Spear Teacher

Chapter 87

Before she could figure out who was the flight attendant, Director Zhang raised the trumpet again.

"Congratulations to Zhou Shun and Song Yan, they are together! I hope they will continue to date outside the show, and I also look forward to Zhou Shun's new song!"

There was a burst of cheers on the bullet screen, and everyone was offering the most sincere blessings to this pair of CPs who firmly chose each other from the beginning to the end.

After the two CPs left the scene holding hands and looking happy, Director Zhang spoke again:

"Next, it's the turn of our third-ranked guest——"

"Fang, Xu, Bai!"

The moment the voice fell, the Baimao girl on the bullet screen began to swipe the screen frantically:

[The white suit really poked my XP hard! ! ! ]

[I will never regret joining Baimao in this life, and I will be a Baimao girl in the next life! ]

[Bai Bai, you have to do your best! Take down the spear teacher for me! ! ! 】

Fang Xubai stood up, adjusted his tie formally, turned around and stepped onto the viewing steps.

He took a long breath, stood on the round platform, smiled lightly at the camera, and said in a clear voice:

"Do you know? The longest Greek word is Archaiomelesidonophrunicherata, which means a lovely person."

"But the Chinese character for this word is very short. I call it——"

"Jiang Qiyu."

He turned his eyes and shouted to the figure in the black dress below the platform:

"Sister Qiyu, you don't have to come up yet!"

After he finished speaking, he heard a clear voice from below:

"Don't worry."

Jiang Qiyu sat on the chair below the platform as steady as a rock, with no intention of getting up.

She knew in her heart that although Fang Xubai was very warm to her, this feeling was more like the enthusiasm between friends, nothing else.

As expected, after she finished speaking, Fang Xubai on the big screen first grinned, and then looked straight at the camera again with a serious face:

"I am very grateful for this program, which allowed me to meet such an interesting person like Sister Qiyu. Today, I stand here to confess to Sister Qiyu as a friend. I hope that even after the program, we can still interact as friends!"

When he said this, the barrage in the live broadcast room began to polarize.

Some Baimao girls cried:

[Leak!!! Baibai, what are you talking about? Mom doesn't allow it!! ]

[You took off your pants, and you showed me this???]

[Fang Xubai, are you not capable? ]

But more people were more rationally relieved:

[Baibai really made me cry, such a sincere puppy, I love him even more! ]

[Actually, can I say that I originally support the brother-sister relationship between them? Friends are more precious than lovers! 】

【In this world, there is equal viewing and appreciation, and there is also support and companionship that has nothing to do with love. 】


The barrage was swiping quickly, and Fang Xubai on the high platform looked down at Jiang Qiyu below:

"Sister Qiyu! Can you not delete my WeChat after the show? I still want to play with you!!!"


There was silence for a moment under the high platform, and then the same smiling voice sounded:

"Okay, there is a stewardess to take you to play!"

After the voice fell, Jiang Qiyu was stunned.


After saying this, she suddenly realized it.

It turned out that there was no stewardess at all...

After getting her approval, Fang Xubai didn't hesitate, and immediately went down the observation deck with a smile, walked happily to Jiang Qiyu, and handed over the red rose in his hand:

"Sister Qiyu, this is for you."

Jiang Qiyu smiled and accepted the rose, but did not hand back the eucalyptus in her hand.

At this point, Fang Xubai's unique confession to a friend ended.

Director Zhang looked at the increasingly popular #懂恋 告白夜# entry on his phone and raised his trumpet happily:

"On behalf of the program team of 懂恋, I wish you two a lasting friendship! Good friends with the same ideals are as precious as lovers with the same souls. I hope everyone can have friends and lovers around them."

"Now, please ask the director to reveal the next guest to confess."

"The fourth place in the heartbeat value is——"

"Jiang Mian."

As soon as she appeared, the barrage of comments was instantly filled with blood and rain.

CP fans of Yilu Mianyan and Yumian, as well as Jiang Mian's only fans, all joined the battlefield as if they had been injected with chicken blood:

[I came here for Yilu Mianyan, Mian Mian and Heng Shuai are the best match in the world! ]

[Yu Mian is the trend! Poisonous tongue boss x stunning beauty star! ! ! ]

[Jiang Mian is beautiful alone, right? Always support Mian Mian! ! ! 】

Under the spotlight, Jiang Mian lifted her white skirt and walked step by step.She stepped onto the observation deck.

Standing on the round platform, the lights suddenly lit up, she smiled gently with eucalyptus leaves in her hand, and looked at the camera:

"Today, the reason why I stand on this confession round platform is not to confess to any male guest off the stage. For me, feelings are just the seasoning of life, and have never been a necessity."

"Today, I want to give the eucalyptus in my hand to my fans who have always supported me and liked me, my Mianhuatangs! The person I want to confess to is you!"

"Without you, there would be no me today. I confess to you, and I hope you can get the love you want!"


As soon as she said this, she instantly aroused the fanatical support of the fans.

[Ahhhh! What kind of pattern is this? The pattern has opened up all of a sudden! ]

[Top female stars are beautiful alone, men don't even think about getting close to them! ! ]

[I received Mianmian's love for Mianhuatang. She is really hardworking and sincere. I really love her! 】

Although the CP fans were sad, many of them turned to CP fans directly in the face of her sincere confession:

[I originally followed the show because I liked Lu Mianyan, but I was really attracted by Mianmian after seeing this. From now on, I will only support Jiang Mian!!!]

[Jiang Mian really works hard, I like her very much! Even if I can't eat sugar, I will always support you! ]


This wave of hers can only be said to be completely open, and she has attracted countless fans with just a few words.

And Jiang Qiyu just glanced at Director Zhang who looked unpredictable, and curled her lips imperceptibly.

This sister is really good. Not only does she not eat the CP fan bowl of rice, but she also wants to overturn the whole table.

Those words did attract her, but in this way, what has this love variety show become? What has the guest who successfully held hands become?

I have seen people who want to get ahead, but it is rare to see people who get ahead by stepping on the show.

Jiang Mian came down from the observation deck, and before he was fully seated, Director Zhang immediately cut the camera and picked up the speaker:

"Thank you Jiang Mian for this wonderful speech. Next, please welcome the fifth most popular guest——"

"Qi Yu!"

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