Spear Teacher

Chapter 270

Finally, Jiang Qiyu and Qi Yu's group turned the tables again and sold out all the dolls prepared by the program team!

At the price of three yuan each, they collected more than three thousand yuan!

After counting the funds from the charity sale of each group, the program team announced that all the money would be donated to the mountainous area, and gave a gift to the first place winner, Chubby Dudu.

Of course, other children also had corresponding gifts.

In this way, the chaotic day ended.

The eight guests gathered together to share their feelings and gains today, as well as what new understandings they had of each other.

In addition to expressing their feelings for the objects of their affection, almost all the guests showed great recognition of Qi Yu.

The girls only praised him reservedly, and the male guests were even more outrageous, one by one, shouting that they were completely convinced by Qi Yu.

When asked about Jiang Qiyu, she just said lightly:

"Appropriate exercise attracts the opposite sex, excessive exercise attracts the same sex, you take care of yourself."

As soon as this was said, the scene and the barrage burst into laughter again.

As the few people chatted, Han Ruoruo suddenly thought of Jiang Qiyu's words today, and winked at Qi Yu and smiled:

"Mr. Qi, what was your nickname for Qiyu before?"

Qi Yu turned to look at her, raised his eyebrows in confusion:



Han Ruoruo thought he was pretending to be deep, looked at Jiang Qiyu who was telling jokes to everyone with a smile, smiled and whispered:

"Qiyu told us today that she called you the security captain. You get along so well with each other, why did you break up in the first place..."


Qi Yu was no longer listening to what Han Ruoruo said later.

At this time, all his attention was on the four words "security captain".

"You said...she called me the security captain?"


Seeing that his expression was not right, Han Ruoruo was stunned for a moment before trying to test:

"Well, it seems so..."

After the voice fell, the atmosphere around her instantly became a little colder. She realized that she might have said something wrong, and stuttered to make up for it:

"Maybe...I heard it wrong?"

Han Ruoruo smiled twice and shut up wisely. She could only quietly cast an apologetic look to Jiang Qiyu who was still talking loudly.


One hour later, the program process ended.

The six guests went back to their rooms to sleep. Jiang Qiyu and Qi Yu stayed in a nearby hotel to rest as they did yesterday.

On the way back together, Qi Yu kept his eyelashes down and didn't speak. Jiang Qiyu thought he was tired, so he didn't take it seriously.

Back to the room, she rushed into the bathroom to wash and clean up after a day of tiredness, ready to have a good sleep.


But her hair was not dried yet, and the doorbell rang suddenly.


Is it Yu Xiaoyu at this time?

Putting down the hair dryer, Jiang Qiyu casually rolled up her half-dry hair, leaned over the cat's eye to look, but could only see half of her dark shoulders.

She had been a star for so long, so she was still alert. She immediately held the door handle and asked the person outside:

"Who is it?"


After a while of silence, a familiar voice sounded outside the door:


When she heard that it was Qi Yu, Jiang Qiyu's originally tense nerves immediately relaxed, and she let out a long breath. Without any hesitation, she opened the door:

"What are you doing in the middle of the night--Hey (↗)"

The door was only half open, and she couldn't even see the man's face clearly, and an arm suddenly stretched out--

The big hand tightly covered the upper half of her face,

The next moment, the familiar warm breath came up.


The lights in the room were all turned off. Jiang Qiyu could only vaguely see the faint light coming in from the corridor outside the door through the man's fingers.


She was about to speak.


The door of the hotel room was also closed. The only light source disappeared, and the big hand covering her eyes slowly moved down.

With a little effort, he covered her soft cheeks and lips.

At the same time, the man's muscular arms stretched out from behind, tightly wrapped his slender waist with one hand,

pulling her whole body closer to his warm embrace.

Until there was no gap between the two bodies, she heard the man sighing close to her:

"Jiang Qiyu..."

But strangely,

his voice trembled slightly, as if he was restraining extremely turbulent emotions and pain:

"Do you love him so much?"


Jiang Qiyu frowned, not quite understanding what he meant by this.

Love him?


Unfortunately, the man seemsHe almost didn't intend to listen to her answer, or was afraid to hear the answer, still tightly covering the lips of the person in his arms.

Suppressing her tiny struggle, Qi Yu lowered his head in the dark, and based on his memory, he left a gentle kiss on her neck.

He pressed harder.


After a long time, he relaxed his strength, and gently rubbed the delicate skin with his moist lips. He slowly said:

"I look like him?"


Jiang Qiyu was even more confused.

Who do you look like, brother? Can you tell me clearly before you bite me? !

Thinking of this, she became impatient.

She pulled her hands out of his arms that he didn't dare to really use force, and struggled to pry open his big palms covering her face, and said unhappily:

"What? Are you trying to have some fun?"

A substitute?

Forced love?


Qi Yu specifically searched for the screen recording of the live broadcast during the day.

When he saw her say the words "security captain" with a smile, his heart sank.

He couldn't convince himself that this should be just a casual joke, and he couldn't help but start to think about other things.

Maybe...who does his face look like?

Thinking of this, he tightened his arms around her slender waist a little more, and gritted his teeth beside her ear:

"Jiang Qiyu, do you mistake me for him?"


Jiang Qiyu was a little uncomfortable with him, raised her hand and elbowed the boy behind her, rolled her eyes and replied:

"Who? Can you explain clearly?"


Qi Yu sighed, buried his head in her neck a little dejectedly, and said in a muffled voice:

"Security captain."


Jiang Qiyu was angry and amused.

Why is this boy still entangled with the security captain?


She tried to pry the hand from her waist with force.

Unable to pry them apart, she simply turned around in his arms.

The two of them were face to face and pressed tightly together. Jiang Qiyu reached out and held the man's head in the dark with muscle memory and smiled deliberately:

"If I say that I use you as a substitute for the security captain, what will you do?"


After the words fell, the man's body froze.

He then fiercely kneaded the soft flesh in his palm twice, lowered his head close to her face, and gently touched her soft lips:

"Then I can only order a few sets of security uniforms."


Jiang Qiyu couldn't hold it back, and smiled softly with his eyes bent, with an exaggerated tone:

"Then my line is, why are you wearing a security uniform and using his things?"


The tense and ambiguous atmosphere in the air was broken, the man was deflated, and bit her lips as if to vent his anger:

"Since you want to pursue excitement, you might as well carry it through to the end."


Jiang·Hong Shixian·Qiyu laughed out loud, and the hand that was originally holding his face slowly moved down.

In the darkness, the charming voice with a slight smile was stained with a hint of inexplicable meaning:

"Qi Yu, you are so S..."

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