Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 52: Let Lei Keming be used as "bait"?

Chapter 52 Let Lei Keming be used as "bait"?

His wishful thinking was to use Lei Keming as "bait" to fish out other Black Tiger special forces.

At the moment, Lei Keming has been squeezed to death by him. As long as he is willing, he can make him fall to the ground at any time, exactly.

Lei Keming clutched the walkie-talkie and reported: "I am currently on a hill northwest of the headquarters, about 1.5 kilometers away. Attention, there is a sniper in the 'Langya' unit in the southeast, about 150 meters away, thousands of meters away." Be careful! This guy's concealment skills are superb, and his marksmanship is superb. We can't even touch him now, and all the team members except me have been killed by him!"

The expressions on the faces of the twenty or so members of the Black Hawk Team changed instantly.

“Hutou, are you sure there is only one opponent?”

Black Hawk checked the situation again.

“Absolutely! Everyone, be careful! He is staring at me now, I can’t move! You have to find him quickly and kill him!”

Lei Keming’s order was unequivocal.


Black Hawk and others immediately divided into several groups,

 Divided into assault group, observation group and sniper group.

Part of the people went to rescue Lei Keming, another part flanked him from the side, and the rest slowly pushed forward, trying to expose Zhang Chuan's firepower.

 The sniper team is looking for the best shooting position. Once they catch Zhang Chuan, they will solve the problem with one shot without hesitation!

 But all their little moves were carried out under Zhang Chuan's eyes.

They have to rely on a scope or telescope to see him,

But for Zhang Chuan, as long as the eyes can see, there are no secrets.

Even if night falls and everything is pitch black, it is no different to him than broad daylight.

Not to mention, "Deadshot" is far more capable than that. He can also focus on multiple places at the same time.

For example, when he aims at an enemy in one direction, he is clearly aware of the movements of enemies in all other directions, even if they turn their eyes or pull the bolt of a gun!

 This is what makes "Deadshot" scary!

 Hence, Black Eagle's layout has been clearly seen by Zhang Chuan for a long time.

 In his current position, he can take the initiative and hold his position.

  Within a 200-meter radius, the enemy can hardly find a place to hide.

 And he can quickly lock on to them and give them a fatal blow.

This is the real purpose of keeping Lei Keming!

If Black Eagle and the others concentrate their forces to attack from one direction, Zhang Chuan may not be able to guarantee that they will be safe.

 After all, more than 20 people are firing at you, and under the suppressed firepower, it will be difficult for anyone to withstand it.

 But if they spread out, things would be much simpler, defeat them one by one!

 Zhang Chuan quietly lowered himself.

The Black Tiger special forces who came to outflank were not in place yet, but they were approaching Lei Keming, and the team preparing to cross cover and rescue them was already close to the target.

 They threw several smoke bombs at Lei Keming, and then pulled Lei Keming up.

 “Tiger Head, retreat with us!”

Lei Keming quickly reminded: "Be careful to avoid the cover, the 'Wolf Fang' sniper can accurately hit the target in the smoke!"

 “What? Can you shoot in smoke?”

 The team members were all surprised.

“He will not shoot easily. Once he fires, his position will be exposed to our snipers!”

Although the captain was still in shock, he immediately gave Lei Keming instructions.

However, just as they were pulling Lei Kemin away, gunfire rang out.



 Two gunshots pierced the night sky.

This time, what Zhang Chuan was holding was not a sniper rifle, but an assault rifle.

 Although sniper rifles have fast firing rates and high accuracy,

  But in terms of reloading speed, assault rifles are obviously faster.

 Besides, at such a distance, whether it is a sniper rifle or an assault rifle, there is not much difference in the effect for him.

As two gunshots suddenly pierced the air, in an instant, the two bodyguards beside Lei Keming fell to the ground and were eliminated! "Report! We have lost two team members!" a Black Tiger special operations team member shouted urgently.

 “Everyone lie down!”

 “Hurry, lie down immediately!”

The remaining three people reacted quickly, dragging Lei Keming down to the ground quickly.

 “Sniper! Lock the enemy’s position!”

The black hawk roared loudly.

Many Black Tiger special forces members were all shocked.

That Wolf Fang sniper was actually able to hit their companions accurately in the thick smoke!

 It’s incredible!



 At this time, Zhang Chuan's gunshots did not stop.

The smoke has not dissipated, and they are already hiding behind the bunker, but Zhang Chuan is still targeting them one by one and mercilessly eliminating them.

 There was another burst of gunfire, and the team members who went to rescue Lei Keming were completely wiped out!

 Once again, Lei Keming was left alone!

And he was suppressed by Zhang Chuan at the scene, unable to move.

“Sniper! Sniper! Have you found his location?”

Because Black Eagle and the others were outflanking them from the side, there was still some distance between them and Zhang Chuan, so they were unable to accurately detect Zhang Chuan's specific location.

Three groups of snipers located in three different sniper positions, staring at the direction of the source of the gunfire.

Even though Zhang Chuan fired continuously,

 But his shooting speed is extremely fast, completing it in only one or two seconds.

 In addition, his location is extremely concealed and he uses camouflage techniques, which makes it extremely difficult for snipers to spot him!

 “Damn it!”

 “Why can’t people find it?”

“This guy shoots at night, doesn’t he even have a night vision scope? Why isn’t there any reflection at all?”

 “When you shoot, why can’t you even see the sparks when the bullet comes out of the barrel?”

“You’re stupid, those are blank bullets! Where did the sparks come from! Even if it’s not a blank bullet, the probability of sparks is very low. Besides, he didn’t fire continuously, he just fired a few shots!”

"The gunshot is indeed our standard rifle, but this guy didn't use a night vision scope. It's terrible! Judging from the gunshot, he was at least 150 meters away from the tiger's head! At this distance, in such a dark environment , the gun shot to the head, and it was actually aimed at a target in the smoke, is this crazy? Does this guy have perspective? "

 The snipers of the three sniper teams were all stunned and cursed.

Logically speaking, if the enemy fires like this, no matter whether three groups are searching at the same time or a single group is searching, he should be able to find him easily!

 But now, the gunshots show that they are there, but they can't find anyone!


 Finally, after eliminating that team, Zhang Chuan turned his target to the three sniper teams.

Each sniper team consists of a sniper and an observer, working together.

 These three groups were located at different locations 200 meters away from him.

 You can clearly see them from Zhang Chuan's sniper position.

 As gunfire rang out again, the sniper on the far left was killed with one shot.

"Oh My God…"

As soon as the sniper finished muttering, he found white smoke coming out of himself and was stunned.

 They failed to find Zhang Chuan, but Zhang Chuan found them.

“We didn’t fire a single shot, how come we were discovered?”

 As the sniper was eliminated, the observer next to him immediately realized it and planned to lower his body to hide.

  Unfortunately, it is too late.

 (End of this chapter)

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