No, thank you. Jiang Yanzhan said, clicked on the blue software, and clicked on the payment code, Alipay.

Salesperson: ...Okay.

Ruan Ruan was very surprised.

Jiang Yanzhan held the popcorn in his hand, turned to meet Ruan Ruan's surprised eyes, and fell silent again.

He pursed his lower lip, walked to Ruan Ruan, and explained in a low voice, It will be uncomfortable to eat too much.

Ruan Ruan: ...

Jiang Yanzhan is really different from Mr. Farewell!

So you have Alipay. Ruan Ruan was moved.

Jiang Yanzhan: ...

Is she surprised by this?

He thought he was more ordinary in Ruan Ruan's eyes.

There is also WeChat. Jiang Yanzhan handed her the popcorn, I will send you a red envelope next time.

Ruan Ruan laughed: Okay.

The maximum amount of WeChat red envelopes is only 200.

She didn't think Jiang Yanzhan was stingy at all, she just felt very kind.

The two happily went to check the tickets.

As a result, when the tickets were checked in, there were people who knew Jiang Yanzhan who were watching the movie together.

The other party stumbled and shouted: Mr. Jiang Jiang Jiang...

Jiang Yanzhan followed behind Ruan Ruan, holding one hand by her, and responded with a cold expression: Well.

Ruan Ruan: Do you know me?

Jiang Yanzhan: Colleague.

Ruan Ruan smiled at him: Hello.

A person called a colleague: Hello, you, you.

Jiang Yanzhan squeezed Ruan Ruan's palm and pulled her in directly.

This girl is fine with everything, but seeing the stranger smile so sweetly, she has no vigilance at all.

Jiang Yanzhan pulled Ruan Ruan to find their designated seat and sit down.

Ruan Ruan pulled up the armrest between the two, leaned against Jiang Yanzhan's shoulder naturally, and held his hand with one hand.

Why did you suddenly pull me away so fast. Ruan Ruan leaned against his ear and asked softly, Do you not like me talking to your colleagues?

Jiang Yanzhan only knew that she was very straightforward, but she never expected that she would ask about this kind of thing directly.

He sipped his chūn and didn't speak, but after hearing Ruan Ruan stick closer, he opened his mouth slowly in a softer voice.

I don't actually like people looking at you either. Ruan Ruan stretched out his arms around him and whispered, So I've been holding you so they know you are mine.

The movie didn't have many audiences, just the two of them in the entire row.

The movie has just started, and all the lights in the theater are turned off.

In the darkness, her breath was sprayed on her ears.

Jiang Yanzhan's Adam's apple rolled up and down for a while, then turned his head and kissed her.

Don't make trouble, he said. Sit tight, the cinema is under surveillance.

Ruan Ruan: ...?

Wow, it's you who comes first!

Chapter 32

Comedies are so funny.

Ruan Ruan's face became a little stiff after watching the movie.

She leaned against Jiang Yanzhan when she was watching a movie, and every time she trembled with laughter, Jiang Yanzhan was right next to her, and the corners of her mouth raised coldly.

Ruan Ruan sometimes peeks at him.

Classmate Xiaojiang looks better than the movie, so cute.

When the movie was over, Ruan Ruan grabbed Jiang Yanzhan's arm and went out, and asked him in a low voice as he walked, Sweetheart, are we together tonight?

Jiang Yanzhan's arms were obviously tense, and the whole person seemed a little nervous, and he even asked a little bluntly: What?

It's nothing. Ruan Ruan laughed, Forget it, I'm a little worried that I can't help it.

Jiang Yanzhan: ...

He didn't speak, so Ruan Ruan squeezed his palm and whispered, You are so cute. I like you so much.

Jiang Yanzhan felt that this was the closest thing to the word cute in his life.

He looked at Ruan Ruan's round face and wanted to kiss her profile.

I don't know if it was because of the continuous temporary marking that his mood was affected by pheromones, or because these two people were sticking together almost every day, and they didn't do anything apart... Jiang Yanzhan and Ruan Ruan became more and more sticky.

This kind of sticky is not particularly passionate, the kind that is fast at any time.

But at this time, Ruan Ruan hooked his fingers, looked up at him with eyes full of joy - his heart softened completely, and just wanted to hug her and give her a lot of kisses.

After watching the movie and returning home, Ruan Ruan was still immersed in that happy feeling.

What is even happier is that the number of her fans has increased to a certain extent, and now it has exceeded 200,000.

The medals with the number of fans exceeding 100,000 were also received.

Ruan Ruan sorted out the courier that night and took a video of the unpacking.

In the next few days, she did not meet Jiang Yanzhan again.

Because Jiang Yanzhan went on a business trip.

His work has always been very busy. In recent years, the influence of the fever period has become more and more serious. All business trips are arranged before the end of the fever period and the arrival of the physiological period.

The working hours that could have been freely arranged have been affected by the body and compressed a lot...

You can no longer let go of this work time just because you want to fall in love.

It happened that Ruan Ruan's career also started, and she had more time to do editing.

There is an eight-hour time difference where Jiang Yanzhan travels for business. Every night after Ruan Ruan gets out of school, he just arrives in the morning.

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