Spear Teacher

Chapter 274

On this side, Jiang Qiyu, who was accidentally tricked, gnashed her teeth.

She vowed to part ways with Qi Yu.

After leaving a sincere sentence:

"I'm leaving, remember to take good care of yourself, remember to drink on time, smoke more when you feel uncomfortable, stay up late every day, wear more short-sleeved shirts when it's cold, don't forget to play with your phone when crossing the road, remember to eat more midnight snacks, don't eat breakfast every day, remember to wear sandals when it's cold." Then

she immediately turned around, shook her hair, and strode away.


But before she walked out of 20 meters, she was scared by the zombie NPC that had begun to randomly refresh and screamed.

She turned around and ran towards Qi Yu.


The man smiled and took her into his arms, and at the same time raised his hand to hit the very dedicated group of zombie extras with a water gun.

He did not forget to help her dub:

"Xiao Feiyu is here!"


Of course, the result was a solid bite from someone, biting his chest viciously.

Qi Yu used a little force to hold her in his arms again, lowered his head and whispered in his ear:

"I was wrong."


Jiang Qiyu bit him again.

Then he turned his head to look at the NPC group actors who were working hard on the ground (crawling in the dark) (twisting) (wriggling), and glanced at Qi Yu unhappily:

"Find a place to hide for a while."

Qi Yu did not dodge or evade, but stood there and let her vent her anger. Hearing this, he curved his eyebrows and nodded:



Now the zombies have just started to refresh, and everyone has weapons in their hands, so they can deal with it easily.

Liu Ziyi even has time to take the female guests in the same group to play on the water slide.

But the refresh of zombies is increasing exponentially.

At first, we only encountered one or two zombies sporadically, but gradually, the number of zombies began to increase. When there were more than a dozen zombies wandering around, everyone began to feel pressure.

Fortunately, Jiang Qiyu always followed the principle of "survival" no matter whether he was playing games or anything else:


As the saying goes: Survive longer.

Theoretically, in this kind of survival game, as long as you can find a perfect position to hide, you are basically on the verge of victory.

The venue specified by the program team is the entire indoor water park.

The area is not big, but it is not small either, but if you are determined to hide, it is not that easy to find.

Of course, Jiang Qiyu, who is now shrinking in the gap between two large slides, thinks so.


Qi Yu, who was with her, had no objection.

The two of them soaked half of their bodies in the constant temperature pool water, and pulled a little yellow duck-style kayak to block the outside.

In this way, unless you stand in the middle of the gap and look carefully, no one would think that the two people are hiding inside.

Because this hiding place is relatively hidden, the program team did not install cameras, and the cameraman could not squeeze in together.

For a moment, the two people seemed to disappear in front of the camera.

"I tell you,"

Jiang Qiyu stuck the little yellow duck kayak tightly in the gap and checked everywhere.

After confirming that there was no risk of exposure except the bottom of the water, he turned his head to look at Qi Yu who had been smiling and silent:

"They will definitely not find it here..."

But she didn't realize it at all.

Because the scene of this event is a water park, although everyone did not wear more revealing swimsuits.

But the quick-drying vest will still stick to the body after being wet, exposing the complete body curve.

Especially the two of them were squeezed in this gap where it was difficult to turn around, and the air gradually heated up for a while.

Qi Yu lowered his eyelashes and didn't look at her, but his voice was tinged with an abnormal hoarseness:

"I didn't expect you to be so... good."

"Hi (↘)"

Hearing this, she waved her hand nonchalantly:

"What's so good about this? It's all about practice makes perfect, just like I've been wiping butts for more than 20 years and have never seen it, but I can wipe it accurately."


The ambiguous atmosphere was broken by this nonsense but lethal metaphor, and Qi Yu shook his head helplessly:

"It seems that you are quite proud."

"Of course!"

Jiang Qiyu raised his neck, then thought of something, turned around suddenly, and reached out his hand to grope the man randomly.

"Jiang Qiyu, you——"

Qi Yu's ears were hot, and just when he was about to half-heartedly obey, he saw her reaching into his collar and turning off the waterproof small microphone with ease.

Then he pulled his hand away without any reluctance and turned off his own.

After turning off the microphones on the two people, Jiang Qiyu was gloomy.She looked at him with her arms folded:

"You kid, tell me."


The man touched his nose with some regret. Knowing that he couldn't escape this time, he took the initiative to lower his head and confess the crime:

"Actually, I don't know what happened. Didn't we pretend to be dead in the hospital that day?"

"Pretend to faint, okay?"

"Okay, pretend to faint." He nodded and continued:

"Later, I don't know what happened, I really fell asleep, and then I seemed to hear an electronic mechanical sound, saying that the experience card would take effect immediately...

But I seemed to have lost my original memory, until that day you told me that it had always been me..."

As he said, he frowned again and said the conclusion he had drawn from his thinking over the past few days:

"I guess this should be another parallel universe, where many things and developments are similar to the past, but there are also many things that are different from what we remember or have experienced..."

At this point, Qi Yu looked serious and began to analyze his own settings for her Thinking:

"I don't know if you can understand this. The universe is pluralistic, and the multiverse is a collection of infinite or finite possible universes that appear in theory, including all existing and possible things, all space, time, matter, and energy. The universes contained in the multiverse are collectively called parallel universes, or parallel time and space, which refer to other universes that are separated from our original universe and exist in parallel with the original universe, which are both similar and different.

And for some reason, our two consciousnesses traveled from the original parallel universe A to the current parallel universe B, and now the timeline of parallel universe B is even three years behind the original parallel universe A, but I haven't found a way to go back yet..."


Jiang Qiyu looked at his exaggerated analysis and couldn't help but raised his hand and patted his shoulder:

"You don't have to explain it so carefully."

Hearing this, Qi Yu's thoughts were instantly interrupted.

Looking up, she saw the clear and stupid light in the eyes of the man in front of her, and she couldn't help but curl her lips:

"You don't understand, right?"

"You know me too well, I don't like this."


The man smiled with his eyes and eyebrows, took a half step forward, and got close to her in the narrow space.

He held her graceful waist and brought her to his arms with ease, lowered his head slightly, and dropped a pure kiss on her moist lips:

"Thank you for choosing me firmly."

Jiang Qiyu grinned a little embarrassedly:

"Hehe, actually I'm not that firm."



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