Spear Teacher

Chapter 269

On that day, Qi Yu's cooking skills were so impressive that everyone's scalps were numb.

And Jiang Qiyu didn't just sit there doing nothing at the table.

She looked up at Qi Yu, who was swinging the spatula, and then turned to look at the other guests who were happily "farming and weaving" at the stoves.

After thinking for a while and hesitating for a moment, she looked at the drooling little fat boy:

"Dudu, what do you like to eat? Auntie will show you some cooking skills."

The little fat boy was a little slow to react, but he still came to his senses and looked at the unreliable aunt in front of him with suspicion:


"What?" Jiang Qiyu frowned, "Don't believe me?"

Seeing this, the little fat boy waved his hands repeatedly, and finally could only stammer out: "I want to eat lotus root..."

In order to save her image in front of the child, she immediately got up and went there with high morale, but got a sentence from the busy and orderly Qi Yu:

"I didn't take the lotus root."

Qi Yu knew that she wanted to help, but he really didn't want her to ruin today's lunch.

He paused in waving the spatula, then picked out a potato that had not been used from the basket and stuffed it into her arms:

"Go play with this."

[Play? Hahahahaha, Mr. Qi is killing people and hurting their hearts, hahahaha...]

[Although his tone can hardly hide his disdain, he still feels so spoiled, help! ]

[Hahahaha, Sister Yu, don't listen, it's a bad review! ]

[No, I'm starting to doubt now, are they breaking up? ]

[It's so weird, these two people don't match up at first glance, but their interaction is really sweet, Mr. Qi is unexpectedly respectful, Sister Yu is pitifully stupid but unexpectedly not acting! ]


Jiang Qiyu also heard Qi Yu's undisguised perfunctory and disdain, she narrowed her eyes and swore secretly in her heart.

I must slap him in the face with my superb cooking skills!

Holding the potato in her hand, she said nothing, turned her back to the live camera and buried her head in tinkering.


Half an hour later.

"Auntie Qiyu..."

Dudu looked at the... uh... dish in front of her?

He looked up and exchanged glances with Uncle Qi, then shifted his gaze to another confident smile:

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you want to eat lotus root?"

Jiang Qiyu handed him the chopsticks and pointed at the "creative dish" on the plate with his eyes:

"Auntie spent a lot of effort to make it for you, eat it quickly."


Qi Yu frowned slightly and looked down at the plate of innovative dishes that were still steaming:

"What are you doing? Charcoal-grilled mashed potatoes?"

"...What do you know?"

Jiang Qiyu bared his teeth at him and said confidently:

"This is an innovative dish. Do you know that there are some clever ideas in it?"

"Oh?" The man laughed, neither gloomy nor masculine. Nodding:

"What a coincidence..."


Irritated by his sarcastic attitude, Jiang Qiyu simply picked up a piece of potato slices from the plate with chopsticks, and said proudly:

"Did you see it?"


It was not visible on the plate just now, but now she picked up the potato slices and saw that the uneven thickness of the potato slices was pierced with several large and small holes...

Qi Yu couldn't help but frown, "Did the potato offend you?"

Jiang Qiyu curled her lips and sneered: "I call this, stir-fried lotus root!"


Finally, Dudu escaped the disaster by making up an excuse of being allergic to lotus root under Qi Yu's prompting.

Jiang Qiyu was not convinced, and she was the first to taste the "Stir-fried Lotus Root" in front of everyone.

Then she was convinced.

Although this dish was not difficult to swallow, it was compared with Qi Yu's table of two meat and three vegetables with good color, fragrance and taste.

Forget it.

She picked at the rice with a sad face, puzzled by the failure of the potato root:

"Is it the pot or the dish? Why does my dish taste different from yours?"

Hearing this, Han Ruoruo turned to look at her with a smile:

"Qi Yu, you didn't say a word about yourself."

Hearing this, Jiang Qi Yu suddenly realized and handed the empty bowl to Qi Yu, and then asked Han Ruoruo:

"Do you think there is a problem with the pot I chose? Or is there a problem with the dish I chose?"

Qi Yu added rice to her very naturally, and his tone was flat:

"It's the potato's problem."

"You think so too?!"

"Well, the potato didn't expect to meet you. If I had known, it would have rotted in the field."


[Haha ...’s mouth is too mean, I like it hahahaha. ]

[Sister Yu really loves cleanliness, and she also uses her own face to sweep the floor. ]

[Brother Qi is proficient in cooking, sister-in-law, don’t work hard for nothing. ]

[Don’t worry, our sister Yu just likes to eat zero-natural pure additives potato root, what’s wrong? ! ]

[You black fans, do you know how hard Sister Yu works? ! ]

[Sister Yu is so conscientious, those holes drilled with chopsticks, no technology, all hard work! ]


After the lunch session ended, the program team issued another afternoon task:

One day, parents will take their children to the streets to complete the charity sale. The team that gets the most charity sale funds will win.

Jiang Qiyu and his group were assigned to sell plush toys.

But because Jiang Qiyu was really not famous and Qi Yu was not known by anyone, they didn’t sell many of them after two hours of being outside.

Seeing the other guests' unusually hot buying enthusiasm not far away, she suddenly had an idea and gave the little fat boy a tip.

"You do it this way... this way..."

The little fat boy was stunned, but still nodded as if he understood.


Five minutes later.

I saw a little fat boy with dolls tied all over his body, standing in the middle of the sidewalk with great difficulty.

He shouted to the pedestrians coming and going in a milky voice:

"Sir, buy one, it's quite cheap, buy one, three yuan a very cheap one, buy one to play with, sir, buy one, sir, please buy one, okay? Sir, buy one, buy one, sir, okay..."

Let's not talk about whether this sales method is effective or not. After shouting for a while, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it:

[Hahahaha, who taught him, who taught him? ! This child is too noisy, can there be a kind passerby who buys one? Don't let him yell. ]

[It's too chattering, just buy one. ]

[When the husband goes home to sleep at night, this child has to crawl out of the quilt: Sir, buy one~]

[It's so noisy, hahahaha, are there any netizens near Z City, please buy one, please. ]

[This voice is too brainwashing, help! I work nearby, wait, I'll ask for leave from the company to buy it! ]

[No, am I the only one who doesn't get the joke? What's so funny about this? ]

[The above, it's not funny, right? Smile, sir, smile, smile, sir, smile, it's very simple, everyone laughs, sir, just smile, smile, sir...]

[Hahahahaha... The child didn't get it, but you got it, go buy me one!!! ]

[Damn, I'm in college in another city, immediately contact my second aunt in my hometown, and buy me a chattering doll!!! 】

At first, there were not many people here, but half an hour later.


The other guests looked at their doll stall, which was already in short supply, and fell into deep thought......

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