Spear Teacher

Chapter 216



After asking this question, both of them fell silent.

Jiang Qiyu was thinking:

Who did I cheat on? I didn't receive any notification...

Sister Chen was worried:

This ancestor even dared to cheat on Qi Yu, is he going to die? !

Seeing her frowning and looking like she was determined to live and die with the "adulterer", Sister Chen was angry:

"I don't care who that person is!"

She stood in front of Jiang Qiyu with a fierce look, and her tone was serious:

"This matter must be kept secret, especially from Mr. Qi. If he knows, then..."

Before Sister Chen finished speaking, Jiang Qiyu waved her hand and interrupted her with a strange expression:

"He knows."

"Dead - what?!!"

The TOP agent who was usually vigorous and decisive in the workplace suddenly felt a sense of precariousness that not only his career was in jeopardy, but his life was also in danger.

Her pupils trembled, and she spoke in disbelief:

"You said... who, who knew?"

"Qi Yu."

The more Jiang Qiyu looked at Sister Chen, the more strange it felt:

"He was the first to know."

"Who... who told him?"



She was dating Qi Yu, but she didn't tell Qi Yu himself.

Is this reasonable?

Jiang Qiyu was confused, and turned around to see the powerful agent who remained calm in the face of a collapse, and now he was quickly withering like a dead branch and fallen leaves.


Sister Chen's eyes went dark, and her upper body collapsed on the sofa. She said to the artist who had committed suicide:

"Go and pack up."


Jiang Qiyu was shocked: "You want to terminate your contract with me just for dating?!"

Sister Chen waved her hand: "No, it won't be ugly when you die."

After that, she reminded her:

"Tell your lover to pack up too, so that you two can have a companion on the road."


Looking at Sister Chen with lifeless eyes, Jiang Qiyu frowned again:

"Qi Yu is Roaring Sky Dog? Will you be punished by heaven for dating a mortal?"

"You don't understand, if he knows about your relationship--"

Sister Chen was halfway through her words when she noticed the very important keywords in her words:

"Who are you talking about? ? ! ”

“Xiaotian Dog?”

“Who is Xiaotian Dog? !”


After the words fell, Sister Chen suddenly changed from listless to energetic, staring at Jiang Qiyu with eyes as big as copper bells:

“Qi Yu is Xiaotian Dog? !”

After saying that, she slapped herself:

“Bah! The lover you are talking about is...Mr. Qi? !”

Frightened by her startled appearance, Jiang Qiyu nodded blankly:

“Yes, it’s him.”


In just five minutes, Sister Chen felt like an eighty-year-old man carrying sixty loads of water, crossing mountains and ridges under the scorching sun to water the vegetable fields at the village head, but was told that he had watered the wrong ones, and couldn’t stand it. After sitting on the ground and crying for two hours, the person told him that he had just made a little joke.

After a long time, she let out a long breath and glared at Jiang Qiyu:

"If you really feel that you are too idle, I can let you join the crew in the Gobi Desert for three months."

Jiang, who consciously abides by the artist code and takes the initiative to report to the agent when he is in a relationship:


What is this going to be?

Looking at the dark-faced sister Chen who opened the blinds again, unlocked the door and sat back at the desk, she tentatively asked:

"Then I... officially announced it?"

But sister Chen just rolled her eyes at her and did not comment on it.


Coming out of sister Chen's office, Jiang Qiyu has been frowning.

"Sister Yu..."

Yu Xiaoyu looked concerned: "What's wrong with you?"

I finally have two days of free time. Doesn't this sister like holidays the most? Why are you still frowning?

"Xiaoyu, let me ask you,"

After the two entered the elevator, Jiang Qiyu organized her words and said seriously:

"If I tell you now that I fell in love this morning, what will you do?"

"Fall in love?!"

Yu Xiaoyu covered her mouth in panic, looked up at the camera in the elevator, and lowered her voice:

"......Fall in love?"

"Yes, with Qi Yu." She nodded and carefully observed the expression of the assistant:

"What do you think?"

"Qi, Mr. Qi..."

However, Yu Xiaoyu's performance was exactly the same as Sister Chen's.

The moment she heard Qi Yu, she immediately relaxed her demeanor, and then asked her in confusion:

"Sister Yu, what's wrong?"

"......No."Jiang Qiyu frowned even more.

This is not right. Haven't she and Qi Yu always been recognized as a business couple, hyping up a couple?

Why is it that now that she has the courage to admit her relationship, Sister Chen and Yu Xiaoyu both have a "natural" expression?

She, a top star.

Qi Yu, a rich man.

Shouldn't their relationship cause a huge stir, causing many obstacles in an instant, and then the two of them, regardless of everyone's opposition, firmly choose each other, and hold hands to fight against the whole world?

Why do these two people look like they are used to it?

The problem is that if they really talk about this, she herself just found out about it this morning.

Why do they seem to have known it for a long time?


Are they so well-informed?

"Sister Yu..."

Yu Xiaoyu was about to ask again, but at this moment, the elevator door suddenly opened.

Several girls dressed up and full of youth appeared at the door laughing and making noises.

They were all stunned when they saw Jiang Qiyu in the elevator, and then they greeted her very obediently and came in and stood properly.

The elevator door closed, and the number went down.

Seeing that these girls should be newcomers of China Resources Entertainment, Jiang Qiyu decided to test them:


As soon as she opened her mouth, several little girls looked at her eagerly:

"Teacher Jiang, you say."

Seeing that the children looked like they were asking for advice seriously, Jiang Qiyu could only put her hands behind her back and pretend to be profound:

"What do you think about artists dating?"

One of the girls with twin ponytails waved her hands repeatedly when she heard this:

"Before we signed the contract, the company clearly stated that dating was not allowed in the first three years, and the company must be notified in time for the renewal of the contract!"

Another blonde girl immediately responded:

"Yes, Mr. Jiang Teacher, we will definitely not violate the company's regulations!"

A short girl with big eyes smiled:

"We are all career-oriented! We will never give up our careers for men!"

But among these people, only a girl with short black hair raised her hand weakly, looking at her senior with shining eyes:

"Teacher... Jiang, although the topic of artists dating is more sensitive, you and your boyfriend Mr. Qi... are still very sweet!"


Jiang Qiyu immediately frowned: "You also know that I am dating him? !"

As soon as this was said, all the girls in the elevator nodded as a matter of course:

"We all know it. "

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