Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5019 Please come first

Many people present were shocked when they saw Zhang Yu suddenly kneeling on the ground. But someone soon realized, "He wants to open the mechanism by kneeling down!" "It can't be that easy." "Can it be done this way?"...

Zhang Yu didn't care about that. Now Guangfeng's body was really painful. Even if it was impossible to kill him right away, he couldn't keep blowing like this without protection.

Zhang Yu immediately took a step forward on his knees, followed by kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times.

As Zhenjun Xiaolin said before, Taoism does not have the number ninety-nine. The only thing it has is ninety-nine and eighty-one, but it is not a formation. According to Taoist records, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one transformations of Lao Tzu, and there is another one, which is the great ceremony of kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times.

Kneeling three times and knocking nine times, knocking nine times and eighty-one times, this is definitely the greatest Taoist etiquette. It's just that this etiquette has now been abolished, because the Commissioner's Office requires that all red tape be simplified. With the requirements of the Office, not to mention Taoism, any family must simplify the complex, just like funerals and burning paper are not allowed. At best, they can only open their eyes and close their eyes.

Zhang Yu knelt down and said silently in his heart: "Master Patriarch, my disciple Zhang Yu has come to see you..."

Of course he didn't dare to say that he had seen the Taoist priest on the stone wall, and that it was in his own Taoist temple. In that case, God knows how much trouble it would cause to Wudang Taoist temple.

Therefore, he could only say it in his heart.

The wind force did not weaken at all during the ceremony of kneeling and worshiping. After a while, Zhang Yu followed the etiquette and came to the foot of the stone wall and completed the last kowtow.

Strangely enough, after he completed the ninety-nine and eighty-one kowtows, the strong wind in the stone room suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a "click-click" sound was heard.

Zhang Yu was still kneeling on the spot. He raised his head and saw that the stone wall where the Taoist priest, Taoist boy, and big buffalo were was slowly moving downwards.

Seeing Shibi react and the wind stop, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

The big-nosed old Taoist said angrily: "Infinite Heavenly Lord... It seems that my Taoist etiquette cannot be lost... It depends on Zhang Yu's quick reaction, otherwise, we will all be buried here..."

Zhenjun Xiaolin nodded slightly and said, "This boy is quite clever. It seems that I brought him here just in case. It is indeed true."

"Oh my god..." "It's finally over..." "Help me..." "Huh... it's okay..."... Many people behind were lying on the ground or sitting on the ground. , now finally got up from the ground one by one.

However, most people who climb up are wearing black robes, white robes, and other experts on both sides. For example, more than half of the men in black brought by True Lord Xiao Lin could not get up. Many people's clothes were torn to pieces, their bodies were bloody, their faces were also bloody, and they had already lost their lives.

I'm afraid they are not dead, they all look the same, they all look like ghosts.

Not many people would pay attention to the situation of these people. The eyes of those who got up from the ground were focused on the stone wall in front. Seeing the stone wall lowering lower and lower, the door behind was finally revealed.

It was pitch dark inside the portal, but fortunately it was very bright here, so I could roughly see what was going on at the entrance. There was nothing at the entrance, but Zhenjun Xiaolin still remained cautious. With a finger, six golden men took the lead and walked inside.

When Black Gloves, Lei Zhengyang, and the silver-robed old man saw this, they originally wanted to send someone in to check, but after hesitation, they decided to give up. There aren't many of them left, and God knows what they might encounter if they venture in. The mechanisms here are already very difficult. If Zhang Yu hadn't thought of knocking on the ninety-nine eighty-one, everyone would have been trapped here.

After the six golden men entered, Zhenjun Xiaolin opened his palms and used the round light technique to check the situation inside.

"Bang bang bang..." "Bang bang bang..."...

Soon, the sound of banging could be heard in the stone chamber inside. The sound was not loud, but many people present were experts, so how could they not hear it.

Especially Zhang Yu, who just stood up from the portal, relying on the light from the golden man, he could completely see what was going on inside.

There is also a stone chamber inside. The area of ​​the stone chamber is not particularly large, less than 200 square meters. Inside, there seems to be a well and a dozen boxes. The golden man who entered had already used the golden stick in his hand to smash the lock on the box and broke the lock down. Seeing what that meant, I then opened the box to see what was inside.

Lei Zhengyang took a step forward at this moment, turned to look at Zhenjun Xiaolin, and said: "Zhenjun, we are all in the same boat now. There is no reason to say what is in it, it all belongs to you alone. Isn't it, all of us? You should also go in and take a look."

Although the foreigner led by Black Glove had previously said that he only wanted to leave here, he had no intention of snatching the treasure from True Lord Xiao Lin. But that's what he said. Seeing Lei Zhengyang speak now, he also took a step forward and said: "What this gentleman said is absolutely right. Although we just want to leave here, we have no intention of fighting these things." Thoughts, but now that I’ve come, I have to open my eyes and see the world. I can’t really come here in vain.”

He could also see that Zhenjun Xiao Lin was afraid of their joining forces with Lei Zhengyang. At this time, if you want to survive, you must first get close to Lei Zhengyang and become one with him. Otherwise, there is really only a dead end.

True Lord Xiao Lin put down his hand, smiled slightly, and said, "Since you all want to go in, please go ahead."

After saying this, he directly made a gesture of invitation.

Lei Zhengyang immediately smiled, made an invitation gesture towards True Lord Xiaolin, and said: "Two True Lords, please go first."

"Yes, please go first." The leading foreigner also quickly made a gesture of invitation.

"Aren't you anxious to go in and take a look? I'm not in a hurry. You please go first." Zhenjun Xiaolin said carelessly.

As he spoke, there was a sound of "clang, bang, bang, bang" coming from the stone room.

Obviously, although he was talking to the other party, the golden man was not idle and was still working according to his wishes.

As for Zhenjun Xiaolin's words, Lei Zhengyang and the leading foreigner were frozen in place on the spot.

Everyone knows how powerful True Lord Xiao Lin is. If you move forward openly, you may be attacked by True Lord Xiao Lin. It would be too embarrassing to face True Lord Xiao Lin and retreat into the door.

Lei Zhengyang thought about it for a while, then said with a smile: "Since Zhenjun is not in a hurry to go in, then I won't be in a hurry either."

The foreigner also understood the reason, and the person holding the harpoon had made it very clear about the strength of True Lord Xiao Lin. Who dared to directly face the blow of True Lord Xiao Lin. So, he simply spread out his hands, took it out and said as if it didn't matter, "Since you are not in a hurry to go in, then I won't be in a hurry to go in."

No matter what, if you, Zhenjun Xiaolin, don't go in, we won't be the first to go in. You guys are stalling like this for now. Anyway, we are not out of danger yet, so we are not in a hurry to fight you.

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