Minister Chang was happy, and Lin Feng was happy too.

This honor belonged to Dragon Breath, and also to the Training Department.

Lin Feng asked:"Minister, when will Dragon Breath be inspected?"

"What the hell is there to test?"

Minister Chang said with a smile,"You guys performed so well in this mission that you even overshadowed Langya. What else is there to test?"


Minister Chang slapped Lin Feng on the shoulder and said,"Just form the Dragon Breath Special Forces. I will distribute the military funds according to the normal standards! If you work hard and make achievements, the army will definitely not treat you unfairly!"

"Thank you, Minister Chang!"

Lin Feng really didn't expect that he could not only get two medals of honor for one mission, but also get an inspection and assessment!


Three days later, the police's People's Guard Medal and the military's first-class merit were all awarded.

Looking at these two golden medals, Lin Feng was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

"How can I be so awesome!"

Just then, the phone rang.

After the call was connected, Luo Ying's voice came from the other end.

"You are really a troublemaker, I have heard about all the things you did in the military!"

"I really didn't expect that in just one month, your dragon breath has made such a great contribution, it's incredible!"

Lin Feng said modestly:"Commander, I bumped into it unintentionally, it's mostly a flattery!"

Luo Ying said seriously:"Whether it's a flattery or not, don't I know clearly that you do have the ability! However, you can't be proud and complacent because of some achievements! You are still very young and have a long way to go. Remember to guard against arrogance and impatience!"

Listening to Luo Ying's words, Lin Feng felt warm in his heart.

These words would only be said by people who really care about themselves.

He nodded heavily:"Commander, don't worry, no matter how great the honor I get, I will treat myself as a new recruit who has just entered the camp!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng put the medal into the box and hid it carefully.

At this moment, the phone rang again.

Chang Anshan's hurried voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xiaolin, why is it so hard to get through to you? Come over here quickly, I'm downstairs!"


Lin Feng put on his clothes and rushed down.

Chang Anshan couldn't wait for Lin Feng to salute, and directly pulled him into the car:"Come up and talk, hurry up!"

After Lin Feng got in the car, the car started and drove out of the camp.

Lin Feng looked at Minister Chang's anxious look and was confused:"Minister, what's the matter?"

Chang Anshan's face suddenly showed a smug smile:"A big shot asked to see you!"

"A big shot wants to see me?"

Lin Feng frowned and thought for a long time.

The only big shot he knew had just talked to him on the phone. Could there be someone else?

Seeing Lin Feng silent, Chang Anshan smiled and said,"What are you thinking about?"

Lin Feng looked up at him:"I'm wondering, which big shot wants to see me?"

An Changshan smiled mysteriously:"You'll know when we get there!"

The car drove all the way to the military district headquarters.

This is the core of the military district. The atmosphere is solemn and dignified. Even the soldiers on duty and patrol are elites selected from various units.

After inspection, the car drove into the parking lot.

Lin Feng followed Chang Anshan directly to a small building. After the guard at the door reported, he let the people in.


""Come in!"

Lin Feng followed Chang Anshan into the office.

A white-haired old man sat in front of the desk. The old man was intimidating without anger, and there was a sense of oppression all over his body.

Lin Feng could conclude that this old man must have been on a real battlefield.

"Report to the Commander, Chang Anshan from the Training Department reports to you!"

"Report to the commander, Lin Feng, the captain of the Dragon Breath Special Forces of the Training Department, reports to you!"

The two men stood straight and saluted Gao Shiwei.

Gao Shiwei raised his head and looked at Lin Feng:"Are you the guy who has been making headlines in the military region recently and wiped out a mercenary team alone?"

Lin Feng said lightly:"Commander, if you are asking about the one who was on the execution ground a few days ago, it must be me!"

"Hahaha!" Gao Shiwei laughed:"You kid are quite interesting and smart, no wonder you can come up with so many tricks!"

"However, I never thought that a soldier from the grassroots border defense could actually set up a special forces unit, and do it in a very decent manner.

Not bad, very good!

" Lin Feng and the others were very happy to receive the commander's praise.

Especially Minister Chang, his eyes were already smiling.

Gao Shiwei continued:"This year's military budget has been allocated, and the military region is ready to vigorously support the grassroots troops.

If you have the ability, you can get more military funds!

" When Minister Chang heard that there would be military funds, he quickly nudged Lin Feng:"This is an opportunity, seize it!

" Lin Feng immediately understood:"Commander, if you can give Long Xi a chance, we will definitely make you look at us in new eyes!

" Gao Shiwei stood up from his chair:"You are quite arrogant, but I like your arrogance!


"A soldier who doesn't fight or compete is not a good soldier! At the end of the year, there will be a military exercise. The original quota has been set. Now I will add your dragon breath to it! If we can win, you will naturally have a share of the military expenditure!"

Lin Feng showed surprise:"Thank you, Commander!"

Gao Shiwei shook his finger:"Don't thank me in a hurry. Whether you can get it depends on whether you have real skills! Moreover, your opponent is Langya!"

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