Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5052 Double attack

The people who suddenly attacked True Lord Bairi were naturally the disciples of True Lord Xiaolin.

They had been hiding behind the giant sword, listening to what was going on in front. They also heard that the master was not fighting against Lei Zhengyang and others, but Zhenjun Bairi was really here.

Obviously, the master was no match for Zhenjun Xiao Lin. In this case, they decided to follow the master's request and go around from the other side of the giant stone sword to launch an attack.

After all, everyone understands the principle that no eggs are left intact when the nest is overturned.

They formed a formation, and a series of magic weapons smashed over, hitting the dark clouds rising above Zhenri Bairi's head.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"...

Good guy, when these magic weapons hit the dark clouds, they made a muffled sound just like hitting rubber.

Immediately afterwards, these magic weapons were seen flying out in all directions.

On Bairi Zhenjun's lap, there is a small guqin. With a thought in his mind, the guqin immediately grew in size and lay across his legs.

He touched the strings in his hand, and beautiful music sounded immediately.

"Kill them all!" Lord Bai Ri shouted loudly.

At this moment, the wooden figures forming the Bagua array on both sides of True Lord Bairi immediately ran away, targeting Zhang Yu, True Lord Xiao Lin on one side and the disciples of True Lord Xiao Lin on the other side.

The wooden figures are extremely fast and arranged neatly. Driven by the sound of the piano, they look like fast-moving Bagua.

When Zhang Yu saw this, he didn't hesitate to activate the eight-way star board. The chess pieces were like raindrops, shooting towards the wooden figures coming towards him.

"Dang-dang-dang-dang..." "Dang-dang-dang-dang..." "Dang-dang-dang-dang..."...

A series of crisp sounds sounded, and when the chess piece hit the wooden man, it was like hitting a copper wall. Fortunately, the chess pieces can stop the wooden man's progress, otherwise, the wooden man would have already rushed forward at this time.

Seeing this, Zhenjun Xiaolin quickly said: "These things are not afraid of your eight-way star disk, they are afraid of fire! Keep your chess pieces to deal with that old immortal!"

After saying this, he immediately took off the gourd from his waist and shot out a fireball.


After the fireball was shot, it exploded and turned into a rain of fire, raining down on the wooden man below. But obviously, when the fire rain fell on the wooden body, it only caused a black smoke to rise from the wooden man's body, and did not do anything to the wooden man.

"Hahahaha..." Zhenjun Bairi's sinister laughter rang out again, and he said proudly: "It's not that easy to burn my wooden man. It's just a daydream!"

Lei Zhengyang and the four others could see clearly. At this time, the silver-robed old man whispered: "Zhengyang, Zhenjun Xiaolin is injured at the moment, and he probably won't last long. What do you think we should do now?"

Lei Zhengyang hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at the leading foreigner beside him, and said in a low voice: "You should have heard of the name of True Lord Bai Ri. After he kills True Lord Xiao Lin, he will come to kill us. ...What do you think..."

Naturally, the leading foreigner could also see this, and he immediately started discussing it in a foreign language with the guy holding the harpoon next to him.

The two of them only exchanged a few words before the leading foreigner said, "What we mean is to take advantage of the chaos. What about you?"

"So are we." Lei Zhengyang nodded and said.

They all understood that they could still take advantage of the fact that Lord Bai Ri's attention was on Zhang Yu and Lord Xiao Lin, so they would have a certain chance of succeeding. If they wait until True Lord Xiaolin and Zhang Yu are dead and face True Lord Bairi again, they will have almost no chance of winning. Just the wooden man controlled by Bai Rizhenjun is so powerful, how can he beat it when the time comes.

The four of them really have a tacit understanding, and they take action whenever they are told.

Behind the silver-robed old man, a ray of light and shadow of Qingluan immediately appeared, and behind Lei Zhengyang, a ball of flame emerged. In front of the leading foreigner, a cross of white light appeared. The man holding the harpoon also raised the harpoon, and a cloud of black smoke appeared above the tip of the harpoon.

"Brush!" "Huh!" "Huh!" "Brush!"

The four people took action together again, and the light and shadow of Qingluan behind the silver-robed old man suddenly rose into the air and rushed towards True Lord Bairi.

Lei Zhengyang raised his right hand and slashed forward. A blade wrapped in flames shot towards Bai Ri Zhenjun.

The white light cross in front of the leading foreigner also rushed towards Bai Ri Zhenjun. Harpoon The harpoon in the foreigner's hand waved lightly, and the black shadow was like a dark cloud, covering True Lord Bairi.

True Lord Bai Ri had seen the existence of these four people a long time ago, but he had never spoken to these four people. It was as if he had not seen these four people, and he also did not take action against them.

Of course, Zhenjun Bairi's idea is very simple. First, get rid of Zhenjun Xiaolin and others, and then deal with the others.

At this moment, the four men from Lei Zhengyang made a sneak attack first. Zhenjun Bairi was not without warning. In his opinion, it was already a little too late for these people to take action at this moment.

He just turned the wheelchair and faced Lei Zhengyang and the four others. An image of a mouse appeared directly on his body.

The dark clouds above him just rushed toward the black smoke and blocked it. The image of the mouse on his body was blocked in front of him.


With a loud noise, Qingluan's light and shadow hit the image of the mouse first. After two hits, Qingluan's light and shadow fell apart and dissipated.

Fortunately, Lei Zhengyang's flame knife came immediately and struck the image of the mouse heavily.


Good guy, this flame knife is really powerful, it actually split the image of the mouse into two pieces.

However, when the image of the mouse disappeared, the flame knife also disappeared.

Next, what rushes towards True Lord Bairi is the White Light Cross. Zhenjun Bairi turned his palm, and a gray-black rune appeared on his palm.

He followed up with a slap, "Bang!"

The gray-black rune palm print hit the white light cross, smashing the cross into pieces, and then continued to shoot towards the leading foreigner without losing momentum.

Seeing this, the foreigner quickly shouted: "Hallelujah!"

In front of him, a shadow of a Holy Light Angel with six wings immediately flashed out.


The rune palm print hit the shadow of the Holy Light Angel, causing the shadow to tremble and dim by half. The rune palm print also disappeared.

When the leading foreigner saw this, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

But at this juncture, the giant wooden rats on the left and right of True Lord Bai Ri started to move and rushed toward Lei Zhengyang and the others.

Before, Zhenjun Bairi only urged the wooden men to attack Zhenjun Xiaolin and others, but these giant wooden rats still stayed beside him.

This is not to say that Bai Ri Zhenjun specially reserved it for Lei Zhengyang and the others, but because in his opinion, the problem can be solved by just relying on the wood recognition, and there is no need to go up.

Now that Lei Zhengyang and the others were attacking him, Zhenjun Bairi simply urged the giant rats to deal with Lei Zhengyang and the others. Now that you have fallen out, there is no need to continue pretending not to see it.

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