Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 965 The Importance of Names

"Pfft!" Xia Yuechan couldn't help but laugh outside and said, "I'll go downstairs and wait for you."

After saying that, she turned and went downstairs.

After sitting on the sofa downstairs for a while, I heard footsteps coming downstairs. It wasn't just Zhang Yu himself who came down, Bao Jiayin also followed.

Zhang Yu looked a little embarrassed on his face, and he guessed why Xia Yuechan left the steam room just now. This was to create opportunities for him and Bao Jiayin.

Bao Jiayin acted as if nothing was wrong. After seeing Xia Yuechan, he said carelessly: "Is Gao Yingwei the only one who has the guts to run away from home?"

"It's not because the family asked him to go on a blind date that scared him. Let's talk in detail as we walk." Xia Yuechan said.

The three of them went downstairs together and got on her precious donkey. Zhang Yu couldn't drive. Bao Jiayin had just finished the job and was still weak. Naturally, Xia Yuechan was driving.

Along the way, Xia Yuechan briefly told her about Gao Mu's call.

After hearing this, Bao Jiayin pouted and said, "It's hard for him, but he doesn't need to hide. I guess that even if he goes on a blind date, the woman might not be able to like him."

"Don't say that to me. Gao Yingwei has such a good relationship with us and has a good character." Xia Yuechan said while driving.

"I'm not talking about his's mainly about his image..." Bao Jiayin explained: "And his one can tell..."

"That's true..." Xia Yuechan nodded slightly, and then said: "But I still want to persuade him. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your family. It's like the two of us...don't accept Zhang Yu too? …And, I think it’s pretty good…”

When she said this, she secretly looked through the rearview mirror at Zhang Yu sitting behind. Her pretty face couldn't help but blush slightly.

"That's because Zhang Yu doesn't hate him... If you give me another man, beat me to death... I won't do it..." Bao Jiayin said, deliberately turning his head and giving Zhang Yu a sideways glance.

She immediately noticed that Zhang Yu seemed to be thinking about something. Bao Jiayin then asked: "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about the person you're talking about." Zhang Yu said.

"What do you want him to do?" Bao Jiayin asked.

"I have also seen his situation, and it is indeed a bit feminine... This is really not good... so I thought about whether there is any way to make him normal..." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

Upon hearing this, Xia Yuechan's eyes couldn't help but light up, and she immediately asked: "Then have you thought of a way?"

"I once accidentally saw your love fortune, which was a bit abnormal...I guess he may be like you two...if I know his birth date, I may be able to change his current situation. ..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"Really! That's great! Isn't it just his birthday? When we get to the place, I will let him have it!" Xia Yuechan said happily.

Lucky Hotel is not far from Bao Jiayin's home, and it didn't take long to arrive. The three of them entered the hotel together. Xia Yuechan called Sissy and found out which room they were in.

When going upstairs, Zhang Yu bit his finger and scratched it in front of his eyes, and then saw the flow of energy above Xia Yuechan and Bao Jiayin.

Their career, wealth, and health fortunes were all normal. Previously, the two of them had dark pink love fortunes on their heads, but Xia Yuechan's was lighter. But now, they all turned pink, which is a normal love luck. This made Zhang Yu secretly sigh, it seemed that he had really set them straight.

I came to room 305 and knocked on the door twice. When the door opened, I saw the sissy wearing fancy clothes. Zhang Yu could directly see the flow of luck above his head. Sure enough, the love luck was the same as Bao Jiayin and Xia Yuechan's before, which was also dark pink.

Sissy was a little surprised that Xia Yuechan brought Zhang Yu and Bao Jiayin, but she still let the three of them into the room.

As soon as she sat down, she looked at Xia Yuechan and said coquettishly: "Yuechan, why did you come out without makeup... Come, try my new Lancôme, it's good for your skin..."

After hearing this, Zhang Yu became so sweaty.

Xia Yuechan said: "I'm not worried about you. Let's not talk about cosmetics. Let's talk about business."

"What's the business?" The sissy twisted her waist and sat on the sofa.

"What else can you do? It's just your blind date." Xia Yuechan said seriously.

"You don't know what's going on with me...I'm not going on a blind would be embarrassing if word spread..." the sissy said with a flat mouth.

Looking at him, he looks almost like a woman. Xia Yuechan frowned slightly, glanced at Zhang Yu, and then said: "By the way, what is your birthday?"

"Why do you ask this?" Sissy asked curiously.

"I'm going to do fortune telling, and I'm thinking of doing it for you," Xia Yuechan said.

"This is a good sister. Wherever you plan to go, take me with you when the time comes." The sissy said with a smile.

Xia Yuechan knew his girl's character, she was always nagging him, and she deceived him for a long time before coaxing him to reveal his birth date.

After he said it, Xia Yuechan immediately glanced at Zhang Yu, hoping that Zhang Yu would help him come up with an idea. When Zhang Yu heard the sissy's birth date, he secretly frowned. Not only was the name and horoscope unworthy, it was also counterproductive. He looks noble, but that's not the case at all.

The name Gao Yingwei, according to the combination of the three talents, is Mu Mu Mu, and the year Gao Yingwei was born was a metal, also known as Jianfeng Jin, and his destiny was to overcome wood. In addition, the time when Gao Yingwei spoke was Yin time, and the combination resulted in a feminine nature.

Zhang Yu thought about it for a while, and then he had a plan in mind. He did not look at Xia Yuechan, but gave Bao Jiayin a wink, then stood up and said, "I forgot my cigarettes in the car, so you can accompany me to open the door."

"Okay." Bao Jiayin understood and left with Zhang Yu.

After leaving the room, Bao Jiayin asked in a low voice: "Have you thought of a way?"

"I thought of it." Zhang Yu also whispered: "You can go back and get two strands of his hair for me later, and suggest that he change his name by the way."

"I still need to change my name. What is it called?" Bao Jiayin asked curiously.

"Just call it..." Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, "Gao Peiyang."

"Why do you want to change such a name?" Bao Jiayin asked again.

Zhang Yu said: "He said that he has a golden life. The use of wood in his name is not auspicious, and it belongs to him to restrain himself. In addition, he was born in the Yin time, and the four pillars of life and name are in conflict, which is why he is like this now. He changed it to Gao Peiyang, with the word Pei Sancai. It is earth, and earth generates metal, which matches the destiny. Plus a yang child, it can just balance the yin and yang."

"There is still such a thing." Bao Jiayin curled his lips and said, "Okay, then you go downstairs and wait for me."

Zhang Yu went downstairs alone, sat down in the restaurant on the first floor, ordered a bottle of mineral water, and started smoking.

Not long after, Bao Jiayin came down. Not only did her hair get done, Bao Jiayin also asked Xia Yuechan to persuade the sissy to change her name. The sissy listened to Xia Yuechan the most and immediately agreed, and from now on she would be called Gao Peiyang.

There was a reason why Zhang Yu wanted Gao Yingwei's hair. It was impossible to make Gao Peiyang change immediately, so he needed to do some tricks. He drew a chapter of the Yang Gathering Talisman, wrapped it in the sissy's hair and lit it together.

After it was burned to ashes, Zhang Yu said: "Put this in the water and give it to him to drink."

"Can he drink this?" Bao Jiayin frowned.

"Then you won't put it in the coffee for him to drink." Zhang Yu said.

"That's right." Bao Jiayin nodded with a smile.

She ordered a cup of coffee and two glasses of juice, and followed Zhang Yu's instructions and took them. Zhang Yu waited below for more than 20 minutes before the two women came down.

Let the sissy drink coffee, and don't say anything. After drinking, they will leave. You must talk to the sissy and care for her.

As soon as they met downstairs, Xia Yuechan asked eagerly: "How about it? Can it be done?"

"It will happen directly today, that is impossible. Don't worry, he will become normal within a month or two." Zhang Yu said confidently.

Xia Yuechan knew what he was capable of. Seeing how confident he said it, she expected that there would be no problem. Just as Zhang Yu said, it didn't take a year for the sissy to get married and marry a good wife. But this is something for later, so I won’t mention it for now.

The three of them returned to the car, and Xia Yuechan drove home. When they got home, it was Zhang Yu who cooked dinner, and the three of them had a delicious meal. After dinner, we watched TV together.

"Ring, ring, ring." At this time, Zhang Yu's cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, he saw that it was Xiao Jiejie calling. He immediately answered the call and said, "Hello, hello."

"Zhang Yu, something seems to have happened." Xiao Jiejie's quiet voice sounded on the phone.

"What's going on?" Seeing that Xiao Jiejie was full of mystery, Zhang Yu became puzzled.

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