Spear Teacher

Chapter 218

Before Qi Yu went on a business trip last week, he had already arranged the company's plans for the next seven days in advance.

He worked three days without sleep abroad and one day after returning.

He now has three days of free time to use freely.

It's so funny, asking him to go back to work at this time?

Not even a little.

So, when Jiang Qiyu was busy and nagging out in the morning, he deliberately dawdled in the kitchen washing dishes.

After hearing the sound of "Qi Yu, I'm going to the company first! Remember to close the door before you leave" and the crisp sound of the door closing,

he came out of the kitchen cautiously and stealthily.

He walked around the small living room and turned to the balcony, like a large sheepdog that had just been adopted by its owner.

He patrolled around leisurely and with some pride.

It seemed that he was getting familiar with the new environment, and also that he was digesting this hard-won new identity.

After walking around the room aimlessly for eight times, Qi Yu finally calmed down and took out his cell phone to call Zhao Jin back.

The other party seemed to be on guard all the time, and the call was picked up after only a moment of waiting.

The next moment, Zhao Jin's voice, which was uneasy and slightly gossipy, came from the other side:

"Master, Mr. Qi! Are you okay?!"

Zhao Jin deliberately waited downstairs for half an hour yesterday, and only left Building 2 with a nervous mood after making sure that the young master would not come down again.

But the impression of the little white flower in his mind could not be shaken off no matter what.

That night, he dreamed that the young master was tied up by his wife like this and that, and then this and that...

The scene was miserable, and the housekeeper couldn't bear it.


Qi Yu naturally didn't know that Zhao Jin could match Jiang Qiyu's brain waves across eighteen bends.

He just explained a few things lightly, and then pulled at his wrinkled shirt and asked him to buy some clothes.

But the other party suddenly reacted greatly when he heard this:

"How many...how many?!"

Zhao Jin's hands were shaking as he held the phone.

At this moment, he suddenly felt the panic of a worried old mother who suddenly heard her well-behaved daughter say that she wanted to be independent, but in fact she was going to live with a yellow-haired ghost-fire boy.

He didn't care about anything else, holding the phone and emotionally persuading:

"Master! You just hand yourself over so easily?!!"


Qi Yu's originally relaxed brows suddenly frowned, and the knuckles holding the phone tightened, and his tone became sharp:

"I remember that Africa seems to be short of an expatriate--"

This time, before the threatening words were finished, a professional and formulaic answer came from the other side:

"Okay, Mr. Qi, I will deliver it to you within ten minutes. Is there anything else you need?"

Qi Yu was too lazy to argue with him, looked up at the location of the kitchen, and added:

"Buy some vegetables and bring them over."


"And kitchen utensils and condiments."


"Forget it,"

Qi Yu thought about the empty kitchen, and waved his hand directly:

"Look at what's in my kitchen, bring me all the same."

"Young Master..." Zhao Jin pinched his thigh to swallow the words "Young Master, think twice" in his mouth, and nodded with tears in his eyes:

"Okay, Mr. Qi."


In this way, Qi Yu not only filled Jiang Qiyu's kitchen and refrigerator during the few hours when Jiang Qiyu was out, but also...

"Did you make all these?"

Looking at the delicious dishes on the table, Jiang Qiyu raised her eyebrows in surprise:

"You kid, you want to capture my stomach, right?"

Qi Yu naturally did not miss the changes in her facial expression. Hearing this, he did not comment, but just pulled out a chair and sat down:

"Don't get me wrong,"

As he said this, he slowly put the dishes and chopsticks in place for her, and his tone was more undisguised joy:

"It's for my girlfriend."

"Oh, that's a pity."

Hearing this, Jiang Qiyu just shrugged lightly, and his expression was indifferent and he passed by the table directly.


Qi Yu was not in a hurry at all, he just lowered his eyes and silently recited in his heart:




As the numbers fell, a voice sounded behind him:

"Haha! Xiao Feizui is here!!!"


It must be said that Qi Yu is really good at cooking.

Although he is not a top chef, he can make Chinese and Western dishes delicious and beautiful.

After the two of them had eaten and drunk enough, Jiang Qiyu volunteered to clean up the mess.

After everything was sorted out, she stood in the middle of the living room.

Looking at the Roaring Sky Dog that said "I was born and raised here, and I will never leave my homeland", she narrowed her eyes slightly.Eyes wide open:

"Are you still not leaving?"

Qi Yu held the TV remote control and randomly pressed the buttons, pretending not to understand: "Where are you going?"

"Back to your own home."

"Jiang Qiyu," he looked up at her, her round-neck home clothes revealed a delicate collarbone, her pupils were clearly black and white, and it was pleasing to the eye:

"My home is in S City."


At this moment, Jiang Qiyu seemed to see two furry dog ​​ears on the head of the man who could hit her in pieces.

There was also a line of subtitles floating on it: [You know, I left my mother when I was a child]

She was covered in the face by the sober large dog's pampering.

Jiang Qiyu curled her lips, but still acquiesced to his behavior:

"Then I'll go back to the room to play games, don't disturb me--Hey (↗)"

Before she finished her words, she was pulled into the arms of the aggressive large dog--


Looking down at the arm blocking her, Jiang Qiyu frowned and knocked the chin of the man behind her with the back of her head:

"You want to be a hooligan, right?"


But Qi Yu made a light hiss, simply put his chin against her hair, lowered his voice and said above her head:

"Look, it's replayed today."


Jiang Qiyu turned her head and saw that on the huge screen TV she bought in the mall last time in the name of Qi Yu,

it was the episode she recorded a few days ago, "You dare to play so much, do you want to die?"

And at this time, as luck would have it, it happened to be the part of making a phone call.

Jian Ziyi was stammering under the crowd's encouragement:

"......Her name is Jiang Qiyu, and the person I want to marry is her!"

After a period of silence, a deep male voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Your name is Jian Ziyi, right?"


"You said you want to marry Jiang Qiyu?"


The more Jiang Qiyu listened, the more familiar the voice sounded. It was not until she heard the chuckle above her head again that she suddenly had an idea.

She patted the man's arm lazily lying in front of her, and said with some surprise:

"This can't be you?!"

"It's me,"

Qi Yu didn't want to pretend, and nodded openly:

"I happened to be with Chi Guyuan at the time, and I happened to hear your name."

When he admitted it, Jiang Qiyu couldn't help but think of some sad stories that local dogs like to read.

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but chuckle. He watched Gu Xunjian stuttering on the phone with his friend on TV and said:

"Did you hate Jian Ziyi so much that you wanted to cut him into pieces, then lock me up, pinch my waist and kiss me, and say, 'Woman, don't leave, I'll give you my life'?"

"......Jiang Qiyu,"

Qi Yu looked down speechlessly, and tightened his hand around her waist in revenge:

"I'll say it again, I'm rich, not sick."

After saying that, he paused, picked out the word "kiss" from the literature, and suddenly turned his tone of disgust:

"But then again, if you want me to kiss you, just say it, I can barely cooperate with you."


Jiang Qiyu instantly stopped smiling and uttered a word neatly:

"Get lost."


Qi Yu frowned , whispered on her head:

"What's there to be embarrassed about? It's not like we haven't kissed before..."

"Who kissed you?"


"I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

"Then why do I remember kissing someone this morning?"

Qi Yu's voice was full of undisguised laughter. He raised his hand to turn the head in his arms and looked down at her:

"Isn't it you?"

Jiang Qiyu was not afraid of being pinched on the face. Her mouth was burned in the incinerator for three days, and it was still hard when it came out:

"I just blocked your mouth with my mouth and pushed your tongue back with my tongue. Can this be considered a kiss?"

Seeing her stubborn look of having her mouth to push against the sky, Qi Yu wanted to laugh, so he simply nodded along with her:

"Well, it doesn't count."

He lowered his head and pecked her smooth forehead lightly, smiling freely:

"It counts as your self-defense."

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