Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5024 Iron Forest

Zhang Yu looked at the woods below and couldn't help but mutter to himself, isn't this in the mountains? Why are there still trees?

This thought was fleeting, and he knocked down the wind talisman in his hand. With a "whoosh", the wind surged up from below, supporting his body and letting him fall slowly to the ground.

As soon as he got off, he could see the big-nosed old man who came down earlier and the four yellow-robed men waiting there. When they met each other, no one said anything. The four yellow-robed men just raised their heads and looked up. The big-nosed old man was still looking around, and Zhang Yu was also looking around.

There was a dim light above, no different from night. There were trees all around, with lush branches and leaves. It could be seen at a glance that these must be iron trees. The iron branches are lush and leafy, and they grow very tall. From this, it can be concluded that they are really old.

Zhang Yu walked to a tree and put his hand on the trunk. He could feel that the iron tree was alive and not a fake tree. What is not quite clear is that such a place does not seem to be suitable for plant growth, so how can there be so many iron trees. Also, if this was a formation, he really didn't feel the breath of the formation.

What exactly is going on is really hard to explain.

While he was checking the situation, Zhu Jiuzhen fell from above. He grabbed the cassock with both hands and fell steadily to the ground like a parachute. Other people also jumped down one after another.

There will naturally be no problem for people with good cultivation to come down. Even those who come down with something in their arms can still land safely. Even when the men in black came down, someone was responsible for holding them up to prevent them from falling to death here.

Zhenjun Xiaolin was the last one to come down. Before he came down, eighteen golden figures were knocked down first. Fortunately, no one was hurt. When Zhenjun Xiaolin came down, everyone shouted: "Master." "Master."...

Zhenjun Xiaolin nodded and said, "How is the situation here?"

A man in yellow robe immediately said: "Master, there are iron trees everywhere here, and you can't see the edge at a glance. According to the disciple's observation, these iron trees are real, and I can't see any formations in them. In this way, it seems to be true. Weird. Also, we didn’t see any of those people who came down earlier.”

"It's really unexpected that when you come down from the well, it's so cavernous. From this point of view, this shouldn't be a dead end. There is still a way out. If we find the real location where the treasure is hidden, we can leave here. Don't worry, everyone, there are good teachers here. , someone will solve your huge problem!" Zhenjun Xiaolin said confidently.

"With Master here, we are not afraid of anything!" "That's right! With Master here, we are not afraid of anything!" "Follow Master, we will definitely be able to find the treasure and leave here!"... The disciples of Zhenjun Xiao Lin said one after another.

When Zhang Yu saw this, he thought to himself, "But what kind of person is this Zhenjun Xiaolin? He treats his disciples really well."

Just like those men in black, just some minions, they have some cultivation, but they are not successful at all. Even so, when the men came down, they landed safely with the help of their fellow disciples.

Zhenjun Xiaolin looked around again and said: "We have just come down. We don't have to follow the compass to find the direction. Let's just walk around and see what the place is like."

Then, he took the lead and led everyone straight to the left.

Zhang Yu just waited and didn't pay much attention to whether Zhenjun Xiaolin took the wrong path. Just as Zhenjun Xiaolin said, you can't see anything when you first come in. Only after walking around for a while can you get a general idea.

There are iron trees everywhere here, especially the distance between trees. They are almost the same and can be measured with a caliper. In this way, it will inevitably give people the feeling that no matter how you walk, this place seems to have not moved.

Zhenjun Xiaolin could only walk about a hundred steps when his palm suddenly swiped, and five light blades went straight to an iron tree next to him.

The sound of "crack, creak, creak" immediately sounded, and the trunks of the iron tree broke off and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. At first, they thought that the trees here could not be destroyed, but they did not expect that they were chopped off by Zhenjun Xiao Lin so easily.

Zhenjun Xiaolin obviously did not expect it to be so easy. He immediately smiled and said: "Since the trees here can be cut down, then don't be idle. When you see the nearby trees, start cutting them down for me!"

"Yes, Master." "Yes, Master."...

They can also understand some of the master's intentions. After all, the trees are all the same, and they don't know if there is anything mysterious here, or if they have always stayed in place. It seems better to cut down all the trees and leave marks.

Everyone took action one after another and showed off their magical weapons. As long as they saw the trees, they showed no mercy.

After walking all the way down for more than 20 minutes, I didn't know how many trees were cut down.

But as we walked further, the scene in front of us suddenly changed. It was no longer a forest with lush branches and leaves. As far as the eye could see, there were all broken trees.

"Eh?" "What's going on?" "Could it be that we are walking back again." "No, we have been walking forward before."... When everyone saw the broken trees on the ground, All shocked.

True Lord Xiao Lin was still calm and just said: "Don't be anxious. I cut the first tree, and it must be different from yours. First, take a look at the tree I cut down. You all should also take a look at the other broken trees. Are the trees made by you?"

After saying that, he walked to the right.

The tree he chopped down before was indeed on the right side, but after looking at it, he couldn't find it.

Immediately afterwards, someone said: "These trees don't seem to have been cut down by us." "It doesn't look like it." "It really doesn't look like it." "Look, some of the tree trunks here still have burnt marks on them."… …

Zhang Yu never made a move, he just followed and looked at everything around him. Now he also looked at it, it really looked like this, the cuts on the trees and so on, it seemed that it was really different from the disciples of Zhenjun Xiaolin.

After confirming this, someone said: "Master, could this be the work of the other two families?"

"There is a possibility. Since they are very likely to be in front of us, let's go along this road. Listen to me. If we meet again and they are two families together, don't do anything. Be careful. Just be on guard. If they are just a group of people, just listen to my orders. As long as I strike first, you will follow and kill them all!" Zhenjun Xiaolin said coldly.

"Yes, Master." "Yes, Master."...

When Zhang Yu heard this, he secretly asked, why are you so anxious this time?

But he quickly realized that he was facing a trap earlier and the trap hadn't been broken yet, so Lord Xiao Lin didn't take action. This time, Zhenjun Xiaolin already knew the details of his opponent, and he was probably worried that once he encountered the treasure, he would have to face the Black Gloves and Lei Zhengyang families again, which would be even more troublesome. The best way is to take a preemptive strike and deal with the whole family.

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