Leaving the headquarters and returning to the car,

Lin Feng was thoughtful.

The commander probably knew about the unpleasantness between him and He Zhijun in advance, so he deliberately arranged for him to be on the opposite side of Langya.



Chang Anshan said very seriously:"The end-of-year exercise is an opportunity! Whether Longxi can become famous depends on this time!"

Lin Feng smiled and said:"Minister, don't worry, I am confident that I can defeat Langya, and I have confidence in my team! When the time comes, I will definitely surprise the commander!"

""It's good to have confidence!"

Chang Anshan nodded, his eyes full of admiration.

As Commander Gao said, soldiers who don't fight or compete are not good soldiers, but soldiers without confidence and fighting spirit are also not good soldiers.


In the days that followed, Lin Feng deliberately increased the amount of training for the team members.

The shooting target practice increased from 2,000 rounds per day to 4,000 rounds.

The weight of the cross-country load was also increased from 30 kilograms to 40 kilograms.

All of this was in preparation for the end-of-year exercise.

That day, Lin Feng and Minister Chang applied to have all the team members���Once again, they were taken into the deep mountains and forests to prepare for training.

On the wobbly military vehicle, the old man asked,"Aren't we going to wrestle with blind bears and wild boars again this time?"

Wang Yanbing didn't care:"Compared to wrestling them, I want to wrestle those Wolf Fang guys. Especially Chief of Staff Fan!"

Everyone nodded silently. Fan Tianlei always had a hard time with them and had long been their natural enemy!

When the car arrived, Lin Feng began to explain the content of the training.

The confrontation training is divided into two groups.

One group simulates the red side, and the other group simulates the blue side.

It will not end until all the people on one side are eliminated.

In order to make the exercise environment more complicated, Lin Feng deliberately selected a sparsely populated border area with dense trees.

Lin Feng swept his eyes over everyone:"Although it is just a simulation exercise, I require all of you to treat this battle as an actual battle. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Everyone roared in unison.

They were divided into groups of two and then dispersed, disappearing into the woods.

The training went smoothly, and such confrontational training was closer to actual combat.

In order not to be punished by Lin Feng, everyone was training desperately.

Two days later in the morning, the troops were training as usual.

At this moment, Lin Feng's phone rang suddenly.

After the call was connected, Chang Anshan's voice came from the other end.

"Xiaolin, I have something to tell you. The police will contact you later and may need your help!"

Lin Feng was surprised:"The police want me to cooperate?"

Chang Anshan nodded:"The specific situation will be called on your mobile phone later, and they will tell you!"

Lin Feng nodded:"I understand!"

Not long after hanging up the phone, the phone in his pocket really vibrated again.

After the call was connected, a man's low voice came from the other end

"Hello, Comrade Xiao Lin, I am Wen Changlin!"

Lin Feng was stunned. He didn't expect it to be Wen Tiankeng.

""Mr. Wen, hello!"

Wen Changlin nodded:"There is indeed something I want to ask you for help. By the way, are you training at the 432 border area?"

Lin Feng nodded:"Mr. Wen, just tell me what's the matter!"

"Hahaha!" Wen Changlin laughed dryly:"Xiao Lin, I just like your quick-witted personality. The thing is, we are currently hunting down a transnational drug trafficking gang. The drug dealer Ruan Long who was shot dead at the execution ground before is his younger brother!"

Lin Feng nodded and roughly knew who the police were hunting down.

Min Deng, the head of an international drug trafficking group.

Wen Changlin went on to say:"Before, we were able to capture Ruan Long because of the intelligence provided by our insider planted in the drug trafficking group. This time, when we wanted to arrest Min Deng, we reactivated that insider!"


Lin Feng frowned:"In the end, she failed?"

Wen Changlin nodded awkwardly:"Yes, we thought she could handle this situation, but we didn't expect that she would be discovered.……"

Listening to Wen Changlin's story, Lin Feng roughly understood what happened.

After Wen Changlin captured Ruan Long and obtained a lot of intelligence, he wanted to catch Min Deng as well.

So he asked the insider who was previously planted next to Ruan Long to risk his life to get close to Min Deng and obtain intelligence information.

As a result, the insider's identity was exposed, and Wen Changlin rushed over to find someone to help.

Lin Feng was furious. Wen Tiankeng was indeed Wen Tiankeng, much more powerful than Fan Tiankeng.

You are deliberately trapping your own people. You are specifically trapping undercover agents.

""Undercover, is her name An Ran?" Lin Feng asked coldly.

Wen Tiankeng was stunned for a moment, but then nodded:"Yes, it's her!"

Lin Feng was immediately angry:"Aren't you harming her? Last time she and General Luo Ying were surrounded, it means her identity has been exposed long ago. You still restarted her, are you deliberately trying to kill her?"

Wen Changlin's face turned ugly in an instant.

He was looking for someone to help, not someone to scold him.

"Xiao Lin, watch your tone, I am still your superior."

Lin Feng snorted in his heart, you are my shitty superior, we are not in the same department.

Lin Feng still has a good impression of An Ran. After he was injured, she was one of the few people who took the initiative to visit him.

Now his life and death are uncertain, Wen Tiankeng is the culprit

"Where is the person?" Lin Feng said coldly:"I'll go right away!"

Lin Feng's heart was chilled. An Ran had better be okay, otherwise, he would not forgive Wen Tiankeng!

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