Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 957: Despise chicken stewed mushrooms

Wang Ping helps to watch the film together, anyway, he has to find something to do, otherwise he thinks he will be stunned.

As for things like diagnostic criteria, it is not something that clinical front-line personnel can solve, Wang Ping thinks just like that.

Time passed quickly. The cT of the lungs, and the white lungs, carried cold temperatures like winter rain outside.

Although he was upset and panicked, his stomach kept warning Wang Ping that it was time to eat. Listening to the grunting voice of his stomach, Wang Ping was a little sad.

"I'm going to instant noodles." Wang Ping said.

I can't say the word instant noodles, and I feel nauseous when I say it.

"How is your craft? Make a copy for me."

"What do you eat? The day before yesterday, when the city was closed, I bought dozens of bags of instant noodles. They have all kinds of flavors. I rely on them for the past few days. I don't know when the cafeteria will open."

"Broiled Beef Noodle...As long as it's not chicken stewed mushroom noodles, it's good."

In the chain of contempt for instant noodles, chicken stewed mushroom noodles topped the list. Even when everyone is rushing to buy, there are still rows of chicken stewed mushroom noodles on the shelves.

"Oh, after eating for two days, it's really disgusting." Wang Ping said, "I really want to go home and cook my own meal. Even a bowl of instant noodles is fine. You say this person is really an overseas Chinese. I still remember that the first bite I ate when I first had Master Kong was astonished. There is still such a delicious thing in the world. But I did not expect that the former Xiao Tiantian will become the current Mrs. Niu."

"Don’t dream anymore. Now, we don’t accept orders from the hospital for takeaways. The cafeteria in our hospital probably doesn’t have much stock, and we are all going to go home for the New Year..." said the successor doctor, "There must be no food in the cafeteria in the hospital. If you’re satisfied, you don’t need to starve to death. Besides, when that day comes, who knows whether to starve to death or disease to die first."

In such an environment, almost everyone is thinking about the issue of death, and even joking about it without denying it.

This sentence is half true, but Wang Ping didn't think about whether the colleague's words were just a joke or whether death was actually considered.

It would be great if you could have hot and dry noodles. Wang Ping thought about the usual humble noodle restaurants, and his saliva flowed out unknowingly.

Without hot dry noodles, you can have warm rice or a la carte.

It is a pity that the entire Tianhe City suddenly encountered the major event of the closure of the city, and everyone was a little bit embarrassed. After all, this is a big city with a population of tens of millions. If you think with your feet, it is impossible to return to the previous life.

Thinking about it, Wang Ping took out his cell phone subconsciously.

Wang Ping doesn't think there is anything abnormal if the takeout is not sent to the hospital. If you were a takeaway guy, you would definitely not come to the hospital.

Just like yourself, don't you want to go home?

When he clicked on the page, Wang Ping was surprised to find that several takeaway boys started to take orders from the hospital!

He was overjoyed, even seeing the white flowers on the screen at this time was not so depressed. Hot dry noodles are not required, as long as you can eat warm meals, it doesn't matter if the sky falls.

"Someone can deliver it!" Wang Ping said immediately, tapping the phone screen quickly with his finger, placing the order as quickly as possible, for fear that the takeaway boy might regret it later.

In a special period, there is nothing to be picky about. The two placed an order, although it is not their favorite food, but what does it matter?

After only two days, Wang Ping felt a little disgusting when he thought of the taste of instant noodles.

Next is the time to look through the autumn water.

Wang Ping looked at his cell phone countless times, and for the first time he looked at the delivery route of the takeaway boy with a sloppy eyes.

The streets are so familiar, even the shops on both sides can remember the words on their signs in retrospect. I haven't seen it for a long time, they are all okay.

This single time was extremely long, and more than an hour later, Wang Ping received a call.

The takeaway brother politely said that he didn't want to go to the hospital, and hoped that Wang Ping would come out and get it.

Wang Ping was not surprised at all. He immediately went out of the small door and ran to pick up the takeaway.

The big yellow bunny ears look like small yellow flowers on the spring meadow.

I usually just think it's fun, but now, in the gray rain, everything has lost its color. Those big bunny ears looked very kind. The moment Wang Ping saw it, his nose was a little sour and he almost didn't cry.

It was a life-saving takeaway, Wang Ping didn't think much, and quickly ran to Big Bunny Ears.

At a distance of 3 meters, Wang Ping stopped.

Although he didn't want to delay a minute or a second, he knew that this was a hospital. The takeaway boy is already taking great risks to be able to come and deliver the food, and he can't cause trouble to others.

"The end number is 2768." Wang Ping reported the end number of his mobile phone.

"Sir, this is your takeaway." The rhubarb bunny ears flickered, full of vitality.

"Thank you, thank you, you can just put the takeaway." Wang Ping didn't move. Although it is only 3 meters away, it seems like a short distance away, "You are gone, I will get it again."

The takeaway boy waved to Wang Ping to express his gratitude. Back on the electric car, he did not leave immediately, but asked from a few meters away, "Are you a doctor?"

"Yeah." Wang Ping picked up the heavy takeaway. He seemed to have smelled the scent of the food, and only a little saliva came out without any promise.

"How is the situation now?" the delivery boy asked.

"It's still like that." Wang Ping said, "I don't dare to go home. Also, the hospital canteen didn't prepare anything in advance for the Chinese New Year. If it weren't for you to deliver the food, I guess I would have to eat instant noodles for many days."

"Take care of yourself!"

"Take care of yourself!!"

The two strangers cherish each other, and they will pass away from now on, and I don't know if I can meet them in this life.

Yellow and blue bicycles are running in the city.

They are like capillaries in this city, transporting oxygen to every corner, trying to keep the city alive.

Every aorta has its own name, but capillaries don't have it. At most, there will only be a name such as a network of capillaries in a certain part.

But they don't care.

Big Bunny Ears and other takeaway guys passed by There were very few vehicles on the busy streets in the past.

People like him are working hard to maintain part of the city's functions.

There are doctors and nurses ordering meals; some people want five bags of rice; a solitary grandmother wants two cabbage and a little other vegetables; some people want two boxes of fat house happy water...

Get cash red envelopes and read books to get cash! Pay attention to WeChat. The official account book friend base camp, cash/point currency waiting for you!

A little bit of trivia is the greatest cause they have to accomplish.

In the old community without elevators, they would go upstairs against rice, not meet each other, put things aside, and tell the owners to disinfect them through the door. You must not forget.

Here, there is no Superman, no Hulk, no Iron Man.

Only ordinary people came forward one after another,

Become the hero of this city.

They did not leave a name, but what they did will be remembered by everyone.

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