Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1346: Plan to move

"Ah, let me know who is the ghost, I must hack her!" Sister Fujiwara rummaging through the ruins anxiously without forgetting the harsh words on her mouth.

Her family has always been poor, but there are always some things that represent the memory in her heart. Among them, Huiyin sent her and some were stolen from Yue Zhong. They are not necessarily expensive but she has lived for so long. Proof, a proof different from the beast-like self long ago.

"Don't be angry, Meihong, you have lived alone in the lost bamboo forest all the time. Now that the house is destroyed, it is better to let me live outside." Shang Baize Huiyin saw Li Xiaobei's small movements in her eyes, but she I don’t ask, but I just appease the jumping girl, Fujiwara, "There is no more in the world, but there are many children outside. Although I am just an ordinary elementary school teacher, I feel very happy to live with them every day. You You can’t just stay here all the time."

The house was violently demolished by the Sun, Moon, and Star Fairies. Fortunately, the basic structure is complete. Meihong can use her memory to find the box where she stored the memory. Seeing it intact, the contents are still intact. Shi Meihong's anger disappeared by half, and suddenly she heard Bai Ze Huiyin's words making her stunned.

She never thought of leaving Fantasy Township to live outside. Even though this place has many differences from the past Fantasy Township, Ke Meihong still feels that this is her home and her real home.

Huiyin's words made her suddenly understand that a home where there is no one in the world and no time to get along with Baize Huiyin is no longer a destination, but he has never thought about this, and insists on staying here, even if it is A hungry life is also easy.

In fact, she was afraid of going to live in the outside world, and she was also afraid of seeing the people and things she used to know. Those things she didn't think belong to her.

"Aren't you reluctant to Hui Hui?" Shang Baize Huiyin tried to persuade Meihong to leave with her, but at that time she insisted on staying here, but now saying similar words made Meihong react differently. , She felt that this might be the only chance to persuade Meihong to go with her.

Meihong suddenly jumped up and shouted: "Who wants to be with her, move house!"

"Pomp." Zao Miao couldn't help but laugh, and Fujiwara Meihong, who was not afraid of fear, was most afraid of others saying that she and Huiye were friends rather than dead enemies, but she was able to act decisively, and Zao Miao also admired Fujiwara's heart in her heart. Decisively, "Huiyin, where are you teaching? Why have I never heard from you."

Shang Baize Huiyin replied: "In a small town in country J, it wouldn't be a good thing if I caught your attention."

Zao Miao realized that his identity was to deal with monsters and international criminals. It would not be a good thing if he knew the news of Bai Zehui by himself.

She originally wanted Meihong to go to her. When she was not at home, she could let Yue Zhong's parents have someone to talk to, but thinking that Meihong might not be suitable for taking care of people, and she was not obliged to do these things, and Huiyin Living together is the best option, so I will not speak.

Li Xiaobei, who has been listening to them and ignored them completely, is not impatient. All seemingly ordinary words may play a crucial role in the future. She is more aware after being put on by her master. The information on the information can not be completely believed, what about the people of Fujiwara and the fantasies, she still needs to rely on her eyes and ears to confirm.

After discussing the matter of leaving Fantasy Township, Li Xiaobei was finally remembered. It was one thing to be able to bring her here, but how to make sure that she would not fool herself was another matter. What is Yue Zhong Everyone in the room knew the truth, and no one could believe what his apprentice said.

"It's time to talk about where Yue Zhong is. You might have a lot of inconveniences when you leave Fantasy Township." Fujiwara Meihong was also impressed by the battle of the farewell. Everyone's shock was as strong as Xiao Meiyan or Gong Yongsaki's face to the impact of his successful Earth Charters. It was also impossible to fight back. At that time, Mei Hong and Yue important did not rely on the burning of the seeds of wish No one will be his opponent.

Such a powerful existence can chase Xiao Meiyan's mission to overwhelm Huang Quanbi down the world and eventually push her into desperation. Her intelligence ability is far beyond her imagination. Li Xiaobe must be more cautious when she comes to the outside world, which is also her Has been reluctant to let Fujiwara Meihong know the reason.

Li Xiaobei has not surprised that Fujiwara Meihong can think of so much. She used to be a general in the army and naturally understood the importance of intelligence to a war. Now Li Xiaobei’s plan is not a war but a battlefield. Crossing countless planes and involving countless people, no life and death is more terrifying, no victory and defeat but step by step scared.

Fan Hanshi will pay attention to Xiao Meiyan, Qi Xiaomeng and Veneto, and he will pay great attention to each of the fetters that Yue Zhong once had, even if it is Fujiwara Meihong, Dongfeng Guzao even not knowing what to do. Gong Yongsaki will pay more attention to it.

But Li Xiaobei felt that the only person he could possibly neglect was himself. Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan sent her away early. The people in the legal court had not seen Li Xiaobei and Yue Zhong when they appeared in the seven galaxies. Has touched countless strangers like Li Xiaobei in her life, Fan Hanshi cannot be all Plus Li Xiaobei's age is also her best cover, no one can imagine a ten-year-old The little girl can have the determination to challenge the Judicial Tribunal, but that is the behemoth that has ruled the countless planes of the star sea and is in charge of hundreds of millions of human life order and legal norms. A ten year old girl?

Whether she succeeds or fails, her actions will be eclipsed, and it is difficult to have a comer before or after.

"I also learned about my Master's news from a woman named Rosa." Li Xiaobei had no intention of concealing it any longer. "I believe that Master was really judged by the court of law and dispatched to the world of the Master. , The person named Fan Hanshi has never given up on arresting my sister, so he wanted my master to be a bait, and laid a near-inexplicable bureau on him. As for more information, I need further verification. Got the answer."

Fujiwara Meihong feels that Li Xiaobei is unfinished, but Li Xiaobei really only knows these things.

"What are you going to do to buy so many people in Fantasia? As far as I know, apart from Okazaki Mengmi and Asakura Rikako, everyone has no ability to traverse the plane. They are useless like me. "Mr. Fujiwara asked," neither combat nor other aspects have much effect, and do they know who they are dealing with?"

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