Spear Teacher

Chapter 88

As soon as Qi Yu's name came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room immediately changed its style.

[He's coming, he's coming, he's coming with roses! He's coming, he's coming, he's coming up on auspicious clouds! Qi is the sky, Qi is the earth, Qi can stand tall and straight! Qi is the wind, Qi is the rain, Qi can call the wind and rain!!! ]

[If Qi's confession is successful, can you give me 200 yuan? ]

[Jiang Qi meets his own money-spreading boy, who is more suitable for the physique of a spear baby! ]

[Help, I'm looking forward to how he will confess and to whom he will confess, but Qi Yu is unlikely to confess, isn't there a rumor that he came to participate just for the title? ]

[People in front, please make way, you're blocking our long-eared welcome line. 】


After hearing his name, Qi Yu first glanced at the next table casually, then stood up slowly and buttoned his suit jacket with his slender knuckles elegantly.


After doing all this, he did not immediately walk to the podium, but slowly walked to another table under the gaze of everyone.

Following everyone's head, Jiang Qiyu looked up with wide eyes and watched the man who seemed to be shining all over his body approaching her step by step.

What is this beating?

But before she could ask, the man stood in front of her, bowed slightly, and stretched out a bony hand.

She looked at the hand stretched in front of her, and subconsciously touched her pocket to take out something to hand it over.


Today's clothes have no pockets.

Just as she was emptying her pockets, a low voice with a hint of laughter sounded above her head:

"Will you go up together? Jiang Qiyu."


She was holding the eucalyptus leaves in her hand, and was stunned for a moment before someone gently but unrejectingly took her hand.

Qi Yu just helped her up from the chair, then very gentlemanly released their clasped hands and offered his arm.

Then he lowered his voice to her in a place where the camera couldn't see:

"I'll hold you, otherwise I'm afraid you'll fall to death when you climb the stairs later."


Jiang Qiyu smiled naturally and put her arm around him. When they turned around together, she quietly rolled her eyes and imitated him to whisper:

"Although what you said sounds bad, it's even worse when you think about it carefully."

After that, there was a chuckle in his ear, and his smiling voice:

"Thank you."

Watching the two of them walk towards the confession viewing platform step by step, the long-eared CP fans in the live broadcast room almost fainted with excitement.

[Ahhhh, who can tell me, have they officially announced it in the circle? ]

[I'll say it again, Chang'er is together without telling us, I'm not kidding! ]

[I'm going to sleep again. I woke up suddenly just now and saw Chang'er getting married. ]

[This is not a confession viewing platform, this red carpet, this atmosphere light, isn't this a proper wedding scene? I'll give 200, Xiaobai will give it! ]

[CP fans who like them sent congratulatory messages, wishing the two new couples well! ]


While CP fans were frantically imagining the sweet love between the two, the two people who walked up the stairs hand in hand and talked in public were not as sweet as they imagined.

Qi Yu: "Was he handsome just now?"

Jiang Qiyu: "To be honest, he was indeed good."

Qi Yu: "Are you conquered? Are you ready to accept my confession?"

Jiang Qiyu: "You will tell everyone up there later."

Qi Yu raised his eyebrows: "Why are you so obsessed with ritual? How about I ask Zhao Jin to buy more flowers now..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Qiyu continued expressionlessly:

"Cunning capitalist, I'm going to reject you again in front of so many people."

Qi Yu also had a blank expression:



In the middle of the steps dotted with halos, the two walked slowly without looking around, and climbed to the top step by step.

At the end of the stairs, the moment they separated, Qi Yu lowered his eyes and left a sentence in her ear:

"The double endorsement of Qi's new project, the endorsement fee is five million a year."

After saying that, he did not look at the man's eyes that suddenly lit up, and then turned and walked to the round table.

Qi Yu lowered his eyes and looked at the rose in his hand, his three-dimensional and delicate eyebrows slightly stretched, and then he raised his long legs and stepped directly onto the automatically sensing round table.


The lights came on, casting a shadow on his slender eyelashes, and the originally full and three-dimensional edges were now more clear and distinct under the light.

He raised his eyes and looked directly at Jiang Qiyu who was also stepping onto the round table opposite.

The lights suddenly lit up.

In an instant, the hazy light enveloped her entire body, the corners of her skirt, and even every strand of her hair.All covered with a thin veil of light.

He held a bright red rose in his hand, a charming smile on his lips, and his deep eyes reflected the shadow of the person in front of him.

He called her name softly:

"Jiang Qiyu."


Still immersed in the shock of the five million a year, Jiang Qiyu suddenly came back to look at him, with vigilance and inquiry in her eyes.

But Qi Yu seemed to have not seen her defensive eyes at all, and the smile in his eyes became even stronger.

The man spoke slowly and calmly, but his words were enough to blow up the entire confession world:

"My bank card password is 041099, my mobile phone password is 000667, my payment password is 600881, my property certificate and cash are in the safe in my villa study in the center of S City, the password is also 041099, I have a lot of cars, I will ask my secretary to make a table for you, in addition to Qi's 15.49% equity, I also have several small financial companies under my name, no property notarization before marriage, you will be in charge of the money after marriage, and you will get half of these in divorce."

"Jiang Qiyu."

In her increasingly shocked eyes, Qi Yu raised his eyebrows at her calmly and handed over the rose that had been waiting for a long time in his hand:

"Do you want it?"

Hearing this, Jiang Qiyu didn't even hesitate for a second, and nodded vigorously:


But she woke up instantly after she said it. These words must be said to fans, because of the new project he just mentioned, which was endorsed by two people.

But the three million this guy asked for last time was a lie, who knows whether the five million this time is true or not.

In a flash, she quickly used her clever little brain to change the tone of the word "want" that had already come out of her mouth:

"Want-yo! Yo!"


Facing Qi Yu's smiling eyes, she said without blushing or beating her heart:

"In that case, I will give you a rap song."

After that, regardless of whether he was willing or not, she immediately started her rap show in front of everyone:

"Yo! Yo! That's right, it's my indifference that makes you feel extremely lost!"

"However, a woman's heart is not only eager for a promise. I am afraid of deception, loneliness, and even more afraid that my heart will gradually wither."

"Love is not a casual promise. Okay, I don't want to say it anymore."


This rhythmic tone shocked everyone instantly.

[This... This is Phoenix Legend... right? 】

【Teacher Changmao, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't sing whatever you want! 】

【What on earth are you doing with your beautiful face? ? ? 】

【This couple, the confession is so explosive, and the response is even more explosive, is this a love that is evenly matched? 】

【I don't understand, I'll take a postgraduate entrance exam and then I'll take a look. 】

Even Fang Xubai, who was sitting on the high platform, couldn't help but murmur:

"Fortunately, fortunately..."

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