Spear Teacher

Chapter 215


As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Qiyu almost spit out the sandwich in her mouth.


She even had a moment of trance.

It seemed that the "bargaining chip" in Qi Yu's phone was not the nonsense she had talked about in her sleep yesterday.

But his "father's son's honor" B-ultrasound report.


She raised her head with difficulty and looked at the man opposite who drank milk like tasting red wine, with a puzzled face:

"Brother, are you okay?"

Who of us is a female star? Who is the sponsor?

Hiss——a bit confused.

Qi Yu was not in a hurry when he heard it. He put down the glass and raised his hand to gently tap the phone on the table.

The threat was obvious.


Jiang Qiyu had not forgotten to eat at this time, and took another bite of the sandwich that had been eaten half of it.

One side of her cheek was bulging, like a little gray mouse stealing food.


Qi Yu was not in a hurry at this time. He ate his breakfast slowly and made the simple egg toast taste like steak and foie gras.

Yesterday, he was dizzy and anxious and lost his composure. When she asked, he confessed everything without reservation.

But since things have come to this, he can't step out of this door today without knowing the reason.

Thinking of this, the corners of his lips curved again.

There was a sense of expectation that Concubine Xi would successfully poison the old emperor after returning to the palace, and from then on, she would rule the whole harem from behind the curtain.

Concubine Qi was dreaming of a successful rise to power, while Jiang Qiyu was just eating like crazy.


She finished her breakfast in a few bites, and then took up the milk and drank half a cup.

She didn't put down the cup until she couldn't drink any more. She wiped the milk stains on her chin casually and looked at the man opposite:

"You want the status, so what do I want?"

After she said this, she saw Qi Yu's eyelids, which were originally drooping quietly, move slightly, and the arc of his lips gradually enlarged.

Then, he slowly extended a slender finger to point at herself, with an unconcealable joy in his tone:




Jiang Qiyu was stunned.

I don't know why, but she suddenly thought of the spoiled puppy yesterday, the beauty attack in the morning, and then inexplicably turned to the live source of "Pure Love Security Hot"...

The corners of her mouth twitched, and she was dissatisfied with this man's treacherous behavior of secretly getting up to record in the middle of the night:

"I want... Let's forget it."

He can get up in the middle of his sleep and record her talking in her sleep. What can't this kind of person do in the future?

Can she want such a man?


But I still have to be mean, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Qiyu secretly condemned Qi Yu's behavior of taking advantage of the situation, without realizing that it was his loud sleep talk that woke people up.

On this side, Qi Yu frowned and asked directly:

"Then let me hear what you want?"

But Jiang Qiyu suddenly curved her eyes and raised her lips slightly:

"I want..."

As she said, she slowly stretched out a finger like him and gently touched her soft cheek:



But who knew that Qi Yu's handsome eyebrows would frown even tighter after hearing this, and his face was puzzled:

"Do you have shame?"


Jiang Qiyu's smile froze on her face, and she stood up and turned away without saying a word, supporting the dining table.

"Hey (↗)"

But the next moment, someone grabbed her wrist and bumped into her warm and solid chest.


Listening to the man's light smile, he was proud of asking for a beating.

Jiang Qiyu gritted her teeth, grabbed his clothes tightly, and took the initiative to raise her head and nibble on him——

She nibbled crookedly.

The man did not lower his head to accept her kiss as expected.

Because of the height difference, even if she tried to tiptoe, her soft lips could only touch the man's neck, very close to his Adam's apple.


Jiang Qiyu watched the Adam's apple sliding up and down, and heard the man's restrained voice above her head:

"Jiang Qiyu, you won't kiss me and then deny it, right?"

At this moment, Qi Yu's ears and eyes were slightly red because of restraint and excitement, just like a good man who was forced to do it but refused to obey.

In all conscience, he certainly wanted to kiss.

But if Jiang Qiyu was allowed to get away with it again this time, and didn't make things clear, she would only be more cunning in the future.

This person always talks nonsense and finds a hundred reasons to fool around at such a critical moment.

Jiang Qiyu is actually quite easy to understand.

Her seemingly evasive and deliberate behavior to change the subject is not because she doesn't want to, but because she is embarrassed.

Tsk, when heIt's like he's very embarrassed.

Qi Yu thought to himself, and he tightened his arms around her waist a little restlessly.

He lowered his head slightly, and kissed her on the top of her head.

He spoke again, but his tone was less strong, like a large beast that only bared its teeth when it saw people, but only bowed gently to the humans it trusted:

"Give me a definite answer, okay?"

But he still underestimated Jiang Qiyu, the stubborn donkey who didn't play by the rules.

As soon as the voice fell, he felt his throat tighten.


Then, it seemed that countless electric currents passed through, and his body trembled subconsciously, as if someone had grabbed his vital point, and all his ideas and plans collapsed in an instant.


He sighed softly, abandoned his armor and surrendered.

The big hand around her back slowly moved up, gently pinched her slender neck, and finally gently covered the back of the woman's head.

The loser bowed his head, gave the winner a kiss, and surrendered.


But just before he was about to accept his letter of loyalty.

The winner slowly spoke, with the same obedient attitude, and said to the captive who had surrendered willingly:

"Qi Yu, I like you too."


Qi Yu froze.

The next moment, a hot kiss fell.

It was no longer a light taste.

It was a storm, an insatiable pursuit.

Until the curtain fell, the mystery was revealed.

Qi Yu saw clearly that

this game, in which he had been trying to control the overall situation step by step, but in the end he had no choice but to surrender.

It turned out that there was no winner or loser.

The two were evenly matched, and each had already surrendered.



At China Resources Entertainment, Sister Chen looked at the most popular artist in the company, her face full of shock:

"You are in love?!"

Jiang Qiyu was sitting on the sofa and didn't look serious. Hearing this, she nodded seriously:

"Yes, I just started dating today."

After she said this, Sister Chen's face turned pale.

She immediately stood up and locked the office door, and then carefully closed the blinds. She took several deep breaths with her back to Jiang Qiyu.

Only then did she calm down a little, turned around and looked at her seriously:

"Break up immediately!"

Jiang Qiyu was also a tough guy, and immediately shook his head:

"Not even a little."


Sister Chen took another breath and looked at her with gritted teeth:

"Who is the other party?"

After that, without waiting for anyone to answer, she asked a more serious question:

"Does he know about your cheating?!"

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