Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 715 Dead End

Looking at the strange wolf with red fur and two heads, I am afraid that anyone who sees it will feel scared. Not to mention there are so many strange wolves now.

But everyone knows that now is not the time to be afraid, they must fight to the death, otherwise, they will die immediately.

"Brush!" "Brush!" "Bang!" "Bang!".

The Shennongmen disciples standing at the front immediately spilled the poison in their hands, pulled out hidden weapons, and opened fire with guns.

"Ouch." "Ouch."

The strange wolf that rushed at the front fell to the ground in pain and let out a shrill cry.

But the strange wolves will not shrink from this, but become even more powerful. Among them was the tallest strange wolf, which raised its two heads and roared, "Ouch"

The other strange wolves immediately pounced on him again as if they were desperate for their lives.

The people of Shennongmen indeed use powerful destructive weapons, and they are also good at close combat. Unfortunately, no matter how fast a person is, he cannot move faster than a wolf.

After blocking the first wave of charge from the strange wolf, before they could take out the poison from the deerskin pouch, the strange wolf rushed forward.

"Ah" "Ah".

The screams started immediately, and they continued one after another, and the two-headed monster wolves of the Shennongmen disciples bit them to death crazily.

The person standing behind collapsed in an instant. At this distance, it is impossible for people to be the opponents of wolves, and there are still so many wolves.

As soon as Zhang Yu saw this, he turned around and ran away without hesitation. After all, I was not familiar with this group of people. Although I was anxious to get the money sword back, I couldn't risk my life.

Furthermore, now that we know Yin Xiong's hiding place, it's too late to report the crime after he escapes. No matter how many wolves there are here, can they still be stronger than the state machine?

Yang Kang also knew that he couldn't stop him, so he turned around and ran away. The Shennongmen disciples who were at the back also turned to flee for their lives.

Unfortunately, they forgot one thing, that is, no matter how fast a person runs, can he still outrun a wolf? If he resisted head-on, even if he died, he might still be able to pull two wolves onto his back. As long as he runs away, he will definitely be slaughtered.

"Ah" "Ah" "Ouch" "Ouch"


Howling wolf!


The huge stone chamber was very empty, without any ornaments. Such a sound would inevitably reverberate.

In the cell at the back, Yin Xiong sat calmly, as if nothing was wrong. Ouyang Yanyan, who was sitting next to him, had a little blue face and was obviously a little scared.

Not to mention that she, a woman, heard such a voice, even some of the men present felt a little hairy.

They were already sure that what Yin Xiong said was not wrong at all. If they encountered those monsters, they would do the same.

Luo Xiao was the timidest, his body had begun to tremble, but he had a forced smile on his face.

A smile appeared on Will's face. He looked at Yin Xiong and said, "The sound outside is really wonderful. It is simply the best music in the world. It's a pity that there is no surveillance now and we can't see these pictures." .”

"It's nothing. After everyone is dead, let's go out and have a look." Yin Xiong said proudly.

"When we go out, will those monsters attack us?" Smith was a little worried.

"Don't worry about this. Wolves can also be trained. I have a whistle here. As long as you blow the whistle, they will become very good." Yin Xiong said proudly again.

"God, you actually have such ability. If you are willing to join our organization, I believe our boss will give you a high status." Smith said with admiration.

"I don't like to be subordinate to others or follow other people's orders. Therefore, I think it is better to maintain a cooperative relationship." Yin Xiong said with a smile.

"There is a saying in your country that it is better to be a chicken's mouth than a cow's queen. Sir, you are indeed a person with great ambitions. It is really a great honor to cooperate with you." Smith said sincerely.

"Thank you for the compliment." Yin Xiong said proudly.

"Ah", "Aw", "Aw", "Ah".

There are still screams and wolf howls outside, but relatively speaking, this place has become a pure land on earth.

"Do you think it's possible for these people to escape?" Will asked.

"Haha." Yin Xiong chuckled and said: "Wolves are very strange animals. If you act more ruthlessly than them, they will be afraid of you. But if you turn around and run away, they will directly chase you and kill you. You were torn to pieces. Just imagine who can run faster than a wolf."

"That's right." Will nodded, "I was worrying too much. It seems they are dead."

"Not only that, on the way they came, there was a remote control switch for a door. I had already pressed the switch when the gunshots were fired. Now that the door has been closed, even if they really have the power to penetrate the sky and the earth, Yes, I have to die here today!" At this point, Yin Xiong couldn't help laughing proudly, "Hahahaha. Hahahaha."

After hearing his words, Ouyang Yanyan's heart couldn't help but "thump". Although Ouyang Yanyan didn't want Zhang Yu to die like this, it seemed that Zhang Yu was really destined to die.

Zhang Yu ran the fastest, after all, he had the magic walking vest. It could be said that even if everyone else died inside, he would still be able to escape.

However, when he turned a corridor and ran not far away, he was dumbfounded.

There is no road ahead, it is a dead end.

"When this impossibility came, I took this road." Zhang Yu thought that his impatience was good, and there was no other way to go. It was this way, and there was nothing wrong with it.

He followed to the stone door and pushed hard with his hand, but couldn't push it at all. Not even a muffled sound was heard, which shows how thick this stone door is.

"Ah" "Ah" "Ouch".

There was another scream behind him, and the howl of a wolf sounded. Listening to the howl, it was getting closer and closer.

Soon, I saw five people running over. The one running at the front seemed to be Yang Kang. Behind them, there were many strange wolves. It was very dark in the corridor, and all that could be seen clearly were pairs of eyes glowing green.

"What's wrong?" Yang Kang also saw him.

"This place is blocked." Zhang Yu frowned.

"Then what should we do? Where is your mysterious art?" Yang Kang shouted eagerly.

"Ah!" "Ah!" There were two more screams, and the two Shennongmen disciples who were at the back were knocked down by the strange wolf that was chasing after them, and they lost their lives immediately.

Zhang Yu also knew now that if he didn't show some skills, he would probably die on the spot.

He shouted: "Get out of the way!"

After saying that, he slapped his left palm forward directly.


There was a crack of thunder, lightning flashed, and a bolt of lightning shot directly towards the wolves.

In an instant, the lightning penetrated a bloody alley, and the strange wolves in this line were all bloody.

In the corridor, it suddenly became quiet.

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