Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 956: National team admission

Tianhe City.

The festive atmosphere disappeared on New Year's Eve, and the air was filled with depressive breath.

The CT room of a large tertiary A hospital was busy opening the pot.

All outpatients, emergency departments, inpatient departments, and critically ill patients rushed to do the check-ups, and they became the frontline from the auxiliary departments.

Although I still keep a little distance from the patients and their families, they are in contact with countless patients with pneumonia every day, like the crowded emergency department, the bed is always full, and the severe illness does not even have a ventilator.

Wang Ping, a chief physician in imaging, is reviewing the film in the reading room.

Although there is no need to wear protective clothing in the operating room, the work of reviewing the film is relatively easier. However, the white **** were ct, dizzy and heavy.

In fact, in Wang Ping's view, most of the films are nothing good at all.

The white lungs, large patches of ground-glass shadows, and the exudation deposited in the lungs like floccules can only point to one thing-this new type of pneumonia is far more serious than imagined.

On duty on New Year's Eve, Wang Ping squatted in the reading room and watched more than 300 similar images on the computer.

When the diagnosis report was issued, Wang Ping knew that the clinician would not read it at all, but he still corrected it word by word very seriously.

One night, it just passed.

At 8:30 a.m. on New Year's Day, Wang Ping collapsed in a chair tired, but he didn't want to sleep.

At this moment, Wang Ping was particularly sober.

"Pharaoh, go home." The doctor who came to take over said listlessly, "Do you still dare to go home?"

"Don't dare." Wang Ping told the truth, "I found a camp bed. Today we will be together in the duty room."

"Cut, your eldest man will just **** with me!" The doctor who succeeded said contemptuously, "Come on with another girl."

"Don't dream, just your old waist."

"It looks so seductive, isn't it." The doctor in charge felt a little better after driving, "It's better than your snoring."

"I'm not going home anymore." Wang Ping said with a sigh, "Don't dare. Although it's not in the operating room, our house is so big and there are too many people outside."

The successor doctor also sighed, he barely rushed over to work with his family after the New Year. When he came to the hospital, he didn't plan to go back. He ate and lived in the hospital so as not to bring the virus to his family.

But there is only one duty room with a bunk bed inside, where too many people can live.

"What about eating?"

"Who knows, just make instant noodles if you can't." Wang Ping said, "If you don't get used to my snoring, you can go home and I will be on duty by myself. During the Chinese New Year, I will make two hundred yuan for a day on duty. I earn this money myself."

"Fuck off!"

The two chatted casually, and the doctor in charge soon began to sit down and read the film.

"Pharaoh, you said that this big white lung is really similar to the 2003 s virus."

"Yeah." Wang Ping slumped in a chair, "I thought about it all night yesterday."

"What do you want? What happened in 2003?"

"No." Wang Ping said, "There is a problem with the clinical determination criteria, and the testing time is too long. I am going to report to the director and suggest that the diagnostic criteria be modified into ct imaging."

"Don't make trouble," said the successor doctor. "The hospital simply can't accommodate so many people. Vulcan Mountain has been repaired to treat severely ill patients. But a hospital has 1,000 beds, which usually seems to be a lot.

With that said, the successor doctor glanced at the crowd outside.

"That's it, do you think it can be used?"

"Hey." Wang Ping sighed again.

In recent days, sighing has become a habit.

If you don't sigh, you will always feel tight in your chest. Wang Ping even wanted to ask the clinic to borrow a portable blood oxygen clamp to see if his blood oxygen was low.

But there is no extra thing to lend to yourself in the clinic.

"The confirmed patients can't live, no way." The successor said, "Now the best way is to have a fever and stay at home. There is a trick to coming to the hospital, which can only increase the chance of infection."

"I think you are right." Wang Ping said, "but everyone panicked. In 2003, the mildly ill patients were at home, and the severely ill went to Xiaotangshan. This is what the Emperor did. Isn’t it all right? Now it’s a good one. In the city, everyone is stubborn and don't know what to do."

"I haven't seen so many patients in my entire life." The doctor succeeded while chatting, watching the video, and saying a few words, the dull mood could get better. Otherwise, there is a stone falling in the chest, I am afraid that people will collapse if they can't hold on for a few days.

"Who knows, just walk and watch." Wang Ping said, "I heard that there will be a meeting today. It is said that one Huoshenshan hospital is not enough. It seems that another hospital will be built."

The doctor who succeeded did not speak, just glanced at the patients and their family members waiting outside for ct.

The hall was crowded with people, like a train station during the Spring Festival.

What's worse than the Spring Festival is that many people who come to do ct can't stand firmly, and some even hold a drip, sitting helplessly against the wall. On the wall is a hook temporarily attached by the head nurse, which can barely be used as a drip stand.

The atmosphere in the whole hall is extremely Fear spreads in the crowd like a virus.

To build another hospital... Even if it is the fastest, it will take a week. This is how Xiaotangshan was in 2003.

I hope it works.

"The military doctor came last night." Wang Ping finally said exciting news. "It is said that a support team from the magic city has also arrived."

"Where is the imperial capital?"

"It is said that the team from Xiehe and Beijing Medical College arrived in the afternoon and went directly to the Sino-French New City campus. The reconstruction has begun on that side, and the entire campus has become an intensive care hospital."

"It would be great if all patients with severe illness can be admitted. I heard that the first aid of 120 has been blown up. I can't accept it at all. The illness is severe. It's really weird."

"No way, now the eyes of the 120 first-aiders are red, and the list is at least 3-6 hours. It is said that the number of medical staff per 100,000 people in Tianhe ranks in the forefront of the country, how can this be done?" Wang Ping said depressed.

"Plus the people who came to support... Now I have at least a few thousand medical care."

"At least, they are all majors in severe, respiratory, and emergency departments. If this doesn't work, what do you say?"

"Impossible." The doctor succeeded himself to cheer himself up, "The national team is here, and I guess I can develop in a good direction in another three to five days."

He said something he didn't believe, and there was a lot of people outside, and no one would predict how things would go.

Both Wang Ping and the doctor who succeeded felt that the virus this time seemed to be more serious than the s virus in 2003.

But what happened in 2003 was already the limit of their medical career, more serious than that? This surpassed their imagination.



Note: At the very beginning, the situation in 2003 was already the limit of imagination.

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