Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5008 Reminder

"What you said reminded me." Zhenjun Xiaolin turned around and took it straight from the entrance of the cave, saying: "Two one, two two."

Immediately, two men in black robes came over, bowed and said, "Master." "Master."

"You two take six people out, fill in the hole for me, and then go down the mountain and wait for my news." Zhenjun Xiaolin said carelessly.

"Master, we're afraid we can't fill it out properly." A man in black robes said quickly.

He had heard Liang Daji say before that filling pits was also a technical job. It was not that he had never done this before, but compared with professionals, there was still a gap.

"Just fill it carefully and use some snacks. By the way, fill in the hole we dug before," said Zhenjun Xiaolin.

"Yes, Master." The man in black robe nodded in agreement.

Zhenjun Xiaolin waved his hand and said, "Go quickly."

Two men in black robes immediately led six men in black and rushed towards the entrance carrying four shovels.

This time Zhenjun Xiao Lin didn’t need to say anything, everyone understood the reason. Since someone else has already come in to this place, God knows if anyone else will come in again. With such an obvious big pit, when people arrive later, they will definitely go into the pit to check it out immediately. How can the path that I have explored easily be understood by others? If I followed it, wouldn't this be causing trouble for myself?

In this way, the man in yellow robe had an answer to his previous question.

Seeing the six people leaving, Zhang Yu said smoothly: "Senior, if you look at it this way, the hole here and the previous hole should have been filled by one person."

"Basically, it's like this..." When Zhenjun Xiaolin said this, he looked specifically at Liang Daji.

Liang Daji nodded directly and said: "Yes, it is indeed written by the same person. Not only that, it is basically the same time period."

The big-nosed old man said angrily: "In this way, it was at least two months ago that these people broke through the mechanism here and continued to move forward. Judging from the size of the hole previously dug at the entrance of the cave, the food they brought in There shouldn't be many, and they haven't come back for so long. It seems that they either died inside, or they found the treasure here and left here through another exit."

"That's the theory. Let's go and see with our own eyes whether they died here or took their things away." Zhenjun Xiaolin said.

After saying that, he turned around, waved his hand, and walked forward.

In front is the passage left after the stone wall was separated. There are eighteen golden people walking in the front, which is quite reassuring.

After passing the thick stone wall, there is another stone chamber in front. There is nothing in the stone chamber, but there is a step down not far from the opposite side.

The steps went down in the opposite direction, so Lord Xiao Lin still let the eighteen golden men go down first, and the others followed. After going down, another stone chamber appeared in front of me. This stone chamber was in a mess. You could see pottery, bones, and weapons scattered on the ground.

"There seems to have been a battle here." "Yes, it looks very tragic." "There are a lot of clay and fragmented bones. Could it be that there were originally pottery figurines here, and these pottery figurines started fighting with the people who came in earlier. "I think it's very possible."... The disciples of Zhenjun Xiao Lin couldn't help but murmur in low voices.

Their guesses actually coincided with Zhang Yu's guesses, especially since Zhang Yu had fought with pottery figurines in the ancient tomb of King Wuling of Zhao and knew how powerful these things were. Of course, that was because Zhang Yu's cultivation was limited at that time. If it were Zhang Yu now, he would definitely not take those pottery figurines seriously. I just don’t know how strong the pottery figurines here are.

True Lord Xiao Lin urged the eighteen golden men to continue walking forward, but this time they walked very slowly. True Lord Xiao Lin was also looking around, as if he was looking for something.

Soon, he found the target and walked quickly diagonally forward. When everyone saw him going that way, they all reacted and realized what Zhenjun Xiaolin was looking for.

Just diagonally in front, there was a corpse lying. Apart from the burnt corpse, there was no normal corpse. Everyone followed True Lord Xiao Lin to the corpse. Without looking carefully, they could see a rusty long sword and a long sword stuck on the corpse.

However, it is obviously impossible to see the appearance of the corpse. The corpse has decomposed and its appearance cannot be seen at all. At best, it can be seen that the figure is medium in height and quite strong.

Zhenjun Xiaolin then ordered to search for corpses in the stone chamber. Not many corpses were found, only five in total. Moreover, no magic weapon was found.

The corpses were all killed by rusty weapons. There were only two styles of weapons, one was a bronze sword and the other was a long sword. Apart from these two, there is nothing else. Judging from the amount of clay and scattered bones on the ground, it is not difficult to tell that the person who designed this place obviously made pottery figurines from living people and formed a certain formation. Once anyone breaks in, they will kill them without mercy. The people who had no choice but to break in were too strong, so they killed the pottery figurines here.

By leaving traces, nothing special can be seen. After all, not even the magic weapon was left behind.

Directly opposite them, there was a portal, led by eighteen golden men, and everyone passed through the portal.

As soon as they entered, everyone could smell the smell of blood and putrefaction. This smell was simply nauseating. Not only that, the ground was also covered with blood and pieces of rotten flesh, and the scattered bones were also stained with blood. From this alone, it can be seen that these are not the bones from the previous pottery figurines, but the ones left by living people. It looked like it had been ground in a meat grinder before death.

Apart from these, nothing else was seen in the stone room, only the stone wall directly in front was open. This appearance is similar to the stone chamber where the scorched corpse was left.

Under the leadership of the Eighteen Golden Men, they slowly walked towards the open stone wall. When you get close to the stone wall, you can see clearly that there are pieces of golden Bagua mirror inlaid on the stone wall. In addition, standing here as a human being gives people a chilling feeling. It's already cold in the mountains, but it's especially cold here.

"It seems that there is another mechanism on top of this stone wall. They probably didn't understand it when they first came in, resulting in heavy casualties. But now that the stone wall is open, the mechanism should have been broken through." Zhu Jiuzhen said.

"The group of people who came down are indeed quite capable. They actually broke through so many traps one after another. This is good. It saves us a lot of trouble. We only need to follow the path forward." Zhenjun Xiaolin said calmly.

Even as he said this, there was still a trace of worry on his face. Of course, his worry was not about how powerful the other party was, but that he was worried that the other party had broken through all the mechanisms and had taken away the treasure here.

You know, the more powerful this mechanism is, the more precious the things hidden under it are.

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