Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 727 Circle Light Technique

Taoist priest of Zhongmeng Dongxuan Department!

Zhang Yu was promoted to seal script again, and obtained the goose-yellow talisman paper, as well as scriptures and spells.

After he exited, there were still a few people queuing up behind him to continue raising seals.

When people outside saw him coming out, they were all in admiration. It was simply amazing.

Just because everyone is Taoist priests, they are relatively conscious. If they meet some idiot fans, they will probably rush up to hug Zhang Yu and take a few bites.

For Zhang Yu, he can't rest now and must continue to work hard to improve the seal script. Just now the divine talismans have come out, and next I will be promoted to Taoist priest of the Third Cave Department. I don’t know what trouble will happen.

If you open the scriptures and look at them, you will see that almost none of the spells and magic spells are easy. These spells may be quite difficult for others, but for Zhang Yu, they are simply a matter of searching.

The most difficult one among them is called "round light technique". Zhang Yu estimates that no one can do this difficult technique. Even if someone could do it, I'm afraid the magic power would have to be extremely high.

The so-called circular light technique, in the early stage, a circular light appears in the palm of the hand. If you want to see what a person is doing, you can basically see it. In the middle stage, the round light can be as big as a plate. In the late stage, the round light is like a big mirror, and can even be sent and received freely. Anyone who wants to see it can see it. To put it bluntly, they are almost like the gods on TV.

This spell is similar to the Western crystal technique, but most Westerners need a crystal ball with mana to control it, while Eastern Taoists use pure mana to control it, which shows how difficult it is.

Zhang Yu frowned inwardly. If he was asked to use the Circle Light Technique, it would be a big deal and it would be over immediately. But even though I know this will happen, I still have to give it a try. If I don’t give it a try, I’ll be sorry for myself in the end.

Furthermore, I never dared to think about this kind of magic before, but now that I know the method, I might be able to succeed.

Zhang Yu took advantage of the time he had now to study this method carefully. It was mainly based on his own magic power, combined with his thoughts, that is, his mind's eye, and finally assisted by spells, he could activate the round light.

"Who should I try with?"

After pondering for a while, Zhang Yu probably had a clue in his mind, and immediately decided that he might as well give Xia Yuechan a try.

After all, Xia Yuechan's mother recently became a monk and became a Taoist nun. I don't know how she is feeling now.

Zhang Yu immediately concentrated his thoughts, activated the true energy in his body, and silently recited the mantra in his heart.

Suddenly, a scene that made him extremely excited appeared. In his palm, a light mirror really appeared, and in the mirror, there was Xia Yuechan's figure.

Xia Yuechan in the mirror, wearing a white skirt, standing in her bedroom. Zhang Yu had been to this bedroom before to remove the evil spirit from Xia Yuechan.

There was a touch of melancholy on Xia Yuechan's face, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, as if she was thinking of something happy. Women are really weird, their moods change so quickly.

The light mirror could only see the shadow of the person, but could not hear the sound. At this moment, Xia Yuechan suddenly turned back and opened her mouth, as if she was saying "come in."

Immediately afterwards, a person appeared in the picture, Bao Jiayin.

As soon as he saw these two people, Zhang Yu knew that they must be talking about something private.

With a "swipe", the screen disappeared. It was obvious that his cultivation was limited and he could only control it for a minute or two at most.

What Zhang Yu saw was absolutely correct.

At this moment, Xia Yuechan's home in Donghai Pearl Community.

Xia Yuechan was wearing a white dress, and Bao Jiayin came to her home as a guest. The two stood side by side, looking at the scenery outside.

"Xiaochan, I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you lately?" Bao Jiayin turned to look at her, his eyes full of tenderness, but his voice was a little emotional.

"It's okay." Xia Yuechan nodded lightly. Seeing Bao Jiayin's gaze, she didn't know why, but she felt a little scared, a little guilty, and a little nervous.

"I came here today... because I have something... I want to discuss with you..." Bao Jiayin said hesitantly.

"What's going on?" Xia Yuechan was stunned. Bao Jiayin had always been straightforward and had never been so coy.

"Didn't I have a showdown with my mother last time... I said we were together... Then you asked me how I was doing, and I said I was fine... Actually, I lied to you..." Bao Jiayin lowered his head and said.

"I knew it couldn't be okay. You must be hiding it from me. Jiayin, just tell me what the problem is." Xia Yuechan's voice softened.

"My mother told me that if I want to be with you, that's fine, but I have to agree to her condition..." Bao Jiayin said bravely.

After hearing this, Xia Yuechan was even more shocked. Niu Yanling took the wrong medicine. Can she agree to Bao Jiayin for such a thing?

She asked curiously: "What did Auntie ask you to promise?"

"Well... my mother told me... I have to have a child with a man... After I have a child, I can do whatever I want..." Bao Jiayin lowered his head and said awkwardly.

"This...Actually...Auntie, this is already a big concession..." Xia Yuechan didn't know what to say, but she knew that Niu Yanling had gritted her teeth and put forward the conditions, and it was impossible for Bao Jiayin not to agree.

"I also know..." Bao Jiayin nodded and said, "If I don't agree, I'm afraid my mother will commit suicide... But... if I have children with a man... how can I be worthy of you... So, I I just came to discuss it with you...because I know that I can't hide this kind of thing from you..."

Speaking of this, Bao Jiayin couldn't help but shed tears.

"Good news... the two of us..." Xia Yuechan wanted to say, 'It was a big mistake for us to be together', but Bao Jiayin had a showdown with Niu Yanling because of her. If she said this again, she would be really sorry for the person next to her. .

She was halfway through her words and could no longer open her mouth.

"Xiaochan..." Bao Jiayin hugged Xia Yuechan into his arms.

Xia Yuechan let her hold her, tears uncontrollably falling from the corners of her eyes.

At least the mother's matter has an ending and a good ending. But what about yourself? Can you find your home?

No, after Bao Jiayin hugged her for more than a minute, he suddenly said: "I want to discuss it with you... I plan to have a child with Zhang Yu... Do you think it's okay..."


Hearing this, Xia Yuechan's heart trembled, and she suddenly broke away from Bao Jiayin's arms.

Seeing Xia Yuechan like this, Bao Jiayin also felt nervous. He lowered his head and said with tears: "Xiaochan...if I do this...I'm really sorry for you...but I can't live without you...and I can't really let you go." My mother jumped off the building...wuwu..."

"Jiayin...I..." Xia Yuechan quickly stepped forward to hug Bao Jiayin and said eagerly: "That's not what I's just...just..."

It only took a long time, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't say them out and just swallowed them.

"Just what?" Bao Jiayin asked choked with tears.

"It's just... this matter... actually... it's not impossible..." Xia Yuechan squeezed the words out of her mouth almost word by word.

She felt heartbroken when she said it.

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