Spear Teacher

Chapter 170

"Who said I don't want to talk?"


After hearing what he said, Jiang Qiyu blinked twice, then frowned and rolled her eyes at him unhappily:

"Who said that to you? I was telling a joke."


But who knew that the joke she just told didn't work, and this complaint that came out of her mouth directly broke his defense.


She scratched her head and looked at the man with a dazzling smile in a daze.

This kid... is his reaction arc so long?

"That's the feeling!"

When Director Gu in the distance saw this scene on the monitor, his eyes immediately lit up.

He waved to the two photographers who were winking at each other, indicating that they should quickly take the shot.

"You really are..."

Qi Yu shook his head with a smile, and looked at her steadily with a pair of eyes full of smiles.

After a pause, he leaned closer to her in a puzzled look, and said in a gentle tone:

"Which book did you read that sentence you just said?"


Jiang Qiyu only felt a little itchy on the side of her neck, and subconsciously shrank her neck. Then she reacted, leaned back and turned her face to look at him:

"Which sentence? Giving birth to a child is 2B?"

"It was subdued by you."

"You mean that...that..."

Her eyes were vague for a moment, and soon she made up a story:

"You probably haven't read it. It's a very niche online literary work."

"Literature?" Qi Yu raised his eyebrows and continued to lean towards her inconspicuously:

"What's the title of the book? It seems quite cultural."

"The title of the book..."

At this time, Jiang Qiyu naturally couldn't say that he stole it from the top Weibo of his super topic fan.

Guilty conscience made her retreat subconsciously, and she casually said the title of the book that she often thought of:

"The Movie King's Palm Pet"! This book is very niche, and ordinary people don't have that channel."

"This book title... is indeed quite literary."

It's similar to Zhao Jin's taste, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

Qi Yu didn't expose her, and nodded to show his agreement, but suddenly he seemed to think of something, and his eyes and eyebrows were filled with an unconcealable smile:

"Can you tell me a few more sentences in this book?"


Jiang Qiyu thought about it, and it would be a waste if she didn't use the secret book that she had copied with so much effort.

Although it would be useless if she used it, at least it was not a waste if she used it.


She nodded slightly, not realizing that the two of them were too close now, and began to recite a poem in a serious tone:

"I took a long shit this morning, but not as long as I miss you."


Qi Yu's lips widened a little.

Although he knew that these were all stupid words she stole from netizens, but now it really came out of her mouth.

It gave him a completely different feeling.

It was hard to imagine that one day he, who claimed to be rational, would be affected by such low tastes.

The uncontrolled heartbeat became clearer, and the strong pulse rhythm gradually swept through his body with hot blood.

The man's protruding Adam's apple moved slightly, and his voice trembled:

"Anything else?"


Jiang Qiyu didn't know what Qi Yu, the pervert, was thinking at the moment, and spoke lightly as if telling a joke:

"If a loser like me asked you to date, would you call the police?"



Hearing his firm "yes", Jiang Qiyu immediately looked at him with wide eyes.

Just as she was about to fight back, her sight was caught in a pair of deep pupils without any defense, and she was dazed for a moment.

The next moment, the arm that supported her side gently grabbed her.

Jiang Qiyu felt a flash in front of her eyes, and the whole person was swept forward uncontrollably by the force.

"Hey (↗)"

Before she even reacted to what the principle was, she was suddenly embraced in an embrace full of cold fragrance.

The tip of her nose rested against his shoulder, and she felt a strong arm firmly around her waist.


Before Jiang Qiyu could speak, she heard the man's deliberately low voice, accompanied by the slight tremor of his chest, and every word clearly came into her ears:

"If it's you, I'll hold you tight."

If a loser like me proposed to date you, would you call the police?

If it's you, I'll hold you tight.


For some reason, she clearly wanted to complain about his poor use of homophonic puns.

But when the words came to her lips, they were dispersed by an unknown throbbing in her chest.The only thing left after opening his mouth was an ambiguous sigh:

"You kid..."

This hug was actually very short.

In the eyes of others, Qi Yu just saw Jiang Qiyu about to fall backwards and couldn't hold her up, so he had to gentlemanly stretch out his arm to stop her.

After he helped her steady, he let go of her hand very naturally and decently, without any selfish intentions.

But only the two people at the center of the vortex knew what this hug, which was so short that it was not even a hug, represented.


After reshooting the personal perspective and photos of this scene, it was noon.

Director Gu was quite satisfied with the progress of the morning's work, and waved his hand to let everyone go to get their lunch boxes.

At the director's order, Jiang Qiyu pulled Yu Xiaoyu, who brought lunch, and Gu Xunjian, who had a meaningful look on his face, into the nanny car.

Qi Yu didn't even have time to say anything before he was ruthlessly thrown on the set by the person who had just been "sweet and sweet" with him.


At the same time, Zhao Jin, who had been waiting for a long time with a thermos cup, rushed up immediately after seeing this.

"Boss Qi."

He fanned the young master with a small fan that he had found from nowhere, and reported in a low voice:

"I have arranged everything you said in the morning."

"Well, you are very good."

Qi Yu lowered his eyes to look at him, nodded with satisfaction, and then waved to him:

"Give me my phone."


Master Wang got on the nanny car with the air conditioner turned on.


Yu Xiaoyu looked left and right with three lunch boxes, but still couldn't understand what these two people who were inexplicably familiar with each other were doing.

"Sister Yu, Teacher Gu, stop playing with your phones, why don't you eat first..."

Before she finished speaking, they raised their hands to stop her at the same time.

Jiang Qiyu looked at the phone with a serious face, without raising her head:

"You eat first, don't worry about me."

Gu Xunjian, who was sitting next to her with a phone in his hand, smiled like a matchmaker who had arranged eight hundred marriages:

"Be obedient, you eat first, I have something to do with your sister Yu."


Yu Xiaoyu scratched his head and could only sit back in the back seat and eat the lunch box.

Unlike the quiet car, the group of Chunmeng supporters was very hot at this time.

[Everyone is a sb, what is there to fight about]: Family members, I seem to have succeeded!

[Shawshank's aunt]: Success is success, failure is failure, what do you mean by success?

[One fuck is out of control]: That's still failure.

[Private diary of a pure female star]: It's not failure, sb teacher's brain is not clear.

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