Chapter 53 One child per second!

 When he put away his gun and was about to squat down, the gunshot rang out again and white smoke came out of his body.

"Report to the squadron leader! The second sniper group is out! The enemy has discovered them..."




  The sniper in the sniper group was reporting the situation to Black Hawk through the earphones. Before he finished speaking, the elimination devices on him and the observers had been activated, and white smoke was rising.


 They were also discovered!

This scene was also seen by the third sniper group.

The two men immediately lowered their heads without hesitation, their eyes full of horror.

Since Zhang Chuan can discover the first and second groups, naturally the third group cannot escape the clutches!

If they don’t lower their bodies completely and wait for their ending, they will be as miserable as the first and second groups!

Hei Ying and others were all surprised when they heard the news.

In just ten seconds, their team plus two sniper teams, all ten people, were wiped out by the enemy.

  What kind of terrifying power is this?

 One per second!

 "Asshole! Speed ​​up the outflank! We must kill this bastard!"

The black hawk roared angrily, and the marching speed of the two wings of the team suddenly accelerated!

Lei Keming suddenly realized when he saw this scene.

Zhang Chuan is not incapable of killing him with one shot, but intends to use him as a bait to lure his own people to come to the rescue, so as to implement his plan!

 This is a trap!

Just now, several team members guarding him were better concealed than him, but they were still eliminated with one shot.

 Let alone himself.

 But he has not been eliminated so far, only for one reason.

 Zhang Chuan deliberately showed mercy!

 Let him stay here and lure more teammates to come to the rescue in order to achieve his true purpose!

 What a grand ambition!

Not only did they intend to behead him, but they also wanted to eliminate the entire Black Tiger Special Forces team in one fell swoop!

At this time, Lei Keming was also holding on to his gun, and together with Black Eagle and the others, he tried hard to find where Zhang Chuan was. .

 But, still found nothing!

After thinking about it, Lei Keming quickly called Black Eagle.

 "Black Hawk received it! Black Hawk received it!"

Black Hawk gasped and agreed.

Lei Keming's voice was very low: "That Wolf Fang sniper is too scary! No matter what the cost, we have to get rid of him today! Even if all of us take advantage of him, we won't hesitate!"

“Otherwise, if we let him run away, based on his ability, he will be a big trouble for our Blue Army! Maybe we can even launch a successful ‘decapitation operation’!”

“Even the strong defense line of the headquarters can’t stop him!”

Black Hawk replied: "Black Hawk understands, Captain, do you have any battle plan?"

 “We have to attack in a surprise attack!”

Lei Keming said firmly: "Even if we lose a few more people, we must find him quickly and deal with him!"

"It's clear! We are probably only about two hundred meters away from his position! I don't think he can notice our movements on three sides at the same time!"

Black Hawk said in a deep voice: "Captain, take cover first, we are about to take action!"

 “Be careful!”

Lei Keming warned worriedly.

They didn’t expect that Zhang Chuan listened to everything they said just now.

At this moment, Zhang Chuan also understood that Lei Keming was of no use anymore.



 The gunfire rang out suddenly.

Lei Keming, who had been hiding well, suddenly had white smoke coming out of his body.

This sudden situation made him confused.

 “Report! The captain was hit!”

 In the distance, the members of the last sniper team heard gunshots and grabbed their headphones and shouted anxiously. “What? Captain?!”

Black Eagle's face changed drastically, and his heart was filled with anger!

 “Don’t ask me, I’ve already been tricked!”

Leke Ming smiled bitterly, took off the mark on his arm, and sat down on the ground.

"Bastard! Brothers, rush over, kill him, and avenge the captain and other brothers!"

 The black hawk roared.


All of a sudden, the remaining ten Black Tiger special forces, with the second sniper group on both sides, rushed towards the place where Zhang Chuan was hiding.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Zhang Chuan’s ears.

“Congratulations to the host for successfully killing Captain Black Tiger and successfully completing two side missions. As a reward, Iron Man’s steel suit radar warning skill has been improved by 1 level. (Fusion degree is 30%)”

Steel suit radar warning?

Zhang Chuan's eyes lit up when he heard this, "System, what does this radar warning mean?"

The system explained: "The Iron Suit has many combat skills, one of which is the early warning function that can know in advance that the enemy is going to attack you!"

"If there is danger approaching, the radar warning will sound, telling you where the danger comes from, what kind of danger it is, whether it is fast or not, and it will also teach you whether to hide to the left or right. Now, the integration degree of this skill is 100 Thirty percent, it can only warn you of danger within 500 meters. In other words, if the enemy is going to shoot at you, and the bullet enters 500 meters around you, the radar warning will sound to let you avoid it. "

 “So awesome?”

Hearing this, Zhang Chuan’s eyes became hot.

 Generally, the speed of bullets flying is about 700 to 800 meters per second.

Even if the warning doesn’t sound until the bullet reaches 500 meters, it still gives him more than half a second to hide!

 More than enough time!

 With this skill, you basically don’t have to be afraid of mid- to long-range gunfire!

Moreover, even at the current distance of two to three hundred meters, as long as the Black Tiger special forces fire, they will immediately know where the bullet came from.

Although the warning period is short, it is better than no warning at all!

 Zhang Chuan immediately tried this skill.

 He was stunned immediately.

This radar warning can not only sound the alarm, but also track the movements of the Black Tiger special forces, and can also scan through obstacles!

In other words, even if these black tiger special forces are hiding behind rocks, the radar can still see the figures behind them.

Of course, you can spot people hiding behind rocks, but you may not be able to spot them accurately.

 This is simply like a magical skill that has been exploited!

 With this skill, within 500 meters, no matter what the environment is, even if it is an airtight building, all people and things inside can be seen clearly!

 Zhang Chuan vaguely remembered that the steel suit was indeed so powerful!

 Iron Man is so powerful!

 After learning this skill, Zhang Chuan can now face the remaining ten Black Tiger special forces more calmly.

At this time, he was standing in a pit about three meters wide.

In such a small hole dug on a narrow high ground, unless he jumped out himself, it would be difficult for the people around him to knock him down directly.

At this moment, the remaining ten Black Tiger special forces were rushing towards him like lightning.

 The situation no longer allowed him to plan slowly as before, he had to cut through the mess quickly.

So, he held the gun in his hand tightly and activated his eagle eye shooting skills and radar early warning protection skills at the same time.


He aimed and fired without hesitation, targeting the Black Tiger Special Forces soldier closest to him!

 Because the distance between them is already very close, just when he was discussing the steel suit skills with the system, Black Hawk had already led the team to close within a hundred meters of him.

If he doesn't take action and wait for them to swarm him, no matter how many skills he has, he will be unable to save his life.

The Black Tiger special forces soldier who had not determined Zhang Chuan's location suddenly had white smoke coming out of his body when the gunfire rang out.

 At this time, Zhang Chuan's whereabouts were finally discovered by Black Eagle and the others.

 “Right there! Fire!”

 (End of this chapter)

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