Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5053 Self-destruction


Seeing the giant rat charging towards him, Lei Zhengyang waved his hand and swept it away. A flaming blade swept towards the charging rat like a huge wave of flames.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"...

However, although the huge wave of flames hit several flame rats, it only caused sawdust to fly from the rats' bodies, a wisp of flames appeared, and then went out, without causing any substantial damage at all.

When Lei Zhengyang saw this, he couldn't help but be startled, and thought to himself, how could this thing be so powerful? If so, wouldn't it be the same as waiting to die?

"Hahahaha..." Zhenjun Bairi's sinister laughter rang out again, "It seems that you are all nothing more than that! I overestimated you before, so you all must die!"

While saying this, he still kept playing. Under the control of music, the Wooden Man and the Wooden Rat look more and more ferocious.

Zhang Yu on the other side has been urging the eight directions star disk to resist these wooden men. At best, the chess pieces can block the wooden man's progress, but they cannot kill the wooden man at all.

Zhang Yu knew in his heart that if he kept fighting like this, there would be only one final result, and that would be death.

Hearing Zhenjun Bairi's arrogant voice, he vaguely realized that these wooden men and wooden mice should not have no flaws, but that they had not been found.

People like Zhang Yu, True Lord Xiao Lin, and Lei Zhengyang were helpless when facing these pieces of wood, let alone the disciples of True Lord Xiao Lin.

When they saw the wooden men coming in formation, they just used magic weapons to hit them, but the result was the same. When the magic weapons fell on the wooden men, they made a series of "dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang," sounds.

Seeing the wooden man getting closer and closer, Dihu, who was responsible for activating the formation, shouted: "Retreat!"

Although his junior brothers and junior sisters didn't know why, they still followed him and retreated.

Feng Hu said while running: "Senior brother, we withdraw, what will Master do?"

"Yes! We, the corporals of the Xiaolin clan, can be killed but not humiliated!" Lei Hu followed up.

"Listen to me! Let's go!" Dihu shouted loudly.

Everyone followed him and fled backwards, and soon reached the place where the big-nosed old man died, which was the statue of the ancestor.

The wooden men were in hot pursuit and kept chasing after them. The speed of the wooden men was obviously faster than theirs, and they were getting closer and closer now.

"I'll fight them! You all run away!" Dihu shouted fiercely.

"Senior brother!" "Senior brother!"... All the junior brothers and sisters obviously did not understand what Dihu meant.

How can you fight against so many wooden people by yourself!

"Run! Run!" Dihu shouted crazily again.

Seeing how crazy his screams were, everyone immediately fled in all directions. Dihu indeed went straight to the statue of the Patriarch. On his back, the light and shadow of a tiger appeared.

Immediately afterwards, I heard him roar, "Corporal Xiaolinmen, you can kill but not humiliate!"


Good guy, as soon as he finished his voice, the light and shadow of the tiger behind him immediately rushed towards the statue of the ancestor.


The tiger's light and shadow hit the statue heavily, and the statue remained motionless. However, Dihu seemed to have expected this. He turned around and flew towards the wooden figures.

"Swish, brush, brush..." "Brush, brush, brush..."...

The peach wood swords in the hands of the dozen or so wooden men at the front shot towards the earth tiger one after another.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"...

In just a moment, Dihu's body was penetrated by more than a dozen peach wood swords.

Almost at the same time, more than sixty sword shadows suddenly appeared around the statue of the Patriarch, shooting towards the Earth Tiger.

However, the earth tiger was already lying on the ground, and those wooden people who were particularly close to the earth tiger were in bad luck.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"...

Although Zhang Yu and Lei Zhengyang's tricks were useless against these wooden men, the sword shadows that appeared out of thin air were obviously different. The wooden man who was stabbed by the sword shadow was immediately smashed into pieces.

In other words, these wooden figures are inanimate objects. Otherwise, they would probably have to complain on the spot. What kind of trick is this? Can it be summoned with life?

In the blink of an eye, most of the wooden man was killed by the sword shadow.

"Senior Brother!" "Second Senior Brother!" "Second Senior Brother!"... Feng Hu, Lei Hu, and Guan Ying all exclaimed as they saw Dihu destroying most of the wooden men at the cost of his own life. Although Zhenjun Xiaolin's purpose in teaching his disciples has always been to bleed without shedding tears, at this moment, tears flowed from many people's eyes.

After all, the wooden man is lifeless. He just acts according to the instructions of the piano, and his goal is to kill people. The remaining wooden men immediately started looking for the target again.

At this time, a man in black robe also shouted, "Let me do it this time! Corporal Xiaolinmen, you can kill but not humiliate!"

After he said this, he punched a token from the cuff of his right hand. Naturally, this token was not aimed at the wooden man, but at the statue of the ancestor. Not only that, a tiger's light and shadow now appeared on this guy's body, and the light and shadow all rushed towards the remaining wooden man.

Although the wooden man is powerful, he really has no IQ. When he saw the man in black robe rushing forward, he just flicked his sword and stabbed the man in black robe.


The man in black robe screamed and fell into a pool of blood.

The token played by the man in black robe naturally hit the statue of the Patriarch firmly.

The statue obviously felt that it had been insulted, and without any surprise, it showed more than sixty sword shadows and shot them in the direction of the black-robed man.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"...

Every single one of the remaining statues was destroyed by the sword shadow on the spot, and scattered on the ground in pieces.

"Junior brother!" "Junior brother!" "Junior brother!"...

The remaining disciples felt sad when they saw the man in black robe desperately killing the remaining wooden men.

But at this moment, they seemed to have discovered a new continent. Guan Ying immediately said: "Tell Master this secret quickly!"

They immediately ran towards Zhenjun Xiaolin. As they ran, they shouted excitedly: "Master! That statue can kill wooden people!" "Master, that statue can kill all wooden people!"...

Zhenjun Xiaolin had just been injured, and his magic weapon could not do anything to the wooden man, so he could only stay with Zhang Yu and resist.

Now when he heard the shouts of his disciples, Zhenjun Xiaolin quickly said: "Let's go!"

Zhang Yu kept urging the Bafang Tianxingpan to do useless work, which consumed a lot of his true energy. After hearing the shouting, he was also excited, turned around and ran behind Zhenjun Xiaolin.

Lei Zhengyang and the others are working together to resist the giant rat, but they can barely block it and cannot kill it at all. Hearing the shouts, the four of them just looked at each other and turned around and ran away.

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