie's aura spread out, and the ancient power of blood pressed against everyone.

The two negotiators understood clearly that he was not here to negotiate at all, but to rob!

Representatives from various countries were so frightened by this momentum that their legs trembled.

Mallory is platinum level, he also has the power of law in his body, and his resistance to Ye Xiaoshu's Taotie rune is stronger than others.

He took a step forward and said to Ye Xiaoshu:

"Is this how you China negotiate?"

"I tell you, your trick will not succeed! The Federation is like a condensed alloy! No one can break one of its links!"

"I won't be able to sign this kind of treaty even if I die!"

"I sign, I sign!" At this time, the representative of Yinguo grabbed the document on the ground, picked up a special pen and signed the name of his country.

The other representatives present were confused.

One moment Mallory was saying that the Federation was monolithic, and the next moment someone was rebelling against him!

No one knows the reason, only Ye Xiaoshu knows.

A light red light flashed in his eyes. This light was so weak that it would not be visible at all unless he was very close and observed carefully.

Just now, he issued an order to the representatives of the country.

[Sign the treaty from China unconditionally, and this order will continue indefinitely. 】

This was something he signed willingly, at least he seemed to be full of joy.

Even if he was tortured to death, he would say it was voluntary.

Representatives from various countries were confused and had no idea why Yinguo would betray the Federation.

They had already discussed it before coming to China, and they would not let go no matter what conditions China offered.

Obtain China's spiritual core at the lowest cost.

But now...

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and praised the Yinguo representative: "Great! Those who understand current affairs are heroes."

Then, he said to the others:

"What I just said is still valid."

"Countries that do not sign the contract will pay a higher price to obtain spiritual cores than countries that sign it."

"By then, the number of superpowers in Yin country will be five times that of other countries."

"Without can a country stand?"

Ye Xiaoshu's words pushed the other representatives to the edge of the 'cliff', and if they took one wrong step, they would fall into the abyss.

If you sign, you will become a vassal state of China.

If we don’t sign, we will be overtaken by other countries in the future.

But now only one country has signed the treaty, and the remaining six still have room for maneuver.

Mallory understood that as long as others stayed calm and did not be bewitched by the young man in front of them, they could...

"I sign!" Another representative took out a special pen and signed the country's name.

This time, the representatives of various countries were completely defeated.

The special pens in the hands of representatives from various countries will leave a special spiritual mark as long as they are signed, and they cannot go back on it.

Therefore, you must be careful when signing and never make a decision easily.

But now... two people have already written the names of their countries on the document!

"I'm very busy. I have something to do later. I'll only give you five minutes to think."

"If you really don't want to sign, you can leave now."

After Ye Xiaoshu finished speaking, he moved a chair casually and sat down, still leaning on the chair with a cynical attitude.

This negotiation was an eye-opener for the two young people. Although they didn't learn anything useful, it made China proud and felt really comfortable!

Finally, other representatives could not bear the pressure and picked up their pens one after another and said:

"I sign!"

"I...I'll sign too!"

"me too!"

The negotiations have since ended, ending with China receiving favorable conditions.

In this one-sided offensive, the representative countries of the Federation... failed to hold on.

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