Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 726 Sharpening the Gun in Battle

The people in the White Eyebrow Palace were also stunned. This was a bit of a joke. There is indeed a divine attack technique in the scriptures of the Shengxuan Department, which is a self-protection spell, but the premise is that, let alone the Taoist priests of the Shengxuan Department, even if the Taoist priests of the Dadong Department use this technique, they will probably get holes in their bodies. .

The Zhengyi Taoist priests outside the hall were also confused after hearing this question.

"Brother Tao, does the magic of magic work?" "I haven't tried it anyway." "Brother Tao, have you tried it?" "I have tried it, either by stabbing or scratching my arm, and I saw blood at that time. "Then can he do it? I probably haven't practiced the scriptures I just got today." "I'm thinking about it, he shouldn't be able to agree."...

Now everyone is looking at Zhang Yu to see if he agrees. If he doesn't agree, there is basically no need to break the rules and upgrade the seal script.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "My disciple is willing to give it a try. I wonder if you can give me a few minutes to review it."

"Okay, I'll give you ten minutes to prepare!" Zhang Zhenren said immediately.

"Thank you, Uncle Master." After Zhang Yu said this, he quickly opened the scriptures and learned the magic of magic.

He had just seen this magic spell. It had not only runes but also spells on it.

Zhang Yu learned it after reading it once, but if he was asked to use it right away, he would inevitably be a little worried in case it didn't work.

When everyone inside and outside the hall saw this posture, they were sweating. If you want to learn this now, don't take the exam and wait until next year to get promoted to seal. Even if he couldn't be killed by a sword, he would probably have to lie down for half a month.

Especially the people in Baimei Palace are somewhat dissatisfied. Not to mention Zhang Yu, among the three real people here, who dares to receive a sword with the magic of magic? If you have the guts to stand up, I will never stab you to death. .

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Zhang Yu took the initiative to close the book without anyone telling him. There was nothing left to read.

He then picked up the brush on the desk in front of him, dipped it in cinnabar and drew a divine talisman.

There are certain things about the magic talisman, which must be attached to the chest. Zhang Yu was not unambiguous, so he took off his Taoist robe and attached it to his chest.

He has a strong build and looks very imposing when standing shirtless.

Everyone's eyes were on him. Shangguan Ning, as a disciple of Baimei Palace and one of the key ones to be trained, was also standing in the palace at this moment.

Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Shangguan Ning couldn't help but sweat.

"Which disciple comes forward to verify?" Master Zhang said calmly.

"I'll do it!" That Qingtianzi just jumped out.

He was instantly struck down by Zhang Yu's headache curse. He felt extremely aggrieved and felt extremely humiliated. This time, he decided to give Zhang Yu some color.

Although it was said that the person could not be stabbed to death directly, Zhang Yu had to at least be allowed to lie down for a few days.

The sword was ready. Qingtianzi drew out the three-foot green blade, came to Zhang Yu, and said with a smile: "Junior brother, we meet again. Are you ready?"

"Wait a moment." Zhang Yu was unsure, and then he muttered silently, "Master Patriarch's blessing, it must work..."

Then, he silently recited the incantation. After reciting, his face suddenly became serious, and he said seriously: "Brother, let's do it!"

After saying this, everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhang Yu, and many people's hands were sweating unknowingly. At this moment, there was complete silence inside and outside the palace. It is estimated that if a pin dropped on the ground, you could hear it clearly.

"I'm offended!" Qing Tianzi shouted loudly and stabbed Zhang Yu's right chest with his sword.

There is no vital point here, and it won't kill if you stab it. With the methods of these people present, there is no problem in treating it.

Zhang Yu could only grit his teeth when he saw the sword stabbing him. If he could succeed, it would be over now.

There was a soft "dang" sound, and soon after, the sword hit the left chest exactly. Qingtianzi's attack was not light, and he even let out a sound of gold and iron.

"Wow!"...For a moment, the scene was in an uproar.

Everyone's mouths were wide open and their eyes were staring straight at it, as if they couldn't believe it.

Shangguan Ning's mouth was also open now. Obviously she couldn't believe how Zhang Yu did this.

Master Jia Zhenren, Feng Chongjue and other masters of Baimei Palace are all in the main hall. They were asked to do this, but they couldn't do it. Now Zhang Yu actually blocked a sword.

With an uproar, the scene fell into silence again. Especially Qing Tianzi standing in front of Zhang Yu, it was almost like seeing a ghost.

Master Yuan and Master Zhang also looked at it with their eyes wide open, not sure whether this magical talisman really worked.

"It's okay!" Suddenly, someone shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the people watching outside realized what they were doing, and they all shouted loudly, "It's okay!" "It's really okay!" "No blood was seen!" "Really invulnerable!"...

As the person involved, Zhang Yu lowered his head and looked at his right chest. The tip of the sword was pierced on it. Although it hurt slightly, there was really no blood.

"It really works!" Zhang Yu couldn't help shouting in his heart, and almost jumped up with excitement.

The reason why he was excited was that, firstly, he was truly invulnerable, and secondly, the talisman ritual in "Five Jue of Taoism" really worked.

The Talisman Sacrifice contains a lot of content, but it is only a general outline. After understanding the true meaning, one can achieve the mastery of one method and all the methods. When Zhang Yu saw the magic spell just now, the spell on it suddenly inspired him, and he unconsciously had some feelings about the content of the spell ritual.

So, based on this inspiration, he drew the divine talisman and then recited the divine curse. Not to mention, he is really invulnerable.

Zhang Yu immediately looked at Qing Tianzi across from him and said, "Brother Dao, you can try cutting me with two more swords. You can cut as you like."

"Really or not?" Qingtianzi couldn't help but be stunned.

People inside and outside the palace were also startled. Is there still such a request?

"Really!" Zhang Yu nodded. He wanted to try it again. After it worked, he really wasn't afraid of bullets.

Everyone stared at Zhang Yu again. Qing Tianzi was really rude. He raised his sword and struck Zhang Yu's body with two "ping pong" blows. He had some luck and didn't chop on his head. Looking at Zhang Yu's body, there were only two white marks left, and no blood was seen at all.

"The magic of fighting!" "It's really the magic of magic!" "It's amazing!"...

The people outside the hall cheered immediately.

Especially the students from Zhenhai University, some clenched their fists, and some jumped up, "I want to go to Wudang Taoist Temple!" "I also want to go to Wudang Taoist Temple!"...

Zhang Yu in the hall now spreads his arms. This posture looks very casual, but in the eyes of many people, it seems that Zhang Yu is extremely tall.

Zhang Yu then turned around, bowed his hands to Zhenren Zhang, and said, "Uncle Master, I wonder if this disciple can pass and be promoted to a Taoist priest of the Dongxuan Department of the Central League?"

Master Yuan was extremely satisfied with Zhang Yu's performance and turned to look at Master Zhang with a smile.

Zhang Zhenren could only nod and said: "You can be promoted!"

At the same time, I was wondering, who taught this disciple to be so powerful!

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