The two of them would turn on the video connection and do their own thing.

This was also the first time Jiang Yanzhan smirked at the screen in the office.

This information finally became the stone hammer that he fell in love with, and soon swept the entire company - everyone knew that he already had a lover.

Pheromones are the orange candy flavored kind.

Ruan Ruan didn't know these things. After she cut the video, she began to concentrate on preparing for her midterm exam.

After all, she is still a student.

The student's job should be to study.

As the mid-term exams approached, the pressure of the graduating class also followed.

Ruan Ruan has more and more time to study.

One day, Jiang Yanzhan suddenly asked her, Why didn't you update this week?

Ruan Ruan was stunned for a few seconds before reacting. What he said was that his video had not been updated.

While drawing the function image on the scratch paper, she explained slowly: The midterm exam is coming...

Jiang Yanzhan was still in a trance for a moment.

Of course he knew that someone in the company was gossiping about his life, and he knew that someone was talking about what kind of Alpha he had found...

Jiang Yanzhan didn't hate this, and was a little happy occasionally.

And at times like this, he couldn't help but wonder, what kind of expressions would those people show if they knew that his Alpha was still a student?

No one knew that their president was such a naive person in private.

The day before the mid-term exam, Ruan Ruan and Jiang Yanzhan's videos were also cut off.

Ruan Ruan said to him: I'm sorry, sweetheart, I'm always thinking about you, and I can't even study. Let me calm down for two days. After the test, let's make a video?

Although she was talking about the exam she was going to take, Jiang Yanzhan had an inexplicable feeling of being taken care of by an elder.

He gave a blank um and agreed to this matter as if he agreed with all the plans.

That night, before Ruan Ruan went to bed, he suddenly heard a tick in his head.

It's like a broken line is suddenly connected.

Ruan Ruan lay on the bed and blinked, and asked in his heart, Is it the system?

An electronic voice answered her.

Hello. Miss Gummy Candy, said the electronic voice, Congratulations, you have successfully connected with this world. As long as you complete the next task, you can settle down in this world and obtain an official human identity.

Ruan Ruan: What is the mission?

The specific task details will be sent to your mobile phone according to your test results after your midterm exam is completed. The electronic tone continued, Please be sure to watch it in time.

Then there is a beep sound, the sound of system disconnection.

Ruan Ruan breathed a sigh of relief.

When she first started learning to be a human, she heard from the system.

Everything in this world actually has a spirit, and some supernatural phenomena in the world are also due to the role of some spirit.

The system was created in a world where science is highly developed, and its job seems to be to awaken one spirit one by one, and observe whether these spirits are the culprit behind those supernatural phenomena.

In exchange, they would give some harmless spirit a new identity. If they generate their own intelligence, they can randomly enter a world. After completing the task, they can freely choose whether to stay and become human, or go to another world and do something else.

I heard that some spirits will destroy, and some spirits will greedily want more, and even want to have their own world...

That's right, it sounds weird.

Ruan Ruan is a little bear with no ambition. Before coming to this world, she just felt envious of human beings and wanted to be a human being.

After coming to this world, she began to have new goals.

Her body life is very short, and being able to live, grow old and die as a human being is almost the same as having eternal life for the original her.

Ruan Ruan successfully connected with the system, and he didn't need to go to another world, so he finally felt relieved.

It may be because she has no scruples in her heart. She performed very well in the mid-term exam. After the exam, she can feel that the result this time may be amazing.

After a period of hard study, Fang Xu's grades have also improved significantly.

The two were very excited after the midterm exams were all over, and they asked to go out for a meal together.

Unexpectedly, while eating, I met the Omega from the next class.

I heard that his name is Ji Hong.

Ruan Ruan didn't have a good impression of him, and he talked to Fang Xu a little, and Fang Xu also felt that it was a bit strange.

Although Ming Su usually doesn't do good deeds, at most he just talks bad words, and he hasn't really gone to trouble with any Omega.

And Ji Hong hates Alpha, and has said very extreme things in public before.

In the end, he didn't suffer any injuries. It was said that he was attacked by pheromone. As a result, there was no trace of pheromone on his body.

If only because he is an Omega and his body is relatively weak, he can provoke Alpha at will, anger the opponent, and the opponent can't have a little counterattack... That would be too unfair.

Of course, it's also possible that they just thought too much, and Ji Hong really didn't deliberately provoke others. To convict him at will, it becomes victim guilt theory.

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