Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1724: The truth

Many changes have taken place in the universe over the years, but Li Xiaobei can only obtain the information of the debris through the people who had previously blessed him.

   Although not the most important, it is undoubtedly the most notable is the holy war against the Bright Holy See by all the Holy Sees of the Scientology.

Because of the threat of the evil gods, the two sides finally decided that the newly arrived Virgin would preside over the overall situation and lead the reintegrated scientific theology together to overcome the crisis. However, for some reasons, the Holy See can only make tough requests for some reasons that cannot be accepted. Therefore, this war can only be carried on meaninglessly.

Lianhua pretending to be a saint maiden rode the most advanced glorious battleship to the distant edge galaxy to attract attention. However, it turned out that her decision was somewhat unrealistic. What the other Holy See really wanted was not to capture her but to force it. It was discovered that the Holy See of the Holy Girl laid down this achievement to receive equal treatment, so when the pursuit of Lianhua was carried out for a period of time, the major Holy Sees gave up the pursuit and mobilized their military forces to launch a full-scale attack on the Holy See.

Realizing her decision-making mistakes, Lianhua immediately made adjustments. At this time, her response was no less than that of a real saint, and she was as visionary and as dauntless as she was. She ordered the Light Holy See to continue to stubbornly resist other Holy Sees. Offensive, and he drove the glorious warship deep into the hinterland of other vaticans to spread the lecture.

No human dared to fire on the virgin, at least in the scientific theology. The deep-rooted education and the piety from the archbishop made all humankind believe that only the virgin can bring ultimate salvation, so even if she alone went deep, The anti-aircraft firepower of the defensive fleet and the ground did not dare to actually sink the glorious warship.

  The predecessor preached on one planet after another. She tirelessly described the dangers and horrors of the evil gods, and admitted that she could not completely affect the Light Holy See and let them give up those unrealistic conditions.

"War is undoubtedly the most devastating and exclusive choice among the means to solve the problem. When the common embarrassment arrives, everyone should let go of hatred, and let this meaningless war draw a pause, as soon as possible. If it is destroyed, we will forever lose an effective way to deal with evil spirits. Too many sacrifices will only make our race hurt, and it should not go on."

The preaching of the Virgin affects everyone like an oracle, and gradually the voice of anti-war in other churches is getting louder, which directly leads to the subsequent weak attacks on the light of the Holy See, except that the light of the preaching of the Virgin has not been heard. The believers of the Holy See thought that the saints chose to shelter them at this moment and their morale was high.

  The war continued to maintain the situation that Lianhua was happy to admire, but she also understood that she did nothing but quench her thirst.

The counterfeit is a counterfeit after all, even though she has regarded herself as a true saint, almost all humans in the Holy See have recognized this, but as long as there is a person who can pierce her identity, Lianhua will It is not possible to wash away my fake identity.

Every time she appeared, she preached to a person on a planet above the glorious battleship. The only thing people could see was the saint's posture under the sacred light of bathing, not her true appearance. The glorious battleship became the incarnation of the saint, and other churches thought it was a saint intentionally, but only she and a few people understood that it was nothing but a helpless move.

   As long as Li Xiaobei does not show up for one day, she can't get rid of her current predicament and waits almost hopelessly.

The staff of the Holy See who went to search for the trace of Li Xiaobei have found the home of the young master. The believer who came here to return the body of the head of the house has made credit for it, but when he said it, he could not find a painting there. The author of the Virgin and the man standing behind him.

The departure of the master means that no one continues to pay the servants, so all the people who worked here also scattered, and the half-sister of the little master and her mother came to receive the asset. However, they do not have a source of high income like the head of the vegetative family. The mother and daughter can only keep a mansion and courtyard to barely maintain their lives, so that the courtyard and most of the rooms are deserted.

  The staff of the Bright Holy See found nothing in them, and then had to use some clues to find the traces of the servants who worked here to visit the saint.

   The whereabouts of ordinary people are not a secret to the people of the Holy See. They quickly found the whereabouts of these people and got many clues from their mouths.

   At the beginning, three people came to the house. The middle-aged woman housekeeper gave some descriptions of the appearance of the three people.

Because the private property on the earth is protected, even the people of the Holy See can not infringe at will. The portrait of Lianhua left by Rosa was forced to be sold out by the mother and daughter of her livelihood after a long time. The bright Holy See of the family gets.

Seeing the portrait of Lianhua and comparing it in front of the real statue of the Virgin, the Archbishop’s mood is heavy and Although he does not have the vision of the Virgin, but after all It is a big man who holds tens of thousands of planets and hundreds of millions of believers, and he can’t see the calculations made by others.

   understands that he has been involved in an unknown but must be terrible conspiracy, but the archbishop finally burned these two paintings in person, as if this had never happened.

   A person's position and vision determine what they can see. For Rosa, she naturally ignores the existence of low-level civilization. Although doing one thing is the ultimate, it can be simple in the end.

   She thought that the Archbishop would be thundered after knowing the truth, but she neglected her behavior, which was also an unabashed calculation for the Bright Holy See.

  No one likes to be manipulated by others, not to mention big figures like the archbishop. In comparison, he will make the most reasonable choice even if he is angry.

  Whether it is a destined virgin, or even a false virgin born under her own acquiescence, she is true when she has done everything the virgin should do.

   And another conspirator had no intersection with himself and the Holy See, even if he was a saint who was unselfish and wanted to reveal the truth, but he could not bring any benefit to the Holy See after all.

This is the spiritual world and judgment criteria of a fanatical believer and a ruler. Rosa has spent energy on him but has no intention, because she does not look down on the existence of low-level civilization, and Li Xiaobei is obviously on the archbishop. Careful, the gap between them lies here.

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