Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5020 The Well of No Return

Seeing that Lei Zhengyang and the leading foreigner did not dare to beep any more, Zhenjun Xiaolin had a look of disdain on his face.

He raised his palm again and used the round light technique to examine it. But soon, he frowned slightly.

Others didn't know why he frowned. If Zhang Yu, who was still standing at the door of the stone room in front, saw it, they would only know why.

Because of the situation in the stone room, Zhang Yu had already taken a general look. The boxes had been pried open by the golden guards. Unfortunately, the things inside did not seem to be what Zhenjun Xiao Lin needed.

The items contained in all the boxes looked the same. A golden guard grabbed the items, and they all looked like shells. These objects were already covered with patina. Zhang Yu didn't know what they were. It was the first time in his life that he had seen them.

After a while, six golden guards filed out. They held golden sticks in their right hands and spread out their left hands, carrying shells full of patina and walked towards True Lord Xiao Lin.

When everyone saw the golden guards coming out, their eyes were fixed on their hands. Many people seemed to have never seen this thing before, and they all murmured curiously, "What is this?" "Never seen it before." "I don't know. "...

Of course, not everyone has seen it before. Someone quickly recognized it and muttered: "It seems to be a copper shell."

"What is a copper shell?" someone asked immediately.

"Copper shells are the earliest currency. They are said to have been used in the Shang Dynasty. Until the Zhou Dynasty, copper shells were also used." People who know copper shells immediately explained.

Many people were stunned when they heard this. Since the currency of the Shang and Zhou dynasties appeared in this place, doesn't it mean that this place is probably an ancient tomb of that era.

The golden guard came to True Lord Xiao Lin with the copper shell in his hands. True Lord Xiao Lin looked at it and found that these things were basically the same and there was no difference. He then reached out and picked up a piece of copper shell, as if he wanted to see if there was any spiritual energy or something on it.

After checking it, he shook his head in disappointment, threw away the copper shells, and said, "There are all copper shells from the Shang and Zhou dynasties inside. If anyone is interested, please go in and get them."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked towards the stone room.

Others didn't dare to go inside first, but he didn't care about that. After all, he knew in his heart that no one dared to sneak attack him.

The big-nosed old man and others also followed. Zhang Yu was not in a hurry to go in. He waited for them to go in first. After Agou and Guan Ying came over, he picked Agou up and looked at each other with Guan Ying before leaving. Enter the stone chamber.

As Zhang Yu had seen before, the stone chamber was roughly 200 square meters in size. There were more than a dozen opened boxes around it. In the middle of the stone chamber, there was an ancient well. On top of the wellhead, a large stone was pressed down to block the wellhead.

After everyone went in, they had to first check out the surrounding boxes before going to the ancient well. Zhenjun Xiaolin went straight to the ancient well, and Big Nose Lao Dao, Zhu Jiuzhen, Liang Daji, Zhang Yu, the yellow-robed man, and the black-robed Taoist priest also went to the ancient well first.

When we came to the ancient well, we could clearly see the stone pressing on it. There were two words written on the stone - Wugui.

Of course, the characters are ancient characters and not many people can recognize them, but a great expert like Zhenjun Xiaolin can naturally recognize them at a glance. It can be said that the job of fighting upside down is not something ordinary people can do. At least one must be proficient in history and writing. A true master of fighting can be called half a master of traditional Chinese culture.

Lei Zhengyang and the people on both sides of Black Glove also came in one after another. The stone chamber is only so big in total, and most of the black-clothed men under Zhenjun Xiaolin cannot get up. Otherwise, there would be no room for so many people.

After they came in, because there were too many people at the ancient well, they could only go to the surrounding area to watch. Seeing that the boxes were all filled with copper shells and nothing else, I couldn't help but feel waning.

Zhenjun Xiaolin stood beside the ancient well for a while and said, "Let's go out first."

He saves trouble and leads his men in first and then out first. Lei Zhengyang and the men in black gloves were waiting for them to go out. They also looked at the ancient well and did not dare to move, and then walked out.

After they went out, Zhenjun Xiaolin immediately urged two golden guards to enter the stone chamber. The golden guards took action and lifted up the big stone pressing on the well mouth and put it aside.

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was nothing unusual, Zhenjun Xiaolin took people into the stone chamber again and observed the ancient well. Black Gloves and the people from Lei Zhengyang also followed in, just watching from the sidelines.

The mouth of the ancient well is generally large enough for three people to jump down at the same time. Under the ancient well, it was pitch black and it was impossible to see the bottom. The big-nosed old man showed a piece of talisman paper, lit it, and threw it away.

With a "pop" sound, the talisman turned into a fireball and entered the well. But the fire quickly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the big-nosed old man couldn't help but said: "How deep is it down here..."

"I can't tell, but I feel like it could be an abyss. Of course, it could also be a formation, but I just didn't feel the breath of the formation." Zhenjun Xiaolin said.

"Lao San, tell me what we should do next? Do we want to go down?" said the big-nosed old man.

"This..." Zhenjun Xiaolin hesitated for a moment and said, "Go out and take a look first to see if there is an escape route."

Then, he swaggered out again.

The two coming in and two coming out are quite imposing, and they seem to be domineering.

Other people followed them out one after another. Even though Zhenjun Xiaolin said he wanted to check if there was an escape route, he had no intention of leaving immediately. He came to the place where the men in black were lying on the ground. Only one-third of the men were still alive.

Zhenjun Xiaolin didn't seem to be in a hurry, and immediately gave orders to cook on the spot and eat noodles with soybean paste.

The men in black were the most seriously injured, and it seemed a bit unreliable to expect them to work. This time, it was all operated by the black-robed disciples. Anyway, the next noodle did not have much technical content.

The people in black gloves and Lei Zhengyang's side couldn't help but frown when they saw Zhenjun Xiaolin actually setting up a fire for cooking. Soon, they felt a little hungry.

When they came down, they also brought food rations, but not much. Many people died on the way, and the rations naturally decreased. Especially these masters, they don't have the habit of carrying food. Now, they really have to eat and drink.

Those who want to snatch Zhenjun Xiaolin are kidding. If they don't grab it, it's obvious that Zhenjun Xiaolin has no intention of giving them food and water.

After a while, the noodles were ready, and Zhenjun Xiaolin led the people to line up to serve the noodles. Ordinary fried noodles are probably not rare to many people. But in a place like this, seeing the noodles and smelling the fragrant meat sauce, egg sauce, and sesame sauce quickly made many people salivate.

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