Spiritual Recovery: Be Invincible Starting From Delivering Food

Chapter 395 Is It Difficult To Handle? Then Don't Do It!

"This photo is of me. I was still very thin at that time."

The photo was taken when I first joined the army, and my physical fitness and abilities were far from what they are now.

After carefully confirming the appearance in the photo, the guard picked up the iris detector.

"Confirmed." The instrument made a sound after scanning Ye Xiaoshu's eyes.

The guard saluted Ye Xiaoshu and said, "Sir Ye Xiaoshu, please come this way."

Ye Xiaoshu waved his hand.

"No, I can find it myself."

At the same time, the VIP meeting room——

The curtains were drawn, but the darkness of the room did not appear. On the contrary, the dazzling light refracted from the walls, clearly reflecting everyone's faces.

Ambassadors sent by various countries in the federation were sitting on one side, while on the other side were two negotiators from China.

Fang Fang chuckled, extremely calm.

There was already a little cold sweat on the other person's forehead.

For China, if the negotiations fail again, it will be a huge loss to China's economy.

During this golden period of the month, China needs a lot of funds.

Although there is still room for failure, no one would want to hand over the soul core to these foreigners in vain.

The representative of Eagle Country was a little impatient and shouted in broken Dragon Country language:

"Where is your third negotiator from China? Why isn't he here yet? It's already 8:37!"

"I don't think there's any need to negotiate anymore. Let's end this farce as soon as possible according to the conditions given by the federation last time."

The representative of the Garden Kingdom said with a smile:

"That's right, it's the same no matter how many times we negotiate."

"If you have the ability, China can survive this month on its own!"

Other countries are vying to ridicule and slander China. Their purpose is obvious, which is to put pressure on the other side.

The two negotiators, Ke Guang and Deng Shui, clenched their fists and were about to say something back.

At this moment, the door of the interview room was opened.

"Oh~ It's so lively." Ye Xiaoshu walked in from the door in a swaggering manner.

He waved his hand, and with a bang, the door was closed by an external force.

Ye Xiaoshu passed by the Ambassador of Eagle Country, patted him on the shoulder and asked with a smile:

"Hey, isn't this Ying-chan? How are you doing these days?"

"I heard that your aviation technology is developing well."

[Negative emotion value from Mallory +1000]

Eagle Nation's satellites were stolen by hackers and all data was lost. The space-based weapons were supposed to be completed by Eagle Nation first, but were stolen by China!

Mallory was so angry that his back molars were almost broken.

But this is a negotiation room, not a place for acting out, so he suppressed his anger.

"I'm doing pretty well, better than China, hahahaha." Mallory mocked.

Ye Xiaoshu ignored him, walked to his seat and sat down. He lay back and put his legs on the table like a gangster.

Deng Shui had heard of this strange person named Ye Xiaoshu.

The man who can make the Sakura Kingdom surrender all its fleets and the Forbidden Spirit Iron is China's great hero.

It would be difficult to accomplish this feat without a careful mind.

But he still looked carefree, so he must have some other purpose.

'I see! ’

'The purpose of entering the room like this little gangster is to make the other party relax their vigilance and look down on themselves, so as to achieve better negotiation purposes. ’

"I've learned it, I've learned it." Deng Shui thought, silently writing it down in his heart.

Ke Guang glanced at Ye Xiaoshu beside him, nodded and said:

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the negotiations."

"The content of this negotiation is the same as last time."

The price of the spiritual core is the core of this negotiation.

The purpose of the three of them is to raise the price of spiritual cores as much as possible.

Transactions between countries are not like in the wet market, where you pay one hand and deliver the goods.

Material transactions are usually based on time, such as China's spiritual core output in one year.

A month later, when China's economy recovers, spiritual cores will be sold at this low price.

This is something that no one in China wants to see.

No one wants the spiritual core in their hand to turn into a pile of waste glass beads.

Deng Shui picked up the document and said:

"Our demands in China this time are the same as last time. The price of the spiritual core should only be the same as before the spiritual disaster."

"Although Dragon Kingdom currently controls the entire world's spiritual core output, we don't want to increase the price of spiritual cores because of this."

"I just hope that all countries can buy it at the original price..."

"Reject!" Representative Yinguo interrupted Deng Shui.

"The output of spiritual cores this time is too much, and it is completely greater than the demand of our federation."

"Supply exceeds demand and prices fall. I believe you all understand this."

Ke Guang stood up and said sternly: "Then we can't lower the price to this level!"

"Your demands are too much!"

"So?" The Eagle Country representative shrugged disdainfully.

Deng Shui quickly pulled him down and asked him to sit down honestly.

Everyone gets angry when encountering this kind of situation, but if you get angry in this situation, you will only be led by the other party.

The powerful negotiators died during the war, and they can only be replaced by juniors like them.

Compared to the other party's representatives... they seemed less calm.

Deng Shui tried to persuade Ke Guang and said calmly to the representatives of various countries:

"If countries are willing to assist China now and purchase spiritual cores at 90% of the price, China will treat them as friendly allies in the future."

"If there is an accident in the future, China is willing to help."

The representative of Eagle Country smiled and said: "Since you are so 'sincere', I won't make things difficult for you."

"5% off the price."

Deng Shui clenched his fist and said coldly: "80%"

Eagle Country: "10%"

Deng Shui: "70%"

Eagle Country: "11%"

The two were in a stalemate for a while, with one party raising the price and the other lowering the price.

Mallory turned up his aquiline nose and was full of disdain for the people in front of him. Anyway, it was China that was worried and it had nothing to do with them.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoshu yawned.


The sound was not loud, but it attracted everyone's attention.

"I'm tired, it's boring."

"You won't get results from your discussion like this." Ye Xiaoshu put his head behind his hands and said carelessly.

His impolite actions and behavior made representatives from various countries very unhappy.

But there is nothing we can do if we are unhappy. Even if the negotiation breaks down, we must complete the negotiation meeting.

Deng Shui was looking forward to what tricks this strange man Ye Xiaoshu would come up with, and asked respectfully:

"What do you think, Commander Ye?"

Ye Xiaoshu put down his legs on the table and slapped his big hand towards the table.

A treaty written in black and white appeared out of thin air under his palm.

"How about I give you some advice."

"China's spiritual core will be sold to your federation at twice the national market price, and the price will be increased by 10% every year."

After Ye Xiaoshu finished speaking, he pushed the paper with his palm and slid the treaty in front of the representative of the other country.

Everyone looked at it one after another.

The papers didn't look thick, but various unequal requirements were densely written on them.

I've seen black ones, but never this dark ones.

They thought that their request for $1 for a spiritual core was already excessive, but they didn't expect that the arrogant young man in front of them went even further.

"You're just kidding, you didn't make such a request at all!"

"It seems that this negotiation can be ended early."

"These treaties you set up make it very difficult for us."

Representatives from various countries refused and said.

"Is it difficult?"

Ye Xiaoshu stood up and put his hands on the table.

"Then don't do it!"

There was a loud noise, and the entire parliament table was overturned and pressed towards the representatives of various countries.

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