Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 966 Force Majeure

"Uncle Jiang met my dad just now, and the two of them were talking about what happened today. What they meant was that the money can be paid, but you have to solve the demolition work and some work matters." Xiao Jiejie said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Zhang Yu was stunned, and then said: "You mean, before your father and Uncle Jiang can pay, the demolition matters must be resolved first."

"Yes, that's it. This is what I overheard, so you can prepare first. In addition, my dad asked me to call you and tell you that they will have a meeting with you at the company tomorrow. This is probably what they are talking about. Xiao Jiejie said.

"That's it, Jiejie, thank you," Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"Why are we being polite? You should prepare well and don't cause trouble when the time comes." Xiao Jiejie said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be ready." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay, then I won't tell you anymore. My dad is here." After Xiao Jiejie finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone.

Facts have proved that this should be called extroversion in girls.

Zhang Yu put the phone aside and thought about the demolition. Now when he thinks about this matter, he feels a bit headache, because this kind of thing cannot be done softly or hardly.

Just one or two nail households is enough. There are so many nail households now. How can it be so easy to solve them?

Bao Jiayin and Xia Yuechan were both looking at him. Seeing his serious expression, Xia Yuechan said softly: "Zhang Yu, what's on your mind?"

Zhang Yu said: "There is something wrong with the company. There are two pieces of land here. Now there is a problem with the demolition. Those people don't want to leave. They have also found a lot of black people who won't take hard or soft advice."

"That's it... Demolition is difficult these days, and there are greedy households everywhere..." Xia Yuechan shook her head, then looked at Bao Jiayin and said, "Jiayin, is there any good solution from the law?"

"This is also a legal problem. The Internet is so powerful. As long as there is forced eviction, the fault lies with the developer. From my point of view, there is no good way unless force majeure occurs." Bao Jiayin also shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Zhang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, he hugged Bao Jiayin, kissed him, and said excitedly: "Jiayin, you are so great..."

"Take advantage of this opportunity..." Bao Jiayin's heart trembled, she glanced at him and said deliberately dissatisfied.

"You should take advantage of it. Didn't you say it yourself? I've already benefited from it." Zhang Yu hugged Bao Jiayin and said with a smile.

"You also know that you benefited from the advantage... Let me tell you, you are a bit biased..." Bao Jiayin said with a little pout.

"There is no favoritism, the conscience of heaven and earth..." Zhang Yu said, licking his face.

In fact, Zhang Yu is indeed a bit partial. This is also because Xia Yuechan is pregnant, so he is more gentle towards Xia Meiren.

"Bah... I don't know you yet..." Bao Jiayin spat lightly, and then said: "You and her are in the same group, always bullying me."

"Jiayin, when you bullied me, you forgot... It's really heartless..." Xia Yuechan came over and hugged Bao Jiayin from the other side.

"When have I ever bullied you... It's always you who bullied me..." Bao Jiayin said with her lips curled up.

"You still don't admit it..." Xia Yuechan said, gently pinched Bao Jiayin's hand, and then said with a bad smile: "I can't bear this crime for nothing... I will bully you with Zhang Yu now." …”

"What are you going to do?" Bao Jiayin said nervously.

"Hehehehehe..." Xia Yuechan smiled deliberately, "What else can you do..."

Then she started to feel itchy on Bao Jiayin.

"You, you... haha... if you come again, I will fight back..."

"If you dare to fight back, Zhang Yu hugs her..."

The sound of laughter echoed in the large living room.

The next morning, Zhang Yu got up at eight o'clock, and the two girls were still sleeping soundly as they had last night.

Originally, Zhang Yu didn't think of it so early and wanted to stay with them for a while, but work was his priority and now he had to go to the company for a meeting.

He woke up Xia Yuechan, said goodbye, and left alone.

At the moment, he was very happy. Firstly, it was the harmony between him and these two women, and secondly, Bao Jiayin was a big help. He really woke up the dreamer with just one word.

He didn't call the driver and took a ride directly to Wudang Group.

When he arrived, Jiang Xianzhang and Xiao Mingshan had already arrived, just one step ahead of him, and were now waiting for him in the small conference room.

When Zhang Yu met Jiang Xianzhang and Xiao Mingshan, they had to exchange pleasantries with each other. After drinking tea for a while, Jiang Xianzhang said: "Zhang Yu, although there is nothing wrong with the proposal at yesterday's meeting, the company is in a lot of troubles now. The top priority is that the demolition vice president Da Biao has a reckless background after all. I almost got into trouble. That night, after I received the news, I quickly asked the patrol chief security team for help and went to drink tea with him. This kind of trouble was avoided. It is best not to happen in the future. And the progress of the demolition, right? It should also be faster."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu quickly said: "I asked why Brother Biao was suddenly invited to drink tea by the patrol that day. It turned out to be Mr. Jiang's face. I really want to thank you."

"I'm also a director of the company. Naturally, I can't just sit idly by when things like this happen." Jiang Xianzhang said calmly.

Zhang Yu nodded and continued: "Regarding the demolition matter, there is a lot of trouble right now. It seems like someone is specifically working against us."

"That's right. I've sent people to check. Fan Shiji hired a lot of local gangsters, and there are also gangsters from other districts who are here to cause trouble. Obviously, this matter is not easy to handle, but it must be done. Deal with it as soon as possible. You are the chairman, and we invest money to make money. We can't just throw money into the water..." Jiang Xianzhang said with a smile.

Zhang Yu had realized before that the demolition was not simple. When he heard that Fan Shiji was responsible, he must be right.

Now he has a plan in mind, isn't it just demolition? Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "Uncle Jiang, the demolition issue is our company's top priority. If this matter is not resolved as soon as possible, it will indeed affect the company's interests. Let's do this. I promise you that within ten days, What do you think of the demolition work being completed?”

"Ten days?"... Jiang Xianzhang and Xiao Mingshan were both shocked. They never expected that Zhang Yu could tell such a short period of time.

But seeing how confident Zhang Yu was, he had to believe it.

Xiao Mingshan said curiously: "Zhang Yu, are you so sure?"

"How dare I make a promise to you two if I'm not sure. However, I need some support from you two." Zhang Yu said confidently.

"What support?" Jiang Xianzhang asked.

"Right now, the company has no money in its books and still owes part of the resettlement funds. I don't need you two to give me all the funds at once. First, each of you will contribute 300 million to pay the arrears of resettlement funds. You will always save money. Someone complained, which had a negative impact on the company," Zhang Yu said.


Jiang Xianzhang and Xiao Mingshan looked at each other, exchanged glances, and nodded.

After all, the company's finances, they also knew, were really out of money.

"Okay, we will each contribute 300 million." Xiao Mingshan said first.

"Both of us will not bargain with you because we believe that you will be able to practice what you preach." Jiang Xianzhang also said.

"Thank you both for your trust." Zhang Yu nodded and smiled.

"Let's implement this matter here... In addition, you are usually very busy and rarely come to the company... So I wonder if the group company can set up a CEO to help you manage the company's affairs..." Jiang Xianzhang Once again a condition was proposed.

Zhang Yu heard Pan Chonghai say that even if Jiang Xianzhang and Xiao Mingshan could agree to the additional issuance, they would still put forward conditions. Most of the time, interests have to be compromised.


Special thanks to: Mr. Wugui, book friend 11100, and a safe life for their generous rewards for this book, as well as today’s more than 30 monthly votes and nearly 600 recommendation votes.

It seems that if there is no outbreak, the monthly ticket price will not increase! It breaks out tomorrow! It breaks out tomorrow! It breaks out tomorrow! Say important things three times!

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