Spear Teacher

Chapter 226

To put it bluntly, although Qi Yu has been through many hardships and often visited the underworld.

But he is an out-and-out pure love warrior in this matter.

Since the two officially confirmed their relationship, although he always wanted to get close to Jiang Qiyu, he would occasionally have a chance to get close to her during physical contact.

But now...

Isn't it too fast?

So is she angry now because she was too strong when she coaxed her to sleep yesterday? Or because she was not proactive enough?

But is it a bit too much to enjoy it...


Not knowing what scene he thought of, Qi Yu coughed unnaturally, picked up the cup and drank a sip of water to cover up his embarrassment.

And Jiang Qiyu, who was concentrating on playing with his mobile phone, certainly didn't know what audacious things he was thinking about at this moment.

In this way, the two were in the same space, chatting in the same group, but finished the breakfast in silence in their completely different brain circuits.

Because of her "Two-cup Designated Driver" that exploded on the hot search yesterday midnight, the offline promotional event of "Big Times 4" originally scheduled to be attended today was also cancelled.

So Jiang Qiyu can happily lie dead at home again today.

Just when she had time, she thought of the script plot that the screenwriter Mr. Mo introduced by Director Yuan asked her to participate in the conception.

So she sat cross-legged on the carpet in the living room with her computer and typed.

Qi Yu saw that she had something to do and did not disturb her. He just said lightly that he was going out to buy something and asked her what she wanted to eat for lunch.

After getting a perfunctory "all right", he lowered his eyelashes and turned to go into the room to change clothes.

The man changed into a simple set of clothes, deliberately walked around from the bedroom to the living room, and then said to the person who was concentrating on typing on the computer:

"I'm leaving."

"Well, bye."

Jiang Qiyu nodded perfunctorily, without even a glance at him, and her fingers kept flying.

She thought she would not be able to write, but once she started, it was as if she was back to the time when she was a talk show host and stayed up late to finish her manuscripts.

The design ideas popped out one after another.


But Qi Yu felt very uncomfortable seeing her indifferent to him, and stood there and looked at her for a long time.

Finally, he couldn't help it.

He took a step forward, bent down, and stretched out his big hand to the person sitting on the ground.


He controlled the slender and white neck with one hand with a little force, and forced the woman to look up with a little force.

He lowered his eyelashes and met the slightly confused eyes.



Before she spoke, the tall figure slowly squatted down and lowered his head slightly.

A light kiss fell on her moist red lips, which was completely opposite to the strong attitude at this time.


The lips touched and separated, and they tasted it lightly.

The man gently placed his chin on the round shoulder, not daring to use force, but just leaning against it, with a tone of tenderness as if he had surrendered:

"I was too rude yesterday, I won't do it again."

Qi Yu has been a rebellious person since he was a child.

No matter how Xie Mingxue guides him, he seems to be born with arrogance and pride in his blood.

In fact, it is also a flaw in his character, but since he does have the capital to think highly of himself, his shortcoming seems insignificant.

It's just that he is willing to bow his head and admit his mistakes.

This matter is rare even in the growth trajectory of Qi Yu's entire life in the first 25 years.

Not to mention that he has become an adult and has long had the strength to not bow to anyone.

In fact, he can't be blamed for what happened yesterday.

And he knows very well that even if he doesn't surrender and bow his head, he can easily cover up this trivial matter by just talking about something else.

But Qi Yu has to admit that

Just now, he saw the rare cold attitude on Jiang Qiyu's face.

It even made him feel uneasy as if he was standing alone at the door of a helicopter cabin thousands of meters high, with no spare parachute behind him.

People who play extreme sports will never use a parachute without a spare parachute.

Similarly, he really couldn't stand Jiang Qiyu's cold face.

So, Qi Yu could only take the initiative to bow to her about the funny mistake yesterday.

But he was thinking about it, but Jiang Qiyu looked calm when he heard it.

He just raised his hand and gently patted the dog head leaning on his shoulder, and was so generous:

"It's all a small matter. Remember to close the door for me when you leave."

After that, he broke free from the man's arms and continued to devote himself to his artistic creation.


Jiang Qiyu, although she has no quality and her mental state is not very stable.

But the biggest thing in her character isBright spot.

She just forgets.

An hour ago, she made a vow in her heart to break off relations with Qi Yu, the vicious boy, and never see each other again.

But she just had breakfast and played with her phone.

She forgot the vow she made.

But she didn't have any psychological burden, after all, she never used her own life to make a vow.


Seeing her attitude, Qi Yu realized.

It turned out that he was too dramatic.

He tossed and turned in his heart for a whole morning, and she forgot it.

Her negative emotions were digested faster than the omelette she ate in the morning.

Looking at the serious profile of this person, Qi Yu gritted his teeth and rubbed her soft hair fiercely:

"You are so busy, will it bother you if I ask you to open the door when I come back?"

Jiang Qiyu was actually a little annoyed, staring at the computer screen and nodded:

"It's good that you know."

Seeing that she was tricked, Qi Yu immediately hit the snake with a stick:

"Then why don't you tell me the door lock password, so that I won't disturb you when I come back."


Taping a period in his hand, Jiang Qiyu turned his head and glanced at him:


Even if he didn't tell him, he would find all kinds of reasons to follow him back.

Qi Yu achieved his goal, and his cold eyebrows immediately relaxed.


He stole a dragonfly kiss when no one was paying attention, and got up and walked to the door without any hesitation before she frowned and opened her mouth.


But the person who was kissed secretly had no emotional fluctuations. He just wiped his mouth with the back of his hand calmly and continued to work.

It's not that she was not moved by Qi Yu's behavior.

But Jiang Qiyu,

was a creature who couldn't think of two things at the same time.

Sometimes, she didn't have time to savor it carefully and missed a lot of tenderness from the young master...


It was unknown how long it had been, Jiang Qiyu was still immersed in artistic creation.

The phone rang suddenly, interrupting her train of thought.

The caller ID showed an unfamiliar number. She sighed and answered the phone helplessly:

"You'd better be busy."

After that, a familiar old man's voice came from the other side:

"Granddaughter! Yes, I'm grandpa!"

"Grandpa Qiao, you're busy-"

"Ah? How did you know that our family held a welcoming banquet for you tonight?"

"What banquet?"

"What? You must dress up to attend? No, you just need to come."


"Alas-it's because some jealous old Deng doesn't believe you're home, and he insists on seeing you."


"It's settled! I'll ask Lao Zhao to pick you up at 6:30 in the evening!"

"Who told you it was settled..."

"Oh! You kid... Grandpa loves you too!"

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