Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5025 Killing

True Lord Xiao Lin led his people to continue walking forward. This time, many changes took place in the order of march.

Zhenjun Xiaolin and the big-nosed old Taoist walked at the front, followed by two yellow-robed men and two black-robed middle-aged Taoist priests, followed by eighteen golden men and those in white robes.

Zhang Yu, Zhu Jiuzhen, and Liang Daji were arranged in the middle. Behind the three of them were Feng Hu, Lei Hu, and two black-robed Taoist priests. See what this means. They deliberately asked people to stare at Zhang Yu. As for Liang Daji, he should also be suspected of being stared at.

If you are in this position, basically when you fight with others, you will definitely not be able to get up. Zhang Yu was also happy and free. Since I didn't need to take action, that was the best. Of course, even if he is placed in the front, once he encounters someone, Zhang Yu will conserve his strength and cannot really fight against him. Zhenjun Xiaolin obviously understood this level, so he made such arrangements to prevent Zhang Yu, Liang Daji, and Zhu Jiuzhen from running behind and directly disrupting his own position when he made a move.

If Zhang Yu dares to play tricks, the man in yellow robe standing behind him will definitely take action immediately.

They walked forward for some distance, and the surrounding scenery changed greatly.

The trees around were no longer in the shape of being chopped down, and many of them were burned to charcoal. Some trees were beaten to pieces.

"What's going on?" "Why can't you change the fever?" "Maybe you've been walking for too long and haven't gone out yet. You're already so angry."... When Zhenjun Xiaolin's men saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but started to discuss.

To be honest, they walked for a long time and never saw the end. The whole forest seemed to be endless. Fortunately, it didn't take too long for everyone to come down, and the two groups of people who came down before were almost a day away from them. If you still can't get out in the woods at the end of the day, it will really make people panic.

"Look! Then you seem to have someone!" At this time, the person walking on the right suddenly pointed to the bottom of a burned-out tree in front of the right.

Everyone looked together, and sure enough, there was a man in black robe lying next to the burned tree trunk that fell to the ground. Just by looking at the back, you can vaguely see that he looks like a person with black gloves.

"Let's go over and take a look." Zhenjun Xiaolin said directly.

He walked over first, and the big-nosed old man and others followed immediately. When Zhang Yu and the others came up from behind, they could barely make out the outline clearly through the cracks in the crowd.

The man in black robe had blond hair and was really a foreigner. He was lying on the ground, motionless.

Zhenjun Xiaolin did not take any action himself, but just made a gesture, and immediately a man in yellow robe came up and turned over. This time it was clear that the man in black robe was pale, and there were two blood holes on his body. The blood had condensed, and it looked like he had been injured for a long time.

The man in yellow robe made a simple examination and said: "Master, the foreigner's injury is not serious. His life is not in danger now. He just fainted."

"Wake him up." Zhenjun Xiaolin said.

The man in yellow robe immediately pinched the foreigner's man. After a while, the foreigner said "uh" and opened his eyes.

"Water...water..." the foreigner said after opening his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Zhenjun Xiaolin said carelessly.

"Water...water..." the foreigner said feebly in Mandarin this time.

"Since you can speak Chinese, what foreign language can you speak? Give him some water." Zhenjun Xiaolin said.

The man in yellow robe immediately took off the water hyacinth from his waist and fed the foreigner some water. Not to mention, after drinking water, the foreigner cheered up a little.

Zhenjun Xiaolin looked at the foreigner for a few times, and he had the impression that there seemed to be such a person among the people in black gloves. Zhenjun Xiaolin then said: "Why did you become like this? Where are your people?"

"We...we were attacked by trees...those trees were so powerful...we were scattered..." the foreigner said feebly in jerky Mandarin.

"What?" After hearing this, Zhenjun Xiaolin was obviously stunned for a moment, and said: "You said that the trees here will attack people. Why didn't we encounter them all the way down? Moreover, we also cut down many trees. ."

"When we first came here... these trees wouldn't attack people... Later we saw that the trees here all looked the same, as if they were all in the same place no matter how we walked... So we started cutting down the trees... After about half a day... we were continuing to cut down trees, and suddenly a tree attacked us... right in front..." the foreigner said weakly.

"Are all your people dead?" Zhenjun Xiaolin asked.

"I don't know... After those trees attacked, we were still together at first, but as the attacks from the trees became stronger and stronger, some of us gradually became exhausted, injured and fell down, and then everything became chaotic... everyone ran away... I, My body was pierced by leaves... After escaping here, people don't know anything..." the foreigner said.

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look around. The trees here had been burned, which was indeed different from before.

However, the trees here are all iron trees, which are somewhat different from ordinary trees. They are a bit like coconut trees. Everyone is in the same subject.

The so-called leaves, which are long willow branches, no matter how you look at them, you can't tell that they have any lethality.

But looking at the injuries on the foreigner's body, they didn't look fake. Everyone looked at each other. Some had doubts on their faces, some had nervousness on their faces, and some had fear on their faces.

Zhenjun Xiaolin looked very calm, as if he didn't take it seriously. He lowered his head and said, "Thank you for telling us this, I will give you a happy ending."

Then, he looked at the man in yellow robe beside him.

When the foreigner heard this, he was startled and said quickly: "You, you...can you help me..."

However, Zhenjun Xiaolin didn't need to say anything, the man in yellow robe gave the foreigner an answer.

The man in yellow robe slapped the foreigner's head with his palm. The foreigner made a "croak" sound, kicked his legs, and there was no more movement.

Zhenjun Xiaolin ignored the foreigner's body, glanced at the path ahead, and said, "You all wait for me here. I will take a look at it myself with the golden guards."

"Master, I'm going with you." "Master, I'm going with you." "Master, I'm going too." "Master, I'm going too." ... Upon hearing what he said, his disciples, They all said one after another.

"No need, just wait here. When it's your turn, I'll let you go. When you don't need it, just rest and don't make unnecessary sacrifices. We still have a long way to go, and there will be time for you to show your best. ." Zhenjun Xiaolin said carelessly.

"Yes, Master." "Yes, Master."...

After arranging the disciples, Zhenjun Xiaolin waved his hand, and the eighteen golden men took the lead in walking towards the path ahead. Zhenjun Xiaolin followed slowly, looking like he was taking a leisurely stroll, not taking the so-called potential danger seriously.

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