Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5007 Safe Channel

In fact, the time it took for everyone to come down was not short, but they did not encounter any danger. If we talk about the work, it was Liang Daji, and there was also a big-nosed old man who broke a formation.

Seeing what Liang Daji said, Zhenjun Xiaolin nodded and said, "That's fine, just rest where you are for two hours. By the way, prepare something to eat. Let's eat fried soybean noodles!"

At this moment, everyone began to rest on the spot. There are men in black clothes who are responsible for the work and are very orderly.

They brought a lot of things, many of them food, water, pots and pans, tables, chopping boards and so on.

The fire was quickly lit. Some people were responsible for boiling water, some were responsible for cooking noodles, and some were responsible for cutting cucumber shreds. After a lot of work, everything was ready, and then there was a queue to serve noodles.

Even though Zhenjun Xiaolin is the master, the most decisive thing here is that he actually lined up in person, but he was second in line, and the first one was given to the big-nosed old man. The other people queued up one after another in an orderly manner.

I have to say that even though I was eating ordinary fried noodles, the preparation was very good. Meat sauce, egg sauce, sesame sauce, and garlic sauce are all available. Zhang Yu saw it and couldn't help but secretly said that he was eating so orderly when he came out to fight. If he didn't know, he would have thought he was a professional archaeologist.

When the others were serving the noodles, they didn't say much. They just put whatever sauce they liked on the noodles. Like a big-nosed old man, he ate egg sauce and sesame sauce, and also spared two cucumbers and green onions.

But when Zhu Jiu arrived, he said, "Can you order me some more noodles?"

The man in black who was responsible for serving the noodles said, "Uncle Twelve, you don't have room to put this plate, so why can I serve it to you again?"

"Then you can't give me another plate." Zhu Jiuzhen said.

As soon as he said this, Zhenjun Xiaolin, who was sitting down to eat noodles, scolded him angrily: "Eat, eat, eat! You only know how to eat in a day! You really think you are a pig!"

Zhu Jiu was really afraid of him. When he heard this, he didn't dare to say anything. He quickly poured half a bowl of meat sauce and ran over to eat noodles.

This time when eating noodles, Agou didn't get much treatment. Presumably it was Zhenjun Xiaolin who was sitting here, and Guan Ying didn't dare to take care of him.

Everyone ate up the noodles quickly, some sitting, some lying down, resting on the spot.

There are also people who want convenience, whether they are men or women, they run to the wall, and everyone is cautious.

A two-hour break may not be too short under normal circumstances. But here, two hours passed by in an instant.

Zhenjun Xiaolin obviously had a good sense of time. As soon as the time came, he stood up and said loudly: "Daji, get some rest and start working!"

Liang Daji was already lying on the ground and fell asleep. When he heard the shouting, he quickly got up. Like Zhu Jiuzhen, he almost didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of Zhenjun Xiaolin. He immediately ran to the Xuanzi Gate, jumped into the hole originally dug, and continued digging.

As Liang Daji said, this place was once dug through. After digging for a while, he heard a "crack" sound, and a stone slab was broken into pieces by him.

Then, Liang Daji said: "Third Uncle, just like last time, after digging out the blocking stone slab, it was all empty."

"You come back first!" Zhenjun Xiaolin said.

Liang Daji immediately returned to the top, and Zhenjun Xiaolin then ordered six Jin men to go over first to explore the way. Even he himself followed the Jin men down to the pit.

Seeing Lord Xiaolin doing it himself, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel a little emotional. No wonder the corporals of Xiaolin were not afraid of death. Being a master really had a certain influence on this.

To a certain extent, the master does not want his apprentice to lose his life for no reason because of exploring the road, but he also wants to coordinate the overall situation, so sometimes he sets an example from the front, and sometimes he also directs from behind. But no matter how you do it, it's pretty good.

Everyone was waiting outside the pit, and it took a long time this time. After a long time, the voice of Zhenjun Xiaolin came out, "Daqi, please widen the hole below for me to make it easier for everyone to move things here."

"Okay." Liang Daji quickly agreed.

He went down and continued working. When the work was finished, the big guys followed the passage and got in one after another.

Zhang Yu was in a relatively front position, and he had always been curious about what the tunnel was like this time. This time, after climbing down the tunnel below, you have to go more than 20 meters before you reach the entrance to the cave.

After going up, there is still a corridor, which is illuminated by luminous pearls. You can clearly see that about ten meters further, there are steps going down. Six golden men stood on both sides of the steps, really like guards. Zhang Yu knew in his heart that this golden guard was not just for exploring paths, but could also form very powerful formations. In addition, the golden guard itself was not a physical body, so its ability to resist attacks must be strong, and even ordinary masters would not be able to shake it.

When everyone came over one after another, Zhenjun Xiaolin ordered the eighteen golden guards to open the way. He walked behind the golden guards, and the others followed. Walking down the steps, you came to a larger stone room in a short time.

Looking around, it is not difficult to see that there are dozens of corpses lying in the stone room. The bodies of these corpses are all burnt and pitch black.

After walking forward for a while, we could see more clearly that the stone wall in front of us was separated, revealing a passage. Not only that, the stone wall is also very strange. There are actually copper Bagua mirrors inlaid on it.

Look at the amount, the Bagua Mirror costs at least one hundred and eighty yuan. However, because the stone walls are separated, the whole picture cannot be seen clearly. But Zhang Yu had a feeling that the Bagua Mirror should be arranged into some kind of formation, but it was broken open by someone.

Zhang Yu glanced at the charred corpses on the ground again, and he could almost conclude that these people should have died under the Bagua Mirror. Immediately, Zhang Yu thought of what Zhenjun Xiao Lin had said before, that even at the Dizi Gate, he saw many burnt corpses.

In this way, the formations on both sides should be the same.

Of course, Zhang Yu was not the only one who saw the problem. Zhu Jiuzhen said: "Third brother, if you look at it this way, there should be a powerful formation on the stone wall, which killed many people who came in. But the formation was still used by others. Break it open, break through the people here, and continue to move forward. Could it be because the people here are not dead, or for other reasons, that is why the stone door outside is closed and not opened. "

"Of course it is." All the big-nosed old men praised him and said, "It seems that the third child has more options. If we go in from another door, we might really have to face a powerful formation, which will hurt us. It’s inevitable to say it again. This time, it’s really easy to come here without losing any blood.”

Everyone nodded immediately. It was indeed true. If the formation was broken here, there might really be some casualties. People like Zhenjun Xiao Lin first use the golden guard method to explore the path and then choose the safest path in one go.

However, the man in yellow robe suddenly said: "Master, but... there seems to be something wrong here... Since the opponent has already broken the formation, why should they fill in the hole... It doesn't make sense..."

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