Spear Teacher

Chapter 262


After he finished talking about Jiang Qiyu's strengths and weaknesses, not only did the guests on the scene fall silent, but there was also a wave of ellipsis in the live broadcast room.

[Good boy... I can see that you don't want to go back to your ex. ]

[Capitalists are good at playing, they like people with many weaknesses, right? I lack money, a lot of money, please V me 50. ]

[Didn't you understand? He likes her like this, this guy is definitely here to go back to his ex, it's not that I licked him all the way from the living room to the toilet! ]


Jiang Qiyu naturally didn't know the young master's inner drama. If she knew, she would definitely sneer at Qi Yu's persistent "freedom".

Because only after you have tried your best to pursue freedom will you find that there is almost nothing in this world that is completely free.

Literature is not free, creation is not free, personality is not free, actors are not free, singers are not free, and no profession is free.

Of course, everything is not so absolute,

At least idiots are free.

The rebellious Qi Yu is that idiot.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the third question again:

"In my future relationship, I will find someone who can't talk. After all, a mute is the best medical beauty for a man."


Then Qi Yu was silent.

Finally, this reverse ice-breaking session that made the scene more solid ended.

The guests came to the free dinner session.

One of the female guests who paid attention to the "capitalist" first approached Qi Yu and talked to him with a sweet smile.

Jiang Qiyu just glanced at the two of them lazily and turned to go into the kitchen.

Seeing a male guest cooking noodles alone, she curiously poked her head over.

Before she spoke, the male guest cheerfully invited:

"I cooked too much, do you want to eat some together?"

Jiang Qiyu was indeed a little hungry after sitting on the plane for an afternoon.

"How embarrassing!"

While saying this, she immediately turned around and took a bowl to wait obediently by the side, not forgetting to show a grateful smile to the male guest:

"Thanks, Brother Zhao Yang."

"Uh... You're welcome."

The empty bowl in her hand was taken away, and soon the male guest served it back with fresh and fragrant noodles.


Jiang Qiyu was about to reach out to take it, and the next moment, the bowl in front of her was intercepted by a slender hand.

"Hey (↗)"

"It's hot."

The man's voice came from above.

Qi Yu stood behind her, holding the bowl of hot noodles that had just come out of the pot steadily with one hand, and nodded slightly to the kind-hearted male guest with a helpless expression on his face, but the words he said were puzzling:

"Forgive me."

But the male guest smiled and waved his hand, and took the remaining noodles to the table by himself.


Jiang Qiyu was puzzled: "Forgive what?"


Qi Yu just turned around and put the bowl on the kitchen counter, and then casually took a pair of chopsticks, washed and wiped them and put them aside.

After doing all this, he looked up at her calmly:

"What did you call him just now?"

"Brother Zhao Yang."

No way? Jealous already?

But Qi Yu's face showed no signs of jealousy, and he turned around and picked up the frying pan in the kitchen to pour oil.

While cracking the eggs with one hand, he said calmly:

"His name is Zhang Yang."


[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, meeting a noble person is stupid, but really beautiful, I understand Mr. Qi's mentality a little bit. ]

[Zhang Yang lost his real name, five years after his debut, he is still an amateur when he returns. 】

【This sister is so silly, Zhang Yang is also a good-tempered person hahahaha...】

In the end, Jiang Qiyu, who was embarrassed, ate two fried eggs with hatred. When she wanted the third one, Qi Yu shook his head and refused.

"This pan is not heated evenly. If you want to eat, I will come back later--"

"Hey (↗)"

She raised her empty bowl and raised her voice, "I'm full, thank you Zhao Yu."

The man didn't correct her when she was deliberately called the wrong name, and simply admitted it openly:

"Well, you're welcome, Zhao Qiyu."


That night, because Jiang Qiyu and Qi Yu were temporary airborne guests, the program team did not arrange accommodation for the two in advance.

So the two of them could only be temporarily arranged in a hotel near the live broadcast venue.

Of course, it was not in the same room.

But opposite.


Jiang Qiyu is a person who doesn't like to keep things in his heart.

She didn't know what Qi Yu meant, and she couldn't figure it out with her own brain, so she just knocked on his door.

After waiting at the door for a long time, so long that she thought the boy was asleep, the tightly closed door opposite was finally opened from the inside.

The man looked like he had just finished a shower. In addition to his hair still dripping with water, even his clothes seemed to be put on in a hurry. The collar was soaked with water and slightly wrinkled.

Seeing the person at the door, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, but still pulled the door open further:

"You were taking a shower just now. What do you want to talk to me about?"


Seeing this scene in front of him, Jiang Qiyu swallowed quietly without any ambition, and her eyes could not help but wander under his neck. She blurted out something inappropriate subconsciously:

"Why are you wearing clothes after taking a shower?"


Qi Yu's hand covering the door instantly bulged with veins, and images surged in his mind, but his face still looked like a gentleman.

He glanced at her calmly with his eyes down, then turned and entered the room:

"Come in and tell me what you want to say."


Jiang Qiyu also knew that she had said the wrong thing, but she was thick-skinned and let it go without warning. She followed the man into the room without any defense.

As soon as she entered, she saw the man enter the bathroom again in front of her without any hesitation, and naturally picked up the hair dryer to blow his hair.

The strong wind from the hair dryer continued to hit his black hair that was still dripping with water.

The man with a stern face narrowed his eyes slightly, and his slender white fingers slowly inserted into the black hair and gently fiddled with it.

Looking down, there was a firm Adam's apple, delicate clavicle, and the muscle lines hidden in the clothes that she had measured inch by inch...

At this moment, Jiang Qiyu suddenly forgot the purpose of coming to him, and there was only one sentence in her mind:

"If you continue like this, I will really take you."


The sound of the hair dryer stopped abruptly, Qi Yu slowly turned his head, and his dark eyes moved inch by inch towards the bathroom door.

Finally, he fell on her face, which was a little flustered because she realized that she had said something wrong.

The man's voice was low, with a hint of inexplicable hoarseness:

"What do you want?"

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