Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1723: Gods at dusk

The historical documents of the Guangming Holy See record many important events in the years of the development of the civilization of scientific theology. I think that after the division of the scientific religion, the Holy See also has its own discoveries and many can form a systematic chain of events. However, Separation has always been a major enemy of the development of civilization, and the achievements of fighting each other in the past millennium are far less brilliant than in the past. Apex Novel   fastest update

  Li Xiaobei studied not only scientific and technological achievements during the time in the Tudor District, but also for her the development of scientific and religious civilization is equally important, and naturally puts the same energy into it.

Even if there is only a normal line in the world of scientific and technological civilization, there will be many phenomena that are difficult to explain with scientific phenomena. As a nominal religion, the religion of science is still a civilization that respects the progress of science and technology and productivity. Ability itself is a very counterintuitive thing.

   They shouldn't have such abilities. Although they are not universally powerful, they can only be used as small tricks to show to ordinary communists, but there are reasons for their existence.

   The civilization of scientific theology has extended far in the same plane, but no civilizations other than the evil **** who has been mortally contested with it thousands of years ago have even discovered the wise and intelligent life.

  With doubts in this regard, Li Xiaobei began to search for related clues by consulting historical documents, and she also found a lot of valuable information in a short time.

Let’s start with the era that led to the great divisions of the Seven Great Holy Sees. The scientific theological civilization at that time did not occupy a large part of the galaxy as they do now. Their scope of activity was limited to a galaxy and not yet outward. Pioneering, but the scientific theology has completely expelled the evil spirit from the galaxy, and is now in a stage of thriving development with all the people, everyone is full of fighting spirit and hope for the future.

The wreckage found by the nebula cluster in the center of the river system broke this stability. At that time, the Son who personally hosted the development of the center of the river system thought that this time it was just like the discovery of the wreckage of civilization many years ago, but he was tens of thousands. I did not expect that the results of this scientific expedition would be so fruitful.

The wreckage of civilizations there is very complete, and the planets that carry these civilizations have a perfect ecological environment unimaginable by scientific theology. At that time, people called those planets the holy places of Gaia, and the remaining wreckage of civilizations only needs to be reinfused with energy. It was able to restart, and a huge treasure trove opened its arms to the humans at that time.

   Son is the most far-sighted human being, but even he will not understand what leapfrog scientific progress means to the scientific theology at that time.

   They found the truth of the destruction of many prehistoric civilizations from the remains of prehistoric civilizations, and even continued to approach the truth of the existence of evil gods.

The past civilizations were splendid, and the technology and armament far exceeded the name of scientific theology at that time. Even the remains of civilizations were as advanced as gods, and such a splendid civilization, such a universe of flowers in the universe. In the face of a more powerful existence, the dusk of the gods was ushered in without resistance, but no witness could be indifferent to this crisis as if it were the end.

  The unknown fear shrouded everyone's mind. The seven archbishops at that time tried to find a way to prevent the current civilization from repeating the same mistakes from the records of prehistoric civilization.

   In the end, they all thought they were right, but the Son was slow to make a choice and even planned to block all the prehistoric civilization planets without any further investigation. The split was caused in this context.

The brand-new discoveries endowed the spiritual power of the believers, but because of the lack of systematic research in the follow-up, the seven divisions after the division split the legacy of prehistoric civilizations. No one can go further in this regard. They can only I walked on the path I chose to this day.

  The deeper secret than the existence of the Son was born, such as the heavy stone pressed into the hearts of the archbishops at that time: "The liquidation will finally come."

In the subsequent millennium, no one knew what the liquidation was, so it was gradually forgotten. Even if the evil gods went back and returned, they did not attract this attention. As an outsider, Li Xiaobei stood on another angle. It is not difficult to find the anomalies.

The current clues are almost the same. The optical application of the light church is not only their path of faith, but also the archbishop at the beginning of the great division believes that this is a way to overcome the end crisis. The situation is similar.

   According to this line to speculate, what Li Xiaobei sees now is very likely to be the truth that mankind was struggling to pursue at that time.

   There are still many mysteries waiting to be solved, and he is the one who is closest to the truth. If it is not under ideology, Li Xiaobei's heartbeat can even be heard clearly.

   The truth of a plane world, that is a treasure more valuable than a lot of people who master and use it will be the master of the world.

Li Xiaobei, who can't even contend with the power of evil spirits, is unlikely to rush into the world behind the curtain in a crippled state, but she can at least stay in front of the curtain and watch it evolve a little, Although this piece of existence that separates the virtual and the reality is an unknowable existence, it cannot be more mysterious than the void, and it is necessary to open its curtain to interfere with the reality of this world.

The evil gods standing under the curtain showed a pale white gas, and the purple halo surrounded them in a ring shape. After being mixed in by the extravagant, the evil **** gradually changed the original. The form becomes the same as them, and there is no response to any existence. They are indeed constantly running, and even have a huge vitality. However, their silence is like death.

People who are waiting for them to change can easily become anxious because they do not see the silence that hopes are not yet in the future, but because Li Xiaobe can do nothing now, she can only wait for the possible evolution to be born. .

Will the unknown existence hidden behind the curtain be indifferent to those who can easily repel its dependents? Before the evil spirit attacked the human planet, was it a sudden revenge or a premeditated plan? If the latter, they would not remain silent.

  One year, two years and three years...

  It is difficult to calculate how much time has passed, as if enough energy has been gathered to once again have the power to interfere with reality, and the unknowable curtain that covers all matter finally opens a channel to the evil spirit, and they will eventually take action.

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