Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 714 Mutated Monster

In a large stone room of 150 square meters, there can be about twenty people at the moment.

In this stone room, there were some wooden stakes for binding people, and there was a faint smell of blood inside, like a prison cell. There are not many chairs here, only six. Yin Xiong and Ouyang Yanyan are sitting on two chairs respectively. Will, Smith, Nigga and Luo Xiao are sitting opposite them.

Other foreigners stood with guns in hand, watching everything around them warily. Every now and then he fires two shots out of thin air.

With a smile on his face, Will said: "Your place is really big. It seems that it has been in business for many years. If you don't guide the way, whoever enters without permission will have to hide in it."

Yin Xiong smiled lightly and said: "It's not about hiding, it's about becoming a dead person."

"Are you so confident?" Will said.

"Because there are agencies everywhere here. If you just put out some poisonous smoke, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop me." Yin Xiong said confidently.

"It seems that those people were really lucky. They directly broke into your control room. Otherwise, they would really be doomed. But according to what you said, it is estimated that if they can't find this place, they will have to die in your mechanism. Get off." Will said.

"My mechanism can hardly stop you, but my poisonous smoke can kill you, but it will not hurt them at all. If they don't destroy my control room and I manage it calmly, it will be easy to kill them. But now, we can only kill them by leading them all to the laboratory in front," Yin Xiong said.

"Those are the people from Shennongmen you are talking about?" Will asked.

Yin Xiong nodded slightly and said nothing.

"How long will it take for them to find your laboratory? Will they be unable to find it?" Will asked again.

"Under normal circumstances, it would take some time to find us, even with the sound of gunfire to guide us. But as you said before, they seem to have some means to directly find our location. Otherwise, how could they find it all at once? Find my surveillance room. So, I think it won’t take long for them to find this place." Yin Xiong laughed.

He had a dead expression, and even when he smiled, his skin and flesh remained motionless.

As Yin Xiong said, Zhang Yu was taking the people from Shennongmen with his eight-character fortune-finding chart, approaching here step by step.

There are quite a few institutions here, and poisonous mist will spray out from time to time. Unfortunately, these things are simply not worth mentioning to the people of Shennongmen.

They know what Yin Xiong knows, and the gas masks they wear can completely block all poisonous smoke and mist.

Finally, after passing through a corridor, they came to the door of an oversized stone chamber.

This large stone chamber, at least over 300 square meters, was lit with dim lights. It feels a bit spooky and creepy. Relying on the illumination of a strong flashlight, they soon discovered that there seemed to be a person lying in the center of the stone room.

Because of the distance, I couldn't see this person's face, and he looked almost like a dead person.

"Sir, there seems to be a dead man lying inside, look at it," said the man at the head.

Yang Kang glanced inside, and there seemed to be nothing special. He waved his hand forward and said, "Let's go in and take a look."

After saying that, he stepped in.

For him, if it is that kind of rugged road, he may be cautious, but he is not afraid of this kind of flat and wide place.

However, Yang Kang was still cautious and put his hand into the deerskin pouch.

Those men under him really pulled this kind of guy out of a deerskin pouch. There were round balls, sand-like objects, and some even pulled out guns. It can be said that all kinds of equipment are available.

Zhang Yu was walking behind, and he could vaguely feel that something was wrong here.

"Mr. Yang, wait a minute." Zhang Yu said.

"What's wrong?" Yang Kang asked.

"I can't tell now, but I think that since there are so many of us, it's better not to go in together. First, send a few people to explore the road and see where that person comes from." Zhang Yu suggested.

"Okay." Yang Kang nodded. After all, being careful is not a bad thing.

He immediately ordered four men to go over. These four men separated from the large group of people and seemed a little nervous and more alert, so they walked very slowly.

Gradually, they were coming to the middle of the stone room, and they could already roughly see a foreigner lying on the ground.

"Sir, there is a foreigner lying inside." A man said loudly.

"See if he is dead!" Yang Kang ordered.

"Yes." The man agreed and walked forward again.

At this moment, the foreigner lying on the ground suddenly raised his hand, holding a gun in his hand.

"Bang!" The gunshot sounded directly.

This was a shot fired into the air. When he saw him shooting, a man immediately sprinkled a handful of sand on him.

"Ahhh." A shrill scream sounded immediately, like a pig being slaughtered.

At the same time, there was a sudden sound on both sides of the stone room, and the original stone wall began to move upward.

The four people in the center of the stone room quickly looked around. Not only the four of them, but also the people standing outside the stone room subconsciously turned their heads to look.

The height of the stone wall was not raised very much. It was pitch black before. When the stone wall was raised to about one meter high, they could really see that there were countless pairs of eyes emitting green light.


A wolf howled, and immediately after, a pack of hungry wolves howled out from inside. These wolves are not ordinary wolves. They actually have two heads, and the fur all over their bodies is scarlet.

Wolves have always been tough, let alone this kind of weird wolf. When they saw it, these people were dumbfounded, especially the four guys in the middle, whose legs were a little weak.

And the wolf was so fast, he rushed in front of them in the blink of an eye.

The four people hurriedly knocked out the poison in their hands, "Ouch", "Ouch", "Ouch".

The wolves' shrill screams rang out, and the wolves at the front immediately fell to the ground, howling and rolling. However, the wolf from behind pounced directly on them and was knocked down before the four people could take out the poison again.

"Ah" "Ah". The four people's screams immediately sounded, and the sound made people's hearts tremble.

At this moment, the people standing outside couldn't help but secretly cried out that they were lucky. Fortunately, not everyone went in. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the poison in their hands was, they might not be able to withstand the attack of these strange wolves.

However, they only got lucky for a second. Because they discovered that these wolves had discovered them. More strange wolves looked at them as if they were food. They seemed to have been hungry for a long time. They roared suddenly and rushed over.

"This" and "this". Seeing the ferocious pack of wolves rushing towards them, the people from Shennongmen suddenly found that their calves were cramped, and for a moment they even lost the strength to escape.

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