Spear Teacher

Chapter 263

"I want..."

Jiang Qiyu's mind was spinning rapidly, and finally, when the man's emotions were getting more and more intense, she had an idea:

"I want---or let's forget it, I suddenly remembered that my room seemed to be on fire, so I'll go back to put out the fire first, haha..."

As she said that, she turned around and wanted to run, but when her fingertips touched the door handle, she heard a slow voice behind her:

"You can't go back."


Jiang Qiyu was startled, and her legs were subconsciously weak, and she trembled:

"Why, why?"


The sound of the hair dryer in the bathroom sounded again, accompanied by his undisguised smile:

"You didn't bring your room card when you went out."


Hearing this, she immediately lowered her head and searched--

where is your pocket?

Gah! Not even a mobile phone? !

"......Why didn't you remind me just now?"

"Does it matter when I remind you?"

Of course, Qi Yu couldn't say that he just remembered it himself.


Jiang Qiyu gritted her teeth, and moved to the bathroom door in small steps. She leaned on the door frame with both hands and quietly stuck out half of her head:

"Then can you help me call my assistant?"

The man had short hair, which was half dry at this time.

He turned off the hair dryer, slowly put the wire back in place, and then turned to look at the sneaky head of the dog by the door frame.

He slowly raised a sincere smile:



Jiang Qiyu widened her eyes, with a look of disbelief:

"You kid, let's not talk about anything else, just our relationship, what's wrong with you helping me make a phone call?"

"Oh?" Qi Yu caught the key words from this sentence, frowned and deliberately watched her jump:

"What is our relationship?"


Hearing this, the person who was still hesitating at the bathroom door suddenly became angry.

She strode into the steamy bathroom, raised her head and questioned the man righteously:

"Qi Yu, you are not a heartless scumbag, are you?"


As soon as these overly explicit and suggestive words came out, the man who was originally at ease lost his temper.

His face flushed, and he was angry and laughed:

"Jiang Qiyu, tell me honestly, who of us is...heartless?"

Jiang Qiyu raised his hand to his chest, and argued with him with undiminished momentum:

"Even if I'm honest, you are the heartless one!"


Qi Yu's body stiffened, and then he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth:

"Touch your own!"


Unconsciously pinching the chest muscles that felt good, Jiang Qiyu withdrew his claws with some regret.

Then she shrugged confidently:

"If I had that thing, why would I touch yours?"

After that, she put on a face that was willing to negotiate everything, rubbed her hands with a smile, and used both soft and hard tactics:

"Qi Yu, Mr. Qi, Mr. Qi, can you help me make a call?"

Yu Xiaoyu's ID card was used to check in, and now Yu Xiaoyu has to come to reissue the room card.

But Jiang Qiyu forgot to ask which floor Yu Xiaoyu lived on, and she couldn't knock on the door of each hotel room in her pajamas.


This was the first time in Qi Yu's life that someone acted like a spoiled child, or rather,

the first time he realized that this was acting like a spoiled child.

This realization made the man's ears, which were already stained with a faint red, even more red.

Although he felt very happy, he still looked unmoved.

He snorted softly, walked past her and walked out of the bathroom. He turned his back to her and slowed down his almost stagnant breathing. Then he said faintly:

"I won't help everyone."

Jiang Qiyu didn't doubt him and chased after him:

"You are so arrogant, are you going to die?!"


"I mean, how can you help?"

"It's not impossible to help you..."

The man sat lazily on the sofa, his arms crossed and his legs folded. His exposed ankles and arms were covered with a few faintly visible blue veins, which was really pleasing to the eye.

He raised his chin slightly, with his jaw and neck forming a distinct line, and said seemingly unintentionally:

"But what good will it do me to help you?"

Jiang Qiyu crossed his arms, with a suspicious look in his eyes: "Isn't my sincere thanks enough?"


"Then I'll order a banner for you?"


"You kid don't want to take the one million back, do you?!"

Hearing this, Qi Yu glanced at her unhappily, and then lowered his eyes slightly and said:

"We...does he know?"

"Who? Know what?"


Looking up, sheWith an innocent expression, the man's eyes were filled with anger, and his ears, which had just cooled down, were burning again.

He gritted his teeth, and his tone was a little tough:

"Does your boyfriend know about what happened to us that night?"


At this time, Jiang Qiyu suddenly realized.

It seems that the security captain she casually made up that day was so hot, and he really took it to heart?

Could it be that Qi Yu has been regretting and giving up on himself for accidentally becoming a male mistress these two days?

Thinking of this, her expression changed, and the corners of her lips slowly raised a wicked smile:

"You are talking about that thing..."

As she said, she moved lightly and approached the awkward man, saying casually:

"He shouldn't know yet?"

As she approached, Qi Yu's body gradually began to tense up.

Finally, when the sofa beside him sank slightly, his Adam's apple moved, and he moved back unnaturally:

"I am also responsible for this matter. So, give me his contact information and I will talk to him."

"You go to talk?"

Jiang Qiyu sat beside him, looking at the man's earlobe with a curious look:

"What do you want to talk to him about?"

Qi Yu said confidently: "Break up."

In order to maintain his image, he still did not bring out his "others are mistresses" remarks.

"Break up?"


Faced with her shock, Qi Yu frowned. Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still inevitably affected by her unbelievable expression.

Suppressing the bitterness in her heart, she tried to keep her tone calm:

"Break up with him and be with me."

But Jiang Qiyu didn't think as much as he thought. She just lay down on the back of the sofa and shook her head decisively:

"No breakup."

Hearing this, Qi Yu's already cold eyebrows lowered even more, and the temperature of the breath around him dropped sharply:

"Break up."

But she was fearless and still said that with a firm attitude:

"No breakup."

As the voice fell, the man suddenly approached.


The strong breath with the pleasant smell of shower gel enveloped her body, and a handsome face that made people's breath stagnate was close at hand.

"I'll say it one last time,"

The low voice was not as calm and self-sustaining as usual, with anger, annoyance, and threats, but if you taste it carefully, it is actually a completely unconfident and cowardly voice:

"Jiang Qiyu, break up with him."

I beg you.

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