Spear Teacher

Chapter 275


Qi Yu was speechless and was about to raise his hand to give her a love blow on the head.

But before he could do anything, he heard the loudspeaker outside:

"Attention everyone! Attention everyone! Some zombies have evolved and can identify humans within a ten-meter radius by smell."


Hearing this, both of them looked stern.

I didn't expect the program to target them and come up with an evolved zombie.

Since the program gave a hint, it proves that no matter how well they hide, the NPCs will find them.

Then this hiding place will change from being absolutely safe to a narrow space where they can only wait for death once they are surrounded.

So, listening to the increasingly fierce howling of zombies outside, the two quickly made a decision:

"We have to change places."

"You go out and lead them away."



Finally, Jiang Qiyu took a step back and decided to follow Qi Yu out.

She turned on the microphone on her body, and then slowly pushed away the little yellow duck raft that blocked her view, and then she realized how correct this decision was.

Because there were already many zombie NPCs wandering in the nearby pool, if she stayed here for a while, she might soon be blocked in the gap between the two facilities.

"This way."

After the two sneaked out quietly using the cover of the water slide, Qi Yu just quickly glanced at the surrounding situation and immediately made a decision.

Jiang Qiyu followed behind with a water gun, bent over and waded carefully towards the shore where there were relatively fewer NPCs.

As she walked, she did not forget to lower her voice to remind:

"Let's go ashore quietly, don't shoot."

The water capacity of this gun is limited, and it can only shoot ten rounds at most when it is full, and it takes five minutes to charge once.

But the zombies are endless, and they can't kill them all.

If the two water guns are out of ammunition, then they will really be helpless in the face of zombie NPCs.

As soon as the two appeared, the cameras hidden in various places in the scene easily captured their figures.

The audience in the live broadcast room naturally saw the route of the two people's actions and her cautious reminder.

[No, sister was a colonel in her previous life? ]

[Chinese people also have their own Japanese girls. ]

[Brother Qi, judging from the accent, sister-in-law is not a local, right? ]


When Qi Yu heard this, he just turned around and shot down the evolved zombie NPC who had quietly touched her behind him, and glanced at her lightly:

"Don't worry about it, just be alive."


Irritated by his contemptuous eyes, Jiang Qiyu immediately jumped to the shore twice and climbed up with his hands and feet.

Looking down at Qi Yu who was still standing in the pool, she was not convinced and was indignant:

"Do you look down on me?"


The man just raised his eyebrows, supported the bank with one hand and jumped up, and spread his hands to her with an "innocent" look:

"I didn't say that."


Jiang Qiyu narrowed her eyes, raised the water gun in her hand and shot at a dark crawling NPC next to her:

"Isn't it just extreme sports? Do you think I can't do it?"

The water gun hit the zombie, and it would only lose its ability to move for one minute, so even if the two of them were arguing, they did not forget to escape from this pool with a wide field of view that was not conducive to hiding.

While running, Jiang Qiyu did not forget to say harsh words to Qi Yu:

"I tell you, when subway parkour was popular all over the country, I won the silver medal in our community!"


"Don't believe it?" Seeing his suspicious face, she became excited:

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you."

As she said that, she stuffed the water gun in her hand into the man's arms and aimed at a low pile blocking the road in front.

She rubbed her hands and rushed forward without hesitation:



Qi Yu held two guns and looked up at the petite figure crossing the obstacles in front one after another.

There were steps that could be stepped over by lifting her legs, chairs that could be bypassed by turning a corner, and even on flat ground, she could pretend to be cool and roll forward on the spot...

As an extreme enthusiast who had participated in countless professional parkour sports of all sizes abroad, he only had five words to evaluate this:

Different fields are like different mountains.

Not only Qi Yu, but even the audience on the barrage laughed at her clumsy but seemingly neat parkour moves.

They all started to make sarcastic comments:

[When Brother Qi moves, it is the signal for the prairie cheetah to attack, and when Sister Yu runs, it is the circus bear head-ball event.The trailer for the opening ceremony. 】

【How can I describe your parkour? I suggest you run faster. 】

【Gives people a feeling of hard work without merit. 】

【Fills the gap between ordinary people and disabled people [heart]. 】

【My grandma needs more exercise than hiding from the rain. 】

【Please... please teach me again, senior! Such a difficult move can't break the bond between me and my senior! 】

【Really, is it difficult to admit that others are excellent? Just these two moves of Sister Yu, I dare say they are enough to kill most preschoolers in seconds! 】

【The one above, you didn't let her go either. 】


At the beginning, Jiang Qiyu still had time to use her scarce parkour skills to jump around in the scene.

But later, as more and more zombies were refreshed, the frequency of encountering zombies became more and more frequent.

She could only hold the water gun in her arms and be chased by the zombies.

Fortunately, Qi Yu, a teammate, was quite capable. With her as a burden, they were able to successfully escape danger again and again under the constant siege of zombies.

With the first elimination of a member in the broadcast, the zombies that evolved next were even more varied.

Some automatically entered the violent mode after one shot and could only be killed with two shots, some were slow but completely immune to water gun damage, and some were even good at thinking and would hide and attack by surprise.

More and more zombies made the guests overwhelmed.

Only half of the four hours had passed, and three guests had been eliminated.

When the battle royale reached a white-hot stage, Jiang Qiyu resolutely plunged into the trash can in order not to cause trouble for Qi Yu.

After the NPC discovered her hiding technique in the trash can, Qi Yu immediately fished her out of the green trash can.

"Hold me tight."

Not caring about avoiding suspicion in front of the camera, the man held her butt with one hand and hugged her tightly in his arms. Jiang Qiyu's legs subconsciously wrapped around the man's waist.

The next moment, Qi Yu's black water gun was stuffed into his arms.

At the same time, accompanied by the constant roar of the zombies around, the man's voice sounded in his ears:

"Hold tight."

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